The Child

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Normal P.O.V: 

Basketball paces in front of her place with her phone to her 'ear' while Grassy is laying on the yard with his coloring book.

Basketball: Ugh, why won't that wooden cube answer? 

She hangs up and gives out a defeated sigh.

Basketball: The International Gadget Convention is here, the bug to go there will be here soon and I still don't have a sitter for Grassy.

Grassy: Why can't Robot Flower look after Grassy?

Basketball: Because Robot Flower and I are going to the convention together. Hmm...

Basketball looks around and catches sight a Black Hole carrying bags a groceries on his way home when a metaphorical lightbulb activates in her head.

Black Hole: *quietly hums an Alan Walker song*

Basketball: Hey Black Hole!

Black Hole: Huh? Oh hey Basketball.

Basketball: How would you say you are with kids?

Black Hole: Why you ask me that?

Basketball: The Gadget Convention is today and I can't bring Grassy with me, The problem is no one is available to look after him.

Black Hole: I can see how that's a problem for you.

Basketball: Yeah, any chance you can keep him under your wing for today?

Black Hole: Well I-

Before Black Hole could continue Grassy is thrusted his way causing him to drop his groceries to hold the humanoid tuft of grass while Basketball and Robot Flower run up to the bug driving them to Gadget Con.

Basketball: Thanks, you're a big help. Text me if you and Grassy go somewhere!

Black Hole: B-Basketball wait!

Black Hole then looks back to Grassy who's kindly putting the stuff he bought back into the bags, the small kid then looks back to Black Hole with a vacant smile, Black Hole however could only stare with a stuck expression of slight horror.

Black Hole: (in a shaken voice) Oh universe help me...

Black Hole's P.O.V:

Grassy and I look at each other in awkward silence for a minute.

Black Hole: So... uh... should I take you to my place or what do I stay here?

Grassy: Grassy wants to go to your house. :)

Black Hole: I don't live in a house but ok then.

I pick my groceries as well as Grassy.

Black Hole: You're not scared of heights are you?

Grassy nods no.

Black Hole: Ok then, hold on.

I then take off and softly fly to the apartment building I live in all while occasionally checking the Grassy isn't getting scared or slipping from my grasp. Finally we arrive at the entrance and I let Grassy down.

Grassy: Black Hole is really good at flying.

Black Hole: You think so? I mean I'm technically just denying the laws of gravity that your planet has.

Grassy: What is a grav-uh-tee?

Black Hole: Well, gravity is a force that attracts a body towards any other physical body having mass, like this planet or my kind.

Grassy: ????

Oh right, this is an earthling child I'm talking too. I'll have to dumb it down for the little guy.

Black Hole: Okay uh.. See this pebble?

Grassy: Mm-hm.

Black Hole: Watch how when I drop it, it falls to the pavement. That is gravity in the works.

Grassy: Wow, Grassy likes grav-uh-tee!

Once Grassy and I reach my apartment I place the groceries on the kitchen count while Grassy looks around the living room, I then grab the TV remote and put on a show I hope will be child friendly.

Black Hole: Alright Grassy you sit here and watch some cartoons while I make this call ok?

Grassy: Okay.

I hover over to another room and dial up some help.

Tree's voice: This is Tree Oaks, I'm not taking any calls at the moment but feel free to leave a message. *BEEP*

Black Hole: Dang it, well plan B then.

Liy: Hey Black Hole, what's up? 

Black Hole: Hey Liy I could uh.. I need some help.

Liy: Why? Did you accidentally damage public property again?

Black Hole: No! No no no, I got myself roped into looking after Grassy for Basketball and I know nothing about handling kids. Please help me.

Liy: Seriously? You're making a big fuss over babysitting Grassy?

Black Hole: I'm not sitting on Grassy that could kill him!

Liy: *sigh* Alright I'll be on my way, in the meantime just keep the boy safe and happy. What's he doing right now?

Black Hole: I put on the TV for him, he's watching some cartoon about a sponge and pink star playing in a cardboard box.

Liy: Ok good, I'll be right there.

After hanging up and putting away the groceries I join Grassy on the couch to watch this show since I haven't seen it.

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now