Fall Break

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

It's been about 3 days since my true self was revealed to everyone at the school, I'm still getting used to being called my real name in public. I make my way to the cafeteria  when I accidentally bump into Leafy causing her to drop her bag. (I've got to stop doing that...)

Leafy: OOF-!

Black Hole: Sorry about that. (again)

Leafy: Ah it's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going either. Ugh, a lot of stuff flew out of my bag...

Black Hole: Here let me help you with that.

While picking up her stuff I find something random and examine it until she snatches it away from me with her face looking a little pink.

Black Hole: Hm what's this? "Lemon Lime body paint??"

Leafy: Ooohh *chuckle* I have no idea how that got in there, haha must be... Gelatin's.... Anyway see you later Black Hole!

She runs off as quick as she said all that, as weird and random that was I easily shrugged it off as weird and random was pretty much how she acts in general. I float off to the cafeteria, after getting my lunch I hear Remote calling out to me.

Remote: Black Hole, Black Hole! Come sit with me! :D

I happily hover over to her table and sit down right next to her, there were other students sitting here those being Taco, Pin, Paintbrush and Clock.

Black Hole: Hey guys.

Taco: Heya Black Hole, how's your day been?

Black Hole: It's fine, how about all of you?

Pin: Oh we're just discussing our plans for fall break.

Black Hole: Fall break? What's that?

Clock: Fall break is where we get one week off from school.

Paintbrush: I'm planning to take origami lessons from Foldy next Wednesday.

Black Hole: Oh that's cool. By the way, I was sorta intending to sit with Tree but I couldn't find him anywhere here today. Do any of you guys know where he could be?

Remote: He said he wouldn't be here today as he had a driver's test today, he's trying to get his license. 

Clock: Well it's about time he did that.

Taco: Was.. was that a clock joke?

Clock: No.

Taco: I think it's a clock joke. |;)

Clock: Don't you ticking dare!

Everyone chuckled as Clock bantered with Taco, including me since I found it to be kinda funny. 

Paintbrush: Anyway, while we're on the topic of Tree are you two in any case... y'know?

Black Hole: What?

Paintbrush: Oh you know, you and Tree in klick with one another?

Black Hole: uh sorry, I don't follow.

Clock: They're asking if you and Tree are dating yet. 

Black Hole: Oooh. Well, he and I are close friends but I probably wouldn't say we're dating-

Pin: Well that's a spongey sized lie if I ever heard one!

Black Hole: How in Halley's name is that a lie??

Pin: I was at the same theatre showing Spirit Trackers: Reincarnate, I saw you two cuddle near the film's climax!

Wait, that's how dates work? I should really do more research on stuff like this...

Paintbrush: And let's not forget your little yet extravagant dance session at Marsh's Halloween Party. The metaphorical chemistry out of you two was seen all over!

Black Hole: For the record most of that was not my intention as I literally had NO control over my body.

Remote: Then how about what Tree said to you back at space?

Black Hole: You're gonna have to be more specific...

Remote then quoted what Tree said to me before heading back to Earth.

Remote: "That feeling was love. I love you too much to just let you leave." He pretty much confessed his feelings to you, and you've yet to give a verbal response in the past few days.

Black Hole: Oh.... Ooohh... OOOOOHHH!!


After the realization hit me harder than the chair from Pillow I slammed my head on the table hard enough for the plates and other things go mid air for a brief second.

Paintbrush: So wait, are you meaning to tell me that you had no idea Tree was madly in love with you? Just *tries to contain laughter* HOW oblivious are you!? *looses it*

Taco: I told you he emits himbo energy.

Remote: That's where you're wrong, Black Hole is actually very intelligent in most areas.


Remote: This... just isn't one of them...

Eggy then walks by us.

Eggy: Hey guys, Woah Black Hole are you alright? You seem pretty bothered.

Clock: Black Hole had just now found out that Tree has a crush on him, he even let a confession fly over the gravitational pull of his head.

Eggy: Oof. Haha, that's pretty embarrassing.



Eggy: Oh, well... I'm aro so I'm no help to you there. Later guys.

Black Hole: Arrow? I thought she was an egg?

Paintbrush: Oh no no no no no no my extraterrestrial friend, aro is a short term for aromantic an umbrella term for people who feel little to no romantic attraction. Not to be confused with Ace aka Asexual which is-

Black Hole: I know what Asexual means, I technically was born asexually.

Clock: Are you also technically aro? Cuz if so there could be an issue with the whole Tree crush thing.

Black Hole: How should I know? I had my moments trying to understand various feeling during my early days on this planet but this feeling is by far the most confusing of them all!

Pin: Well, if it's confusing feelings you need help understanding might I suggest consulting Gaty? If it's anyone here who knows complicated feelings along with the many many forms of romance, it's her.

Black Hole: Thanks, I'll think about it...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Updates on this story are going to slow down a little, not due to lack of ideas or anything I actually have lots of ideas for this point of the story. I'm just planning to work on a separate story that takes place in the same AU but stars different characters, keep an eye out for that tomorrow. *wink*)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now