Party Time

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

We finally arrive at Purgatory Mansion I got a little curious as to why it has such an ominous name and ask Remote.

Black Hole: Hey, why is it even called Purgatory Mansion in the first place?

Remote: It is believed that the spirits who haunt the building had suffered greatly and endlessly continue to do so within it's walls unless they make amends.

Black Hole: Amends? Amends with what?

Remote: shrug

Liy knocks on the big door and Marshmallow opens it and lets us inside.

Marshmallow: Oh you all came, Come on in! You can place your treat bags over here.

She shows us a line of hangers where many other bags are hung, I put mine up as the others and follow into the main room where everyone seems to have gathered. There are some tables loaded with snacks and a large bowl filled with punch and some cups next to said bowl, the entire place has lots of Halloween decorations and lots of occasional flashing lights I think Marker calls that a "laser show". This music stuff blasts through these large speakers and to the left of the room looks to be a stage with.. Mic!?

She seems to be singing and doing some dances as per usual, I float over to get a closer look and maybe even speak with her. She seems to be wearing a white tux with a fedora, seeing that she has posters of music writers all over her room, I wouldn't be surprised if she made her costume to be one of those.


The music fades so I take it the song's over, maybe now I'll talk to her.

Black Hole: Mic!?

Mic: OH, VORT- *button press* Vortex! I see Marsh invited you too!

Black Hole: Yeah, what're doing here? 

Mic: Isn't it obvious? Why I'm live entertainment!

Liy: There you are Vortex, Oh hello. This someone you know?

Black Hole: Yeah actually. Liy this is Microphone, she's my neighbor. Mic this is Liy, she's in the same club as me.

The two ladies shake hands in a formal fashion.

Liy: I'm also the one that invited him to join. Pleased to meet you.

Mic: Same to you! You know guys, I'm always happy to take song requests. 

Black Hole: Huh.

Liy: OH really? Well then, in any chance could you- uh. 

She whispers something into Mic's ear, at least that's what I think it is, My hearing can't seem to detect that unless it's directed to me or from me which gets to be rather annoying by the way.

Mic: Ooooh~ *light chuckle* Gotcha. *wink*

You can't tell but I just rolled my non existent eyes, I look to the punch bowl to find a surprising scandal occurring. Marker dressed as some sort of suspicious bean seems to have Bomby pinned to the floor and is rapidly shaking him! Immediately I fly in to interfere and pick Marker up.


Bomby: GET OFF OF ME!!

Black Hole: Woah woah WOAH! Knock it off you two!

Marker: Vortex, put me down!

Black Hole: Not until you tell me why you were assaulting poor Bomby!!

Marker: Because he is a VAMPIRE!

Bomby: WHAT!? NO I'M NOT, THIS IS ONLY A COSTUME! *pat-tooie* SEE?

Bomby then spits out a pair as sharp teeth which I can assume are fake. 

Marker: Meh, I have other evidence.

Black Hole: Markeeerrr...

I drop him and he walks off to his pals Foldy and Stapy, I yet again roll my "eyes" and look back to the Bomby and his small metal friend who was a witness to the whole thing.

Black Hole: I'm very sorry about him, he's new to our club and we should properly let him know that stuff like this is what he shouldn't be doing.

Small girl: Nah, It's ok at least you called him off. I'm Naily by the way Vortex right? Nice to finally meet you face to face.

Black Hole: Same here to you. By the way pardon me for asking but what exactly is a vampire and why did Marker think Bomby was one?

Naily: A vampire is pretty much an undead monster know to sleep in coffins and drink the blood of mortals. As for Marker, you're guess is as good as ours.

Black Hole: OK that's kinda scary.

Bomby: Hey Naily, didn't you have a question about him you wanted to ask?

Black Hole: A question huh, what do you want to ask?

Naily: Oh yeah, well... it's gonna sound weird but you didn't have a face before right?

Not what I expected to hear from her jeez what temporary excuse can I make up for this?!

Black Hole: Uhh, what do you mean?

Naily: Ok cuz I totally saw you on probably your first day at school and you didn't have those facial features before and now you do, what's that about?

Black Hole: Okay you are right about that, don't tell anyone but I manifested this face for the sake of expressing myself and yes I know I'm missing eyes. Somehow I couldn't make a pair of those.

Naily: Oh cool. So can you make this face? >:3

Black Hole: hmm.. I guess I could try.     >  3     I'm I doing it right?

Bomby takes a picture with his phone.

Naily: Heck yeah, You totally nailed it!

~A few minutes later~

I chat with Donut and Needle for a bit but then I spot something zooms by in the corner of my vision whatever it was seemed quick and able to vanish in an instant.

Donut: Hey Vortex, are you listening?

Black Hole: Did you guys see that thing of light zip by?

Needle: What are you talking about? I didn't see anything. 

Donut: Yeah maybe your mind's just playing trick on you.

I shrug it off for now but I'm very sure I saw something, maybe I don't have eyes but my vision has never failed me.

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now