Operation: Storm the Empire Phase 1

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Golf Ball's P.O.V:

Tennis Ball: So why are we back at this jungle?

Golf Ball: A vital part of my plan involves freeing Black Hole of the restraints that keep him from using his abilities at will. To do that, I need the remains of the MePhone that restraint him in the first place, that way I can find a way to reverse it's functionality.

Cherry Jr: Hi there again.

Golf Ball: Just who I've been looking for, I need you to bring me to the giant MePhone you broke down. ...Please.

Cherry Jr: Is this to save Black Hole from that evil corn?

Golf Ball: Yes it is.

Cherry Jr: Okay! This way, it's still where me an Axel left it.

The young black cherry escorts us to a ravine, he gets down there with a vine, TB ends up tripping and falls into the ravine while I took a safer route.



Golf Ball: Hi TB.

Tennis Ball: Hi GB. Aaaaaaah..!

Eventually we both met the kid at the bottom and found what was left of the MePhoneX, I go up to it and rip it's arm clean off.

Golf Ball: Perfect, this is just what I need. NRRRRUGH!


Tennis Ball: Yikes.

Golf Ball: Thanks for your help kid.

Cherry Jr: Wait, I can help more with saving Black Hole.

Golf Ball: No way, you're just a kid.

Tennis Ball: A kid whose survived in the jungle for years. 

Cherry Jr: I also gained electrical powers from being hit by a lightning bolt.

Golf Ball: *sigh* Fine, but I'm not responsible for if he gets hurt!

With the parts I need and the orphan cherry now with us, I teleport us both back to the factory. Tennis Ball keeps an eye on him and waits for everyone else while I go out to get more reinforcements from someone who also has a vendetta against Meeple.


Test Tube: *yawn* What is it...?

Golf Ball: I need your help.

Test Tube: With what?

Golf Ball: Black Hole has been captured, and me, Tennis Ball and Death P.A.C.T. are on a mission to save him from Steve Cobs....

Test Tube: .... 

Test Tube: I'll get my laser bazooka.

Golf Ball: Excellent.

Normal P.O.V:

Golf Ball and Test Tube go down into her factory where almost everyone is gathered around a strategy table. Cherry Jr is telling Lightning about  how him accidentally zapping him gave him cool electric powers and making it sound like a superhero's origin story, Remote, TB and TV are hacking into Meeple to get the map layout of the building, and everyone else was simply talking.

Golf Ball: Alright is everyone present and accounted for?

Pie: Not yet, we're still waiting for Fanny.

Tree: Yeah she said she had to prepare herself, I'm not quite sure what she meant thou-


Out of nowhere a long sword lands itself right in the middle of the table piercing Lightning's pink lemonade. The team sharply turn to see Fanny march downstairs, once she got to the table she rips the sword off where it stood spun it a bit with her tail getting the cup offand slides it back in it's holster.

Lightning: Dang Fanny, that was amazing!

Bottle: Cool sword!

Fanny: Just putting my katana lessons from Jade to use. If not for attacking, it'll be good for defense.

Tennis Ball: Here's the map layout of Meeple Corp Golf Ball.

Golf Ball: Perfect! It's time we strategize Operation: Storm the Empire. Here's the plan, we'll sneak into the building under the cover of night. Security around the entrance is tight, but there is a loose ventilation opening perfect for us all to get through. At 2 o'clock the guards begin their rounds, this is where 4S will exit first and cause a diversion to get them away from the security office for Tennis Ball to deactivate all the cameras. 

Golf Ball: After that, we're free to go in and find where they're keeping Black Hole. Once Remote tracks down his location with the new upgrade I've fitted into her I'll hack our way into the room and rest of Death P.A.C.T. do whatever they can to break an opening in the forcefield so I can release Black Hole's restraints and he will be able to break out himself. 

Liy: Okay then genius, about escaping Meeple Corp?

Golf Ball: Once Black Hole is out of his prison the alarms will go off with our cover inevitably blown, once that happens it's a full frontal assault out of there. I'll request Black Hole to bring me the corn man himself alive so TB and I can erase his memory of Black Hole's existence and we'll be home free. 

Golf Ball: It's foolproof. Who's with me!?

Everyone: I!

Tree: I think this plan is nuts, but it is plans like those that tend to be flawless. Whatever it takes to save Black Hole, I'm down for it.

Liy: I'm glad you're that willing Tree. Because as much as I wouldn't want to declare such, once we escape our pledge for preventing death... is OFF the table!

Death P.A.C.T: WHAT!? (Marker: NANI?)

Pie: Um Liy, are you sure about this? You made so much progress recovering from your traumatic past.

Liy: I know, but we've only had a taste of what Cobs will have his creations do to us if we fight back. Seeing that he won't hold anything back, then WE WON'T EITHER. If he wants a death pact, he's got one...

Golf Ball: It's settled then, everyone prepare yourselves tonight... we... STRIKE!

~To be Continued~

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