Death Itself

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Normal P.O.V:

The instant Two snapped their finger Death P.A.C.T. is teleported on top of the school building in the middle of nighttime. 

Liy: Alright let's do a head count to see exactly whose nightmare we're dealing with. I'm here, Tree's here, Bottle's here, Pillow's here (you better not cause more trouble!), Pie, Remote, Lightning, Marker, Fanny and Pen... Hm

Fanny: By process of elimination, this must be Black Hole's nightmare.

Pen: Really? Huh, y'know I've been wondering for months now if he was capable of dreaming. Guess I've got my answer now.

Marker: But what would Black Hole even have a nightmare of anyway? He's a black hole!

Tree: Uhh I can think of a few things...

Tree points the team to a certain direction allowing them to discover all of New Yoyle City around them reduced to nothing but ruin and no sign of life left. 

Bottle: Oh dear glass...

Liy: *gulp* Black Hole's nightmare is.. is..

Tree: Death... We've got to go find him. NOW. 

Pie: I think he already found us....! 0~0'

Death P.A.C.T. turns around to where Pie was looking and find Black Hole now gigantic looming over them with an eerily expression. 




The moment Marker stepped forward Black Hole thrusts his hand onto the side of the building taking all of it down and Marker with it. When Death P.A.C.T. fell to the ground they didn't need further observation to know what happened to one of their teammate as fear filled all of them.



Black Hole roars ferociously as he after consuming the entire school gives chase to Death P.A.C.T. all while taking more of the city with him.

Liy: I don't get it, why is HE going after us?!

Remote: Obviously this nightmare has him reverted back to his past murderous nature as a black hole! 

Tree: Black Hole fears more than death.. he fears himself.



Liy: I got this, I know how to drive a stick shift!

The gang hop into the van and drive away, meanwhile Black Hole after devouring all of New Yoyle City continues his pursuit for the gang into a forest. 

Tree: Faster Liy, FASTER!

Liy: I've already got the gas pedal on the floor! Try to slow him down!

Pen: I know I'm usually the optimist of the group and all.. but do you SEE HOW MASSIVE HE IS!? 

While Pen panics Tree pop out from the roof window thinking of a diversion method ending up doing the stupidest distraction ever, that... somehow worked.

Tree: What do I say.. uh BLACK HOLE LOOK OVER THERE!

Black Hole: HUH? Hmmm.. *realization* GRRRRRRRR-! *ROOOAAAAAAAR*

Tree: I'm actually surprised that worked. 

Remote: This means he's not completely gone! We still have a chance to save him!

Liy: We've gotta save ourselves first!

Fanny: Speaking of saving ourselves, WE'VE GOT A PROBLEM! 

The gang look ahead to find themselves nearing a canyon and to make matters more frightening Black Hole begins reaching over the van to grab. 

Fanny: I HATE CLIFFS!!!!!

Right as Black Hole attempts to get them Liy takes this opportunity and uses the gravity around his hand to get across the canyon.  


Pillow: Nice plan stealing some of Black Hole's gravity Liy. 

Liy: Thank you Pillow.


Lightning: What now?

To most of Death P.A.C.T.'s confusion Black Hole stops chasing them and just gets on all fours preparing something. 

Pen: Why has he uhh.. stopped? 

Pillow: Maybe he gave up on trying to eat us all alive. 

Remote: I don't think that's the case. Look! 

The moment Remote shoots down Pillow's theory the gang turn back to see Black Hole beginning to transform into his original form and consume everything around him. 

Pen: Should I even ask what is happening... 

Tree: Remember our fieldtrip to the space museum? Black holes in reality appear no different than non sentient ones. Black Hole's reassuming his TRUE FORM!

Tree's explanation proves to be correct as Black Hole beyond recognizable as a lovable friend/ death preventer continues to eat up everything, even the earth around him and ahead of Death P.A.C.T.! determined not to fail Liy keeps driving over the debris being pulled into Black Hole. 

Pie: What's gonna happen if he sucks US up!?

Liy: We won't save him from his nightmare and considering how dire things are now... we may die FOREVER! I'm not letting THIS OF ALL THINGS BE THE FALL OF DEATH P.A.C.T.! HOLD ON TIGHT!

~To be Continued~

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Since Wattpad wants to be a beta version of Ao3 and force stories to have a maximum of 200 chapters, this adventure will continue on another book. Stay tuned by then.)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 24 ⏰

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