Meeting Pen #1

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(Author's Note: I've decided to write the rest of this in some form of script format (at least for dialog terms) cuz that's a little easier for me)

Black Hole (Vortex)'s P.O.V:

I only have two more classes until school's out today those being math and chemistry in that order, my fellow Death P.A.C.T.ers had warned me about the teacher I have in math being Professor 4, and I see they were somewhat right about them as what I pretty much 'walked' in on was a.. a sight to witness, the teacher had a small (and I mean small) silver student held by the shirt collar and was admitting a loud and what looked to be very unsettling sound in his flat face they only stopped when everyone in the room noticed me. An awkward silence filled the room.

(BH)Vortex: Um... am I interrupting something.?

4 blinked ounce, dropped the small teen and stands straight

4: NOt at alL, plEAse taKe a seat UHh...

4 immediately pulls out a sheet of paper most likely with names of the students here


I do what they say and find an empty seat, as I look around there were some familiar faces one of which I don't like being Pencil (at least her friend Match isn't with her) she seemed to have a very confused look on her face when she looked my way, must've noticed my new face. Not so 'creepy' anymore am I? Liy came into the classroom soon after and sat down at the way back in the corner, I look behind me to see a face I hadn't seen again since this morning the student I protected from Blocky, presumebly his name was Woody I noticed he has a chip in the top of his head I wonder if that's something Blocky did. I turn to make good term with him maybe now that I don't look as empty as last time he won't be to scared to wanna run.

(BH)Vortex: Hey, Woody right?

Woody: wah!

Woody just hides his face in his textbook I attempt to reassure him

(BH)Vortex: Hey hey, don't worry I'm friendly.

Woody: W-Whaa?

(BH)Vortex: I'm sorry if I scared you earlier, I only wanted to help.

Woody: Whaaha wa wa.

(BH)Vortex: uhh... Come again..?

I didn't really know what he said, thankfully the girl sporting a tan t-shirt, overalls and red sandals next to him translated his words for me.

Girl in overalls: It wasn't you he was scared of, it was Blocky.

(BH)Vortex: Oh, R-really?

Girl in overalls: Yeah, he saw that Blocky was getting angry and didn't want to be a part of what was gonna happen next, so you don't have to apologize. I'm Taco by the way, nice to meet you.

(BH)Vortex: Vortex.


Taco and Woody tense up and go limb on their desks when I turn around 4 looked mad about something

4: NO SEcrEt CONversaTioNS in MY clASSrOom!!!

(BH)Vortex: J-Just getting to know my new classmates teach, sorry!

4 groans annoyedly and goes back to the assignment. Yeesh no wonder everyone seems nervous about them, while that screech they make appears to have no effect on me it seems to temporarily paralyze the others. I should be more careful of what I do or say in this classroom.

~timeskip: chemistry~

My teacher here is named MePad thankfully he seems much nicer than 4, it was a simple day we got familiar with each other and went over the basics in chemistry safety. Remote and I were assigned as desk mates which was nice seeing that we'll be working together in the following projects but what really was interesting to me was that Pen was in this class to partnered with Rubber Spatula. I still gotta talk to him after school if I get the chance, he definitely shows some moral values when he offered help Saw clean a chemical spill, I haven't told remote yet but I think he could be a good choice for Death P.A.C.T.


Well It's time to pack up and head home but for me I'm following Pen I noticed that instead of taking the bus like some of the others he has a bike parked somewhere. Well I don't really ride that yellow thing either seeing I can fly and all, anyway I try to get his attention but to no avail so I just decide to follow him, later he made an abrupt stop somewhere totally random and steps into an ally after looking both ways.

~To be Continued~

(author's note: It's nice to see others are socializing with Black Hole I bet he likes making these friends too, wonder where Pen is going tho..)

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