Investigation 3

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Normal P.O.V:

It's the weekend ounce again and what other way to spend it then watching classic sci-fi shows and cheese snacks? No? Well Tennis Ball seems to like doing so, he is currently marathoning the original Space Journey series his absolute favorite, the newest version is so not that great. 

*Ding Dong*

Tennis Ball: Coming...

He grabs the remote and puts the rest on record just in case an approaches the door to open and find..

Tennis Ball: Golf Ball! Have you come to marathon the original Space Journey with me?

Golf ball walks inside Tennis Ball's home as she speaks which he doesn't mind, he usually lets her in no matter what.

Golf Ball: You know I don't watch that false science, no I came over to discus our investigation on Vortex...

Tennis Ball: You're still onto that? I thought you decided to stop, after that incident at his place.

GB: A researcher doesn't give up, but when things become too much to handle they do take breaks and focus on other things. (and to mentally recover from head trauma)

TB: Well, you're mainly doing this to figure out what Vortex is right?

Golf Ball nods

Tennis Ball: Well, I may have a theory, I thought of it while watching my show it has a black hole as a character (admittedly not a real black hole) and I thought back to what we learned about black holes on our field trip last month..

Golf Ball: Just what are you getting at TB?

TB: Well, what if Vortex was actually a Black Hole in humanoid form? Like Corporal Astro in Space Journey?

Golf Ball sits and stares at him in silence for a bit.

GB: TB listen.. you're a great friend and I couldn't ask for anyone more loyal than you.. so I mean this with kindness when I say that has got to be most RIDICOULOUS THEORY I HAVE EVER HEARD!

TB: But Golf Ball think about it. He fits the full description of what a humanoid black hole would look like, AND he has all these cool powers an-

GB: And black hole are incredibly dangerous! In fact they are the most deadliest things in the universe! A black hole living on Earth? Phft!

TB: I think this theory is more valid than you think, I mean there still many mysteries to the humanoid black hole mainly about size. It could very much be possible.

GB: If there's any reason a black hole would come to Earth, it would be here to destroy it! Ugh, fallow me, we need a third intelligent brain to settle this.

TB: It's not gonna be TV is it? Cuz he tends to fiddle with the results.

GB: No, we're going to see Test Tube.

The two sport objects eventually make it to Test Tube's lab, TB glances to the thick tree on the lawn of Test Tube's lab and stops for a bit.

GB: TB what's the hold up?

TB: I thought I saw something, behind that tall thick tree. I think maybe we're being watched from there.

GB: It's probably just a hidden security camera, you know how secretive she can be.

They get up to the front door and push the door bell,*BZZT*

Test Tube currently in her lab coat opens the door and smiles to her visitors.

Test Tube: Oh Golf Ball, Tennis Ball what brings you guys here?

GB: We're having a debate and need you to settle it.

Test Tube: Of course, come right in! So, what are you guys disagreeing on?

TB: Keep this part between us but Golf Ball and I are figuring out what Vortex is, and I theorized that he might be a black hole in humanoid shape, but she doesn't believe mee!

Test Tube: Hm, well can you blame her?

TB: Huh?

Test Tube: I can see where you're coming from Tennis Ball, there are so many things about Vortex and his many abilities that make him awfully comparable to the iconic space anomaly but there are some crucial things about black holes that make this fascinating idea of a one co-existing with earth objects ludicrous.

Test Tube pulls out a screen with a presentation ready.

Test Tube: For example, their origins: Black holes are formed from a supernova which is when a star becomes so large it collapses in on itself or when two neutron stars crash into each other either way black holes cause destruction even seconds before they are born and all the way to their imminent passing.

TB: Wait, black holes die? I thought they could live forever.

Test Tube: When you compare them to our life spans they could, even black holes eventually expire and it's not that pleasant, it takes an incredibly long time for a black hole to evaporate and loose all of it's mass and cause an exteremly powerful nuclear blast, a slow process that they can even slow further by doing what they do consume anything around them, they are constantly hungry and that hunger can never be quenced. 

Test Tube: In short, black holes spend their existance fallowing their instincts to eat and grow, the chance of one even knowing morals is very very very very very very very very very very very very very...

2,763 "very"s later

Test Tube: Very very very slim. In fact if I were to meet a black hole that disproves my theory, I'll empty myself and take up karaoke.

GB: Thank you for your opinion Test Tube we'll best be going now.

TB: So if Vortex can't be a black hole, what else could he be?

GB: No idea, but we will figure it out!

The two leave the lab unaware the someone was in fact watching them from the eariler...

~To be continued~

(Author's Note: Someone finally figured it out only for them to be shot down by logic. ouch! Well maybe next time. The next chapter well take place immediately after this one)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon