She returns?!?

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

I arrive for my Language Arts class and take my seat, as I get my desk set up I overhear the other students talking about something.

Shell: So I heard about a new student coming today, have you seen them yet?

Banana Apple: Nope, but I hear they have Four's math here. Maybe we'll all get to meet them.

Glass: Erm I just hope they aren't dangerous...

They all still seem to be talking about this 'new student', I'm not unfamiliar with this topic as it was like this for the rest of my previous classes and probably will be the same for the next classes. 

Needless to say I am excited about meeting a new schoolmate, this pretty much takes me back to when I was new here back when I called myself 'Vortext' to hide what I really am and look at me now, my identity exposed long ago and still accepted by the masses despite my kinds long history of destruction AND I'm even in a romantic relationship, I guess Earth folk are weird like that but I wouldn't have it any other way. Finally Four comes up and gets everyone's attention in as usual, the worst way possible.

Four: SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECH!! Everyone sit down!

Four: Now I'm sure you've all heard the great news about our newest student, and might I say their quiet the surprise!~

Pencil: Wasn't Black Hole like the 'new student' before?

Match: I know, like who can top him?

Other students: *gossiping*

Four: SHUT UP!

Everyone:  ._.

Four: Come on in and introduce yourself.

The new student steps in through the door and everyone is shocked for them to be the last person we've all expected.

Bow: Hey howdy heeeeeey!~

Everyone: BOW!

I could not believe my non-existent eyes! Bow is.. ALIVE now!? Without thinking I stood up causing my school desk and everything on it to fall over.

Black Hole: What the fluff is this!? And how-!?


Black Hole: Sorry...

Bow: Wow talk about an over reaction...

Test Tube: Wait you're not dead? That's... interesting...

Bow: Haha. No I'm not dead ha, No right I'm not dead..? No right yeah I'm not dead! Haha no.

Liy: B-but how!? I- We all saw you blow up! And.. and.. and-

Bow: I don't know.  :\

Nickel: Four, don't you find this surprising and weird?!

Four: ...

Nickel: Y'know what, I don't know why I even asked...

Four: Anyway, Bow your seat is between Nickel and Salt Lamp, go sit down and we can start.

Bow: Okie doki artichokie!

Liy's P.O.V:

Four had passes out our worksheets but this whole time I hadn't been able to focus on the assignment because of her. I watch her as she works, talks to the classmates just like how she would! 

I refuse to believe that Bow had actually come back from the dead and I can tell from Black Hole's reaction to the now living Bow that he likely thinks the same way, and we both should we both pretty much met and talked with her ghost. I write a note on a small piece of paper, fold it into a plane and throw to Black Hole in hopes that he'll read it however it ends up in the gravitational pull of his head and gets sucked up in the process, and he didn't even notice! I facepalm myself (flipping my own switch too).

Liy: Ugh, should've seen that coming...

I write the note again and this time I fold it normally and pass it to the student in front of me Clock.

Liy: Psst. Pass this to Black Hole would you?

Clock gives me the side eye for a bit but doesn't reply and hands it to Teabag, who then gives it to Glass, and she passes it to Test Tube, who sends it to Taco, and finally gets it to Black Hole. 

Normal P.O.V:

Taco taps Black Hole's shoulder with the folded piece of paper to get his attention.

Taco: *whispers* Hey, this is for you.

Black Hole: *whispers* Thanks.

He makes sure Four isn't looking his way and unfolds the note to quietly read it, in which it says "Meet me outside the school entrance after school. -Liy"  He turns his head to see Liy and she subtly nods to him, he nods back they both get back to work like normal.

After school Liy waits by the school entrance watching the other students go home either by bus, with their own vehicles, being picked up by their parents or just walking home. Black Hole arrives with his backpack (which is the kind that astronauts use) on his right shoulder and holding that strap in place.

Black Hole: You wanted to speak to me about something?

Liy: Yeah but I think we should do this somewhere more privet, c'mon.

The two go to the side of the building where no one else is at.

Liy: Okay, you're suspicious about Bow's reappearance too right?

Black Hole: Of course I am, just before I got to you I actually went up to her to check if it is her but she acts as if she just met me for the first time ever.

Liy: I see, you think she'd recognize you with how you helped her and me. But this actually proves my point that something is up, and we just have to figure this out.

Black Hole: I agree, I was just going over to Purgatory mansion to see if the Bow we know about is still around, and if she's not I'll just ask Marshmallow about this whole thing. I'll tell you what I find out tomorrow.

Liy: Good plan, I'm going to pay Cabby a little visit at the archives and do a little research myself, we'll both relay what we learn tomorrow between classes.

Black Hole: Got it.

Liy and Black Hole shake hands and go on their separate ways to find out this mystery.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: omg new big plot!!)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now