Friendships Pt 2

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Lunchtime Cherry Jr's P.O.V:

I walked around the tables outside looking for a place to sit when he notices Firey Jr calling out to me.

Firey Jr: Hey Cherry Jr! Over here!

I go over to see him and once I sat down I noticed Rocky and some other kids sitting at the table too, a tuft of grass and a pair of cherries. I place my lunchbox down while Firey Jr introduces everyone.

Firey Jr: Cherry Jr, these are my buddies. Grassy..

Grassy: I'm Grassy!

Firey Jr: Rocky...

Rocky: Booleh.

Firey Jr: And the cherry twins, Cherries. This actually makes me wonder if you three have a relation.

Twin Cherries: I doubt it. Look at the newbie, he's a wild black cherry. We're maraschino cherries. Mm-hm.

Cherry Jr: Nice meeting you guys.

After the greetings I opened my lunchbox, inside is a sandwich made with lettuce, cheese tomatoes and bell peppers, a juice box, some tiny carrots and a little cup of ranch to dip them in.

Firey Jr: Not a bad set up, your parents make all that?

Cherry Jr: I'm an orphan.

Firey Jr: Oh....

Cherry Jr: I have a guardian though, he made this.

Twin Cherries: We're orphans too! We live at Hotel OJ with him looking after us.

Grassy: Grassy lives with Basketball!

Firey Jr: And Rocky here is raised by Mr. Balloony and Cloudy, while I'm the only one who has his parents. Anyway, who's looking out for ya?

Cherry Jr: I'm not sure if I'm supposed to mention him by name... when we met he was being hunted for.

Firey Jr: Well Gelatin said my mom was hunted for before but I don't believe it. C'mon we'll keep a secret.

Cherry Jr: Well alight, I live with Black Hole. 

After I said Black Hole's name the whole group was stunned silent. I probably shouldn't have said that, they might not believe me.

Firey Jr: Seriously? Black Hole is the one taking you under his wing?? 

I nod nervously while also confused that Firey Jr seems to know him.

Firey Jr: That's... so cool!

Cherry Jr: Really? 

Twin Cherries: Well yeah, we've met him before. He's a cool guy.

Grassy: He saved Grassy from a bad man!

Rocky: *squeak*

I smiled happily as we ate lunch and talked together, eventually school was over. I walk outside with my new friends who each get picked up one by one until it was just me and Firey Jr.

Female voice: JUNIOR!

Firey Jr: Hi Mom!

A leaf approaches us followed by another flame, Firey Jr runs up to them and the three of them share a family hug. Black Hole then showed up.

Black Hole: Have a good day kid?

Cherry Jr: Uh-huh uh-huh! I made five new friends! One of them is right there with his parents.

Firey Jr's Mom: Oh hey Black Hole!

Black Hole: Hey Leafy, Hi Firey.

Firey: What are you doing here?

Black Hole: Picking up Cherry Jr, he's an orphan I took in. Say hi.

Cherry Jr: Hi!

Leafy: Omz he's so cute!!

Firey Jr: He's a junior just like me!

Firey: Yes he is. C'mon son let's go home.

Firey Jr: See you tomorrow fellow Jr!

Cherry Jr: You too!

Black Hole gently grabs me and we fly home together, even though a summer vacation is around the corner and I only have a few more days left, I'm gonna be looking forward to each one of those few days to play with my new friends again.

~To be Continued~

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