The Wingman

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Normal P.O.V:

Pencil stands at her locker texting from a slight distance Pen watches her with a nervous expression, he gulps and approaches her attempting to stay cool.

Pen: Heya Pence Pence, how long has it been since we last talked? Weeks, months?

Pencil: First of all only Match like calls me that now, second why like are you even speaking to me?

Pen: Well heh, uuhhh.... I was wondering errrrr....

Pencil: Ugh, whatever.

She walks away continuing to text on her phone leaving Pen to himself.

Pen: Yeah okay good talk! 

Pen face palms himself embarrassed.

Pen: Dang it Pen you blew it again! You can't keep doing this.

Black Hole: doing what?

Pen jumped at the sudden voice to find Black Hole chilling at the other side of the hall not to far from him, he floats over to Pen.

Pen: AH- Oh ha Vortex, How long were you sitting there?

Black Hole: Almost the whole time, I didn't know you and Pencil were familiar with each other.

Pen: Well just about everyone in this school is familiar with on another one way or another. She and I actually.. used... to date.

Black Hole: Date? Isn't that a type of fruit? Or point of time??

Pen: No no no... well yes to both of them but dating is what two people do when they are in a romantic relationship or engaged. Y'know in love.

Black Hole: I... don't think I'm that familiar with the concept yet, but 'used to'?

Pen: We broke up two years ago... as of now I've been thinking of getting back together with but I just can talk to her like I used to. OH!

Pen: Black- MPH!

Black Hole: (We're in public!)

Pen: Right... Vortex you could help! Could you be my wingman?

Black Hole: Did you not hear me say I'm not familiar with this "romance" thing yet?

Pen: Pleeeease? I can't do this myself.

Pen gets on his knees and pleads beggingly.

Black Hole: Why not ask your buddies for help?

Pen: Cuz they're 'help' would be disastrous. C'mon!

Black Hole: *long sigh* Alright, but you owe me for this.

Pen hops back up and hugs Black Hole thanking him.

Pen: YES, thank you Vortex, you're a true friend!

~Time skip: After school~ Black Hole's P.O.V:

Like every other Wednesday Mic comes to my place to hang out and either watch some cartoons, or teach me about music. Since I let myself be talked into helping my friend with something I don't even know maybe Mic could teach me somethings, she looks like someone who would know a thing or two about relationships or what a 'wingman' even it.

Mic: HAHAHA! Man I love that yellow dog, he's hilarious!

Black Hole: Hey Mic, can talk to you about something?

Mic: Sure Vortex, what is it?

Black Hole: So, Pen just asked me to be his wingman and help him get back with Pencil.

Mic: Pen and Pencil were a thing? Huh, I always thought they were related.

Black Hole: Apparently so, but I don't know a thing about relationships, not even what 'wingman' means. I do fly but I don't have wings.

Mic: *snicker* No silly, A wingman is a role someone takes when their friend needs background support when approaching potential romantic partners. Like how Blake the magic dog was a wingman to his warrior brother, he helped him start a relationship with the Princess of Embers.

Mic then gestures to the cartoon they're watching.

Black Hole: See, you know this stuff better than I ever would, you should be Pen's wingman.

Mic: Hey relationships are difficult for everyone to learn, Even I didn't know what to say to my first girlfriend.

Black Hole: First girlfriend..?

Mic: Currently I'm in a relationship with Soap, but I used to be with another and... well I don't talk about her...

Mic: But enough about past my love, I'll teach you everything you need to know so you can help Pen, but you gotta come up with the strat yourself.  *wink*

Black Hole: That would appreciated, thanks Mic.

Mic: Hey it's no problem, what are friends for?

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: ooh this'll be interesting, hope I don't get my head bit off with this ship. 0_0')

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