The truth about Freesmart

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

Following The Floor proved tricky when his only method of moving around was teleportation but me and Fanny managed keep up with him and we stop at a door that reads "School Archives" don't think I've seen this room before.


Floor: woah woah, calm your body little lady. My friend Cabinet or Cabby for short is the student council president, she practically spends her free time maintaining the archives, if it's anybody who can find you the right file, It's her. Now, I don't have hands so could you just..

*Knock knock*

Floor: There you go. I'll see ya later, just tell her what you need the info for she'll be happy to help.   *pop*


The door opens revealing a periwinkle file cabinet sitting in wheelchair.

BH(Vortex): Uh hi, I'm-

Cabinet: Vortex, member of Death P.A.C.T. and Fanny, former member of Iance, now the newest member of Death P.A.C.T.   I know who you two are...

Fanny: How do you-?

Cabinet: The Archives store information on all the school staff, students, clubs, events, everything. And I manage it. Of course I know who you two are, what do you want?

BH(Vortex): Well, we plan to put Iance's abuse to an end but to do so we're gonna need to know what became of it's successor FreeSmart, the Floor told us that you carry a file that has everything about it. Is it ok if we take a look?

Cabinet: Well I'm on my way to get some lunch, but Death P.A.C.T is know to be noble to it's word... Fine, but just that file only and when I return I expect it to be back where it belongs.

BH(Vortex): Of course, thank you.

We both head into the archives to find the file on FreeSmart. But where is it???

BH(Vortex): Let's split up. You take that side, I'll take the other.

I have no idea how these things are stored and Cabinet never said where it was, so we'll have to find it ourselves. After a while of browsing File name after file name I still don't fine the one for FreeSmart, but I found a file that had caught my interest. A file about me, It even has my fake name written on it, I shouldn't be surprised about this, I am a student here although... she told not to but, I have a very big secret to keep hidden at all costs I'll need to atleast check what the school knows about me. 

Upon looking inside and reading shock and fear fill my body, this file has everything  it even knows that I'm a Black Hole! But HOW!? I look at the name on the file "Vortex", it's written on a piece of tape while the rest are not, I don't even need to remove it to know what's really under there. If this gets out it'll all be ruined for me, I need to make sure nobody EVER gets to look into this.

Fanny: VORTEX!

BH(Vortex): AAH! 

Fanny: AAAH!

Vortex & Fanny: AAAAHHH!!

BH(Vortex): Fanny! ooooh, don't scare me like that!

Fanny: Sorry, but I finally found the file! C'mon, let's look through it on that desk!

She runs off to read the file on FreeSmart, I don't feel safe leaving this thing here, I shove it in my hoodie's pocket and follow her. Good thing this pocket is fairly wide.

after that

Fanny: It looks like FreeSmart has been a thing since their first high school year.

BH(Vortex): Interesting... Look at this! This paragraph says that Bubble was the one the started FreeSmart,

Fanny: And yet Pencil and Match control Iance with matching iron fists...

BH(Vortex): What's that supposed to mean?

Fanny: Listen, there a rule every club knows of, and that rule is this, the person who decides to form the club is to be club captain no. matter. what! That would mean Pencil and Match took advantage of Bubble's weak authority and stole her rightful place as leader!

BH(Vortex): Woah, this went deeper than we thought, so If we get this out to Iance...

Fanny: Pencil's demands will deemed futile!

BH(Vortex): High five!

Fanny slaps my palm with her tail excitedly.


I write this detail down on a sheet of paper and help Fanny put the FreeSmart file back in it's place on the shelf and we both head out the archive closing the door behind us. 

Fanny: I can't wait to rub this in Pencil's face!

I watch Fanny jump around like a happy child  at the playground and can't help but smile back, I don't think anyone's ever seen Fanny this happy, I'm glad to be the first, as she has every right to be so. However I remember the file about me, it's still in my pocket. I don't feel it to be a good idea confronting Iance right this moment with the contents of these papers vulnerable to being exposed...

BH(Vortex): Uhh hey Fanny, when by chance is Iance's next meeting? 

Fanny: Not till tomorrow, why?

BH(Vortex): I think it'd be a better idea if we do this at their meeting, that way their all at one place for us to drop this metaphorical bomb on them.

Bomb in the background: Huh!?

BH(Vortex): uh, No not you!

Bomb: oh... *walks away*

Fanny: That... is... a great idea!

Fanny and I part ways for now and I make haste for my locker to hide this file, ounce there I check if no one's looking and slide the file between the pages of a textbook I won't use for the rest of the day, when it's time to go home I'll put that book with the file into my backpack and bring it with me, then I'll figure out what to do with it.

Tree: Vortex, can I talk to you about somethi-?

BH(Vortex): AH! *SLAM* It's not what it looks like!

Tree: ...........

Asteroids! Why did I say that? He's gonna get supsisous!

Tree: uuuhh... ok..? Nevermind...

phew.... I said it before but I really need to be more careful...

~To be Continued~

(Author's Note: ooh things are getting rather juicy aren't they? What happens to that file, and will Cabby notice it's disappearence? Well we're gonna have to wait a bit to find out now won't we?) >:3c

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