Aires the guardian of dreams

891 30 31

Tree's P.O.V:

It took me a bit to get Cherry Jr to come with me instead of going to Black Hole fight the monster with his lightning powers but I managed to get him in the car so I can drive him to Black Hole's home, I figured that would be where he want us to meet. I put my phone up on the mount with live Yoyle News on to just to know how he's handling the strange beast. 

Top Hat: I have recently been told that the dragon sighted from July has just picked up the new monster and is now seen flying outside of town, our traffic copters unfortunately cannot catch anymore of this battle....

Tree: Smart thinking Black Hole. 

Cherry Jr: Tree look! 

Cherry Jr point out the window yelling to get my attention, I glance to see Black Hole still in serpent form flying over buildings with the monster in hand... claws... whatever past us. 

Tree: Yep Junior, black Hole is taking the big bad monster out of the city so it doesn't hurt anyone-


I quickly get cut off when some hooligans speed past us on a green light in what looks to be a freaking golf cart, I slam the horn in frustration as a shout in their direction despite them now being long gone. 

Tree: THAT'S A GOOD WAY TO KILL SOMEBODY PEOPLE!! I swear to acorns the road gets more and more dangerous each year...

I get back to driving and soon enough make it to Starline Apartments, I take Cherry Jr's hand as we both go up the elevator to his apartment room. Once there I use the spare key Black Hole let's me keep to unlock the door and put my coat up. 

Tree: Phew... Hey Cherry Jr?

Cherry Jr: Yeah?

Tree: It's really late, why don't you get to bed. Black Hole will be back any moment soon.

Cherry Jr: *yawn* Okay...

He walks over to his room and I sit down on the couch and get out my phone, he still hasn't answered some of the messages was what I initially though until the phone suddenly plays the ringtone.

Tree's phone: "Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light cause it's time for you to shine-!~"

Tree: Oh goodness! *beep* Hey Black Hole, everything alright?

Black Hole: Yeah, the beast has been uh taken care of. I'm on my way home now, say could you put Cherry Jr to bed I don't want him to have to stay up all night worried about me.

Tree: I already did just that, don't worry. 

Black Hole: Oh good, I'll see you soon then.

Black Hole's P.O.V:

It was a long walk due to the heavy thoughts from learning Leafy's past holding me down but I made it back home. Upon coming in I look to see Tree siting on the couch but he had fallen asleep.

Black Hole: *chuckle* I could use some sleep as well to be honest...

I turn off the light with only the glow in the dark stars illuminated, lay down on the couch while I reposition Tree over me and attempt to get some rest as I cuddled my sleeping beauty. After a while I am woken up by someone tapping on my shoulder, when I open my 'eyes' I see Cherry Jr standing in front of me holding his stuffed tiger with a nervous look to his face and tears in his eyes.

Black Hole: Huh? What're you doing up so late kid?

Cherry Jr: I.. I had really bad nightmare...

Black Hole: Oh... I see.

I pat Tree's back to wake him up.

Tree: Eh-? Wh-wha...?

Black Hole: Junior here had a nightmare.

Tree: Aww... Why don't sleep with the two of us?

Black Hole: Yeah. Actually, one moment.

I get up for a moment and grab Aries from the glass cabinet he and my other Zodiac Companions stay and hand him to Cherry Jr.

Black Hole: You can also hold Aries tonight, he's helped me a lot whenever I've felt scared.

Cherry Jr: You get scared?

Black Hole: Well yes, take when we found that monster in the park. I was scared that if I didn't do something I might loose you and Tree.

Cherry Jr: Oh... That would be scary wouldn't it?

I nod agreeing with him as he hops onto the couch with us holding both Aries and his tiger, Tree and I go back into out previous position albeit altered to fit Junior and we all go to sleep.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: First time I ever put my own image in a chapter! Of course it was made on the limiting whiteboard so yeah it looks kind of shoddy.... This will not happen again for a while. XP)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now