Spooky Night 1

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Tree's P.O.V:

Ah, Hallow's Eve has arrived at last, I finish putting on the accessories of my Gandalf costume and set a bowl of candy outside my porch for any trick or treaters that come by, I also move Rodrick's cage out to the porch just over the candy bowl.

Tree: You make sure nobody takes more than one piece now Rodrick. 

Rodrick: *Affirmative chirp* 

After putting my trusty woodpecker in charge of trick or treater duty I make my way to Starline Apartments where me and the rest of Death P.A.C.T. if possible are going to meet, but not without trick or treating some houses along the way of course. As I almost reach the entrance of the building I can already see most of the others waiting outside, and it looks like Fanny has brought her dog and girlfriend along this year.

Pen: There's Tree.

Once I arrived Lightning flies to me showing his own Voldemort costume.

Lighting: Heh, looks like we both had similar ideas.  

Tree: Yeah seems like it, by the way where're Black Hole and Cherry Jr?

Liy: They should be down any moment. Which reminds me, Pen you and Black Hole had started a tradition of making his Halloween costumes right?

Pen: Yeah.

Liy: Any hints to what he's going as this year?

Pen: Well, he's pretty much the one to come up with the idea for his costume. This time he only asked for a simple dark cape, I can't really say much though it doesn't seem like he's taking a completely different path from the Grim Reaper this year.

While we waited Cherry Jr does a front flip through the doors striking a heroic pose in his Robin costume. 

Cherry Jr: Evil doers beware! For Robin is here!

Bubble: Oh my bubble blower that is adorable. 

Remote: Junior, where's Black Hole?

Deep mysterious voice: Night falls within the city of New Yoyle...

Lightning: Who said that-? 

Bottle: Look up there. 

We all look up to see someone kneeled down on top of a lower nearby building, and we could already tell who it was...

Pie: Oh my bakery... 

Deep 'mysterious' voice: The perfect time for evil to reign chaos, in situations like this there one with the solemn duty to put evil maniacs in their place and restore order... 

The shrouded figure stands up and somersaults off the building landing right in front of us still hiding in a pitch black cape only revealing himself as he finishes his monologue. 

Black Hole: And that person is Batman!

Everyone: ....

Pen: *SNNNRK* Omg, is there any limit to your nerdiness man? 

Black Hole: Hey c'mon now, I've been working on that entrance all week. (Despite the weird looks the passerbys and neighbors gave me)

Pen: I don't mean to be rude, I think that was awesome!

Tree: I agree, no of us expected that. And you even got Cherry Jr into it as Robin, how cute.

Black Hole: Actually it was his idea for us to be Batman & Robin, he even had me binge the entirety of Batman: The animated series with him once to know the character.

 Liy: Well I know Pillow and Bottle won't be meeting with us this year, so let's get going.

Black Hole: Is Marshmallow having her Halloween party again?

Marker: Not this year, we're just going to focus on getting lots of treats!

Remote: Yay treats! 

Fanny: Let's go!

We all begin our trick or treating going door to door and exchanging conversations along the way.

Lightning: Hey, you ever find it ironic that Fanny's emotional support dog is big enough for her to ride on his back effortlessly? 

Liy: The 5"1 desk fan with an aggressive personality and profession in the way of the blade, no not really. 

Normal P.O.V:

They soon get to Firey & Leafy's house, Pen volunteered to ring this time. As he does the building goes dark.

Cherry Jr: I don't think anyone's home.

Pen: Nah, this is something Firey does every year. Just wait, and brace yourselves..

Right as Pen says this the door slowly creeks open while an eerie music plays. Marker peeks into the doorway when something lunges at him.

Marker: Uhh.. Hello? Anybody ho-



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Bear: WOOF WOOF BARK! (Fanny: WOAH-!) *thud*

The puppet thing deactivates right before it reached Marker and Firey shows up removing a dark cloak and holding a remote of sorts. 

Firey: *laughs* Tricked ya!

Pen: Hahaha, you got us good Firey. Well... most of us. 

Firey and Pen look to see almost everyone latched onto Black Hole teeth chattering and all, apart from Fanny who is just laying on the ground shocked as Bear sniffs her.

Black Hole: ....

Black Hole: It's always the tall ones...

Firey: Woah Black Hole, you aren't frightened by my animatronic? You've got nerves of steel my guy.

Black Hole: I don't have nerves.

Firey: Well tricks aren't the only thing I give out, here you are have a few goodies.

Cherry Jr: Ooh! 

Firey: Just one bag for person otherwise Marionette here will get mad and storm the town.

Everyone: *light chuckle*

Firey: Happy Halloween guys.

Death P.A.C.T. + Bubble: Happy Halloween!

~To be Continued~

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