A Black Hole at Gym class

808 24 73

Normal P.O.V: Lunch

Some of the members of Death P.A.C.T. gathered at the usual lunch table and talk about their 1st day thus far.

Liy: So how has everyone's day been going so far?

Bottle: Great, I can tell I'm going to learn so much in geology class. 

Tree: I'm still stuck with four as my algebra teacher...

Liy: Oooh, I remember having him. It was not fun.

Tree: Yeah. But at least Black Hole and I are going through it together, so I can probably say it's not so bad this time. How about you Liy, any new classes you can talk about?

Liy: Eh just Home Ec, nothing to much there. Apart from having Stapy as my partner.

Black Hole: What's so bad about Stapy? He's an easygoing guy.

Liy: It's a personal thing Black Hole, you wouldn't get it.

Pie: Black Hole and I share physics. Though I have to say, our teacher is a bit spiky...

Tree: Have you gone to Gym class yet Black Hole?

Black Hole: Not yet, I will be there after lunch though.


Tree: Welp, see you guys later I have to get to Language Arts.

Liy: Have fun.

The group went their different ways to their next classes including Black Hole who makes his way to the Gym and meets with 19 other students and the coach who seems rather familiar.

Black Hole: Hey, is this where we do gym class?


Black Hole: Well I'll try anything, also Hi Robot Flower. 


Life Ring: Alright alright students settle down.

Black Hole: Hey didn't I see at the public pool and the beach last summer?

Life Ring: You sure did kiddo, those are my summer jobs. And for the rest of this year, I Life Ring am your coach. Now, if you would all please follow me out to the field then we can get started.

The class follow Coach Life Ring outside the gym and onto a field still within school grounds, he then has us split into two teams.

Life Ring: Alright now that the teams are arranged let's discuss today's routine. It is a relay race around that pole and back. First of all I must note that races are running activities, as such flying is strictly prohibited. With that said Black Hole, Puffball, put your feet on the ground and keep them there. 

Black Hole: Oh ok.

Puffball: Okay dokay~

Firey: Sweet! I'm great at races!

Life Ring: One last thing this exercise is not just to test your speed, this'll also test your strength. 

Barrel: How so?

Life Ring: Simple, each student is to carry the student behind them all the way to the pole and back, then that student carries the one behind them and so on. The last student in line doesn't have to carry anyone.

Shell: I don't have to carry anyone. ^u^

Black Hole looks to the person in front of me, he also looks to him and immediately lets out a frustrated response. (I don't blame him given the context) 

Knife: OH COME ON! I have to carry YOU across!? You're fat butt must be like infinity pounds!!


Black Hole: No no no, he's not wrong.


Life Ring: Are we done discussing? Good, now GO! *WHISTLE*

Knife hops onto the steak Jordan who proceeds to run toward the pole, on the other team Taco follows behind them holding Milkshake over her. As expected Jordan comes back to their first and sets Knife down.

Knife: I'm not even going to try, this challenge is as good as lost.

Black Hole: Not quite. You don't have to carry me, here. Just drag me across. 

Knife: How would THAT even work? 

Black Hole: You wanna finish this thing or let Milkshake & Puffball beat us?

Knife: Fine. HRRRRRRRGGH-!

Black Hole sits down slump-like allowing Knife to drag him along by the hood, they remain behind until Milkshake trips delaying her and Puffball for a bit letting the boys take the lead. 

Knife: How is this actually working??

Black Hole: Well normally pulling me or dragging me along without my going willingly would be impossible, here I'm letting you drag me so it's not as difficult. Think of it like how say you aren't able to ride a stallion unless it lets you ride him.

Knife: That makes about as much sense as Fan's fanfiction...

Black Hole: I don't know what that is but I'll take it as a compliment. 

They get back to their team beating Milkshake & Puffball, Knife lets go of Black Hole as he gets up and allows Suitcase to climb on his back.

Black Hole: You holding on there suitcase? I gotta warn you, I can move quick.

Suitcase: Mm-hm!

Trophy: How am I supposed to stay on your back? You're too small-

Before Trophy can finish his words Puffball grows to the size of a medium horse.

Trophy: Oh, okay then. |:)

Puffball: Get on.~


PB & Trophy run up first but then see Black Hole breeze past them on foot with Suitcase on his back.

Trophy & Puffball: How the fluff!/What the-!?~

Even Life Ring is sent spinning as Black Hole runs back to his team. 

Life Ring: Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh! Woo, that is impressive.

Black Hole stops himself by places his feet sideways after he stops leaving a dirt cloud he lets Suitcase down.

Suitcase: I think my soul just left my body...

Black Hole: Hey hey! D-don't loose it now.


Puffball and Trophy arrive and he quickly picks up Shell and runs, Suitcase regains herself and starts to try and catch up with Robot Flower on her shoulders. (RF is surprisingly light.) Both of them make it back around at relatively the same time, once Shell hops off of Trophy and kindly thanks him Robot Flower leaps with no hesitation and metaphorically punches it.

Shell: Thank you Trophy.

Trophy: Run now, thanks later!


Life Ring: Woah, that was some of the fastest running I've seen! Team B finished first!

BH, Jordan, RF, Knife & Suitcase: YEAH!

The winning team high five each other while Trophy pouts about placing second.

Black Hole: I think I might get to really enjoy Gym.

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now