Back to Earth

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Normal P.O.V:

Tennis Ball activates the rocket's thrusters and steers in the direction of Earth, Most of the Death P.A.C.T.ers keep their eyes on one of the windows watching Black Hole as he'd either zoom ahead, stay by the rocket's side or hover slightly behind, either way he's still going back to the planet he intended to call home. With everything in the plan going well, what can go wrong?


Pen: Not again!!

Tennis Ball: Hold one everyone!

Everyone actually prepares for the frenzy of space rocks this time, however partway through the barrage..


The rocket goes to a near halt and loses some of it's control.

Tennis Ball: Ooooh no! That's not good...

Liy: What? What's not good!?

Golf Ball: The rocket has been damaged, particularly our thrusters! We're stranded and vulnerable to the next-


Everyone: AAAAAHHHH!

Black Hole who was literally fighting off the rocks hurdling his way turns to find the blue rocket immobile and in danger, he quickly flies towards them and with an epically powerful kick he knocks the asteroid away from them causing it to crash into another asteroid instead.

Everyone: YEAH!

Golf Ball: Black Hole, the rocket won't work anymore, and I can't just fix it from here!

Black Hole: Hmm.. Alright, I'm on it.

Liy: Wait Black Hole, where are you going?

Black Hole flies out of window sight.

Lightning: I can't see him. Where did he go?

 After that the rocket shakes a little, Golf Ball then rushes to the control panel.

Pen: What.. was that?

Once Golf Ball turned the first monitor to another setting she then finds Black Hole right behind the rocket readying himself for something.

Golf Ball: Black Hole, what do you think you're doing!?

Black Hole: My duty as a member of Death P.A.C.T. and getting you guys to safety!

TB and half of Death P.A.C.T: Woah-!

Black Hole then begins to lift the rocket in his own hands a zooms forward.

Black Hole: Now, I can't exactly fight off the asteroids like I usually do with my hands full, so I'm counting on you guys to let me know if and where the asteroids are approaching from.


Black Hole: WAHO! Whoa oh! woooaah! Woooah woah WOOOOaaaOoooH!

(Author's note: If I had the supplies to do so, I'd place an illustration here of Black Hole doing BFDI's iconic dodging pattern while carrying GB's rocket, BUT I can't even draw on computer yet so you'll have to imagine what that looked like for now. XD)

In about no time at all Black Hole had flown out of the asteroid felid with the rocket still in one piece (well somewhat one piece). 

Pillow: Nice dodging.

Black Hole: Thanks, Leafy taught me that.

Lightning: Hey Black Hole, were you flying FASTER than you have before?

Black Hole: Pretty much, I can actually travel up to 12,449 times the speed of sound, although your planet's atmosphere seems to slow me down. -_-

Lightning: That sucks, you'd be unbeatable in sky races!

Tree: Golf Ball is there any chance the rocket can be fixed?

Golf Ball: Not out here! Black Hole will have to carry us the rest of the way back to Earth, Black Hole do you think you can find your way back there?

Black Hole: GB, you're talking to an entity that was born and raised out here for eons, I know the place like the rings of Saturn.

Awkward silence

Black Hole: It's a.. saying that used in these parts...

Black Hole continues flying to Earth with GB's rocket full of people in arms at high speed.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: WATTPAD, why won't you let me put a gif of that pattern in my story!? I needed to give my audience an example! D:<)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now