Supernatural Visit

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Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole floats over to the front door of Purgatory mansion about to knock on the door when he notices a sign and reads it aloud.

Black Hole: "Don't knock, please ring. And just wait a moment.".. Hm.

He finds the doorbell and presses it setting off two loud deep rings, then he leans to the wall on the side of the door and waits.

Black Hole: ...

Black Hole: *hums a One Republic song*

Marshmallow: Hello? Oh Hello Black Hole, what brings you here?

Black Hole: I came to visit a friend and talk to her about something, can I come in?

Marshmallow: Of course make yourself at home.

Marshmallow invites Black Hole inside and lets him a seat on the couch after putting up his bag.

Marshmallow: Hey Apple! Someone's here to see-

Black Hole: Oh I'm not here for Apple.

Marshmallow: Then who are you here for? It's just me and Apple who live here.

Black Hole: Well... let's just say I know about a certain spirit that also lives here with you.

Marshmallow tenses up a little knowing what Black Hole meant but shakes it off.

Marshmallow: H-How long have you known? And how have you known?

Black Hole: During your Halloween party I kept seeing something strange so I decided to follow it and then met Bow, specifically the ghost Bow.

Marshmallow: I... I see.

Apple: You called Marsh?

Marshmallow: Uh Never mind Apple, Black Hole's actually here for Bow.

Apple: Oh...

Familiar Voice: Did someone say my name?

Bow: Heya there Vortexy, been awhile since we last spoke hasn't it?

Black Hole: Yeah it has been some time also I'm called Black Hole now. So you are still a ghost.

Bow: Uh of course I'm like still a ghost. Coming back to life is like, totally impossible when you become one y'know. Why was the fact I'm still a ghost important?

Black Hole: Well earlier today at school...

The ghost Bow went and got her and Black Hole a cola as he explains to her about the alive Bow look alike that's now attending school and acting like nothing had ever happened to her, and the more Bow heard about it the more she wasn't happy about it.

Bow: So you're saying that someone is taking my place and identity?!?

Black Hole: I wouldn't say that exactly but she is-

Bow: AN IMPOSTER!! Ugh, like stay here I'll be right back.

Bow then flies through the ceiling leaving Black Hole, and comes back moments later with a pink over decorated book and pen.

Bow: Okay I'm back!

Black Hole: What's this?

Bow: This is my old notebook from when I was still alive and in school, it even comes with a sparkly kitty pen! 

Bow clicks the pen twice and it makes a cartoonish kitty sound of three fast meows.

Bow: I marked where the pages go blank, don't look in the pages before that point please? I had a phase...

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant