Wonders of Winter

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Normal P.O.V: 

Almost everyone in the great snowball fight has fallen only Pen, Blocky, Eraser, Remote and Black Hole remain standing. The trio and duo hide behind their barriers waiting for a chance to strike.

Remote: Pen has chosen their side, it's two on three!

Black Hole: Don't worry, we can take them.

Remote: AH-

Black Hole: Remote!

A fairly bigger snowball hits Remote with enough force to knock her down, Black Hole looks to see Blocky laughing, Black Hole attempts to carry her to safety as the trio of jokers continue to send flurries of snowballs.

Black Hole: Remote, are you ok? Say something.

Remote: I can't *ZZRT* go on... *ZRZRT* Win this for us.

Black Hole sets her down and looks to Pen and his pals on surveillance, his fist clutches as he scoops up another large amount of snow. Pen Blocky and Eraser notice Black Hole rushing towards them with a near massive snowball and are shocked enough to run.

Blocky, Pen, Eraser: Uh-oh.

The chase goes on for a few minutes with the fallen competitors along with non competitors watching the action, the trio soon run up the top of a hill with Blocky slightly behind Black Hole aims carefully and throws his snowball at Blocky.

Black Hole: This is for Remote!

Blocky: Ouch-!

The snowball and Blocky then roll down the other side of the hill after Pen and Eraser slowly getting bigger and faster, soon both Eraser and Pen get over taken by the snowball and it continues to roll with the three of them inside Black Hole begins to worry that he might've gotten to far with this and chases after it to try and stop it.

However he was too late as the snowball crashes into the same tree that ABNTT's sled hit. Pen, Eraser and Blocky pop their heads out and shake the snow off.

Eraser: Did that seriously just happen?

Pen: Yup.

Black Hole: I am really sorry for that are you guys ok?

Blocky: Are you kidding me... 


Pen: I told you Black Hole was cool.

Black Hole: So you're not mad?

Pen: It's just a game dude.

Blocky: Either way, my respect has been earned. ;)

A while after the heat has died down everyone who has taken part of the snowball fight is now sitting at the picnic tables with some hot cocoa from Pin's reopened Hot Cocoa Stand. Tree sits down with Black Hole, Remote, Bubble and Fanny.

Tree: I see that you guys had fun then.

Remote: Snowball fights are awesome!

Black Hole: Yeah, it was pretty exciting. I would definitely do that again sometime later.

Tree: Glad to hear that.

Black Hole continues to dust the snow off of his hoodie and Remote chugs her hot chocolate.

Remote: glug glug glug glug.

Bubble: Hey Black Hole I just now noticed you're still wearing that that same hoodie and jeans, don't you uh have any winter clothes?

Black Hole: Nope, should I?

Bubble: Aren't you cold?

Black Hole: Not really.

Tree: Well he IS from the cold vacuum of space, it would make sense he's used to it.

Black Hole: I wouldn't say it's a matter of that I'm "used to" frigid temperatures, more like that temperature much like time isn't really a concept to my kind.

Tree: Wait so you're not affected by any hot or cold climates?

Black Hole nods.

Tree: Huh.

Bubble: I should've guessed, Firey, Icy and Snowball also don't change clothing for winter. Icy and Snowball because their used to the cold and Firey because well he's fire, he's pretty much always warm.

Black Hole: That's seems reasonable.

Remote: This is the most snow New Yoyle City has gotten in the past 3 years.

Tree: True, there was a bit of a snow drought for quite some time. I was surprised to see so much outside of Black Hole's window.

Bubble: Black Hole what do you think of the snow?

Black Hole: I've seen some cold planets with snow before, but this is actually pretty nice.

Remote: Fanny, you've been quite for a while. What's up?

Fanny grumbles while sitting close to Bubble.

Fanny: I hate the cold!

Tree: That's rather ironic considering that fans are usually used for cooling things down.

Fanny: >:C

Bubble: Hay Fanny, how about we go home and watch a movie?

Fanny: ...

Fanny: I guess that won't be too bad.

Bubble: Okay. Well we best be going, see you guys later!

Black Hole: Bye guys.

Remote: Hey look!

Soon after the two had left snowflakes begin to fall, everyone around looks around. 

Tree: Oh, still snowing it seems.

Black Hole: Wow...

Black Hole watches the snowfall in awe with Tree and Remote.

~To Be Continued~

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