A new Member

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Tree's P.O.V:

It's the weekend and we're all (all as in Death P.A.C.T.) at the Park hanging out. I'm just reading a good book, Bottle and Remote seem to be making a stack of... forks I have no idea where they got so many but as long as they clean it up responsibly it's fine, Liy is walking around on patrol keeping an eye open for anyone in deadly danger, I guess for her a Death P.A.C.Ter's duty is never done, Pie is just watching Pen draw, Pillow seems to have wondered off again, and Vortex is with me laying on the grass admiring the plant life around him. It's nice to have someone that cares for life like you do, honestly when we first brought him here he acted like it was his first time seeing such a lively green place.

Scruff voice: there you are!

I take my book down to see a small blue electric desk fan in front of me, her power cord tail swishing side to side. Vortex also sits up to see her.

Tree: Hello Fanny, how is your Saturday?

Fanny: It's hateful.

Tree: Yeah I bet, what do you want?

Fanny: I saw that stunt your friend here pulled on Snowball.

Vortex: Oh really, well your welcome. 

Tree: Pretty sure she's here for a different reason Vortex. What is it?

Liy, Remote and Pen gather to us with curious expressions.

Fanny: Your club hates bullies and death right?

Vortex: Oh well that's a strong word for it..

Pen: Hey I don't hate bullies, some of them are my friends!

Fanny: I hate your friends, especially Snowball.

Pen: Snowball's mean but he's not that worthy of hate!

Fanny: Yes he is!

Pen: If anyone is worthy of hate it's you!

Fanny: Yes I am!

Pen: WOAH! That is really.. thought provoking...

Remote: We're getting off topic!

Liy: Yeah, cut to the chase Fanny.

Fanny: I want to join your club!

Liy: Aren't you in Iance?

Oh yeah, Snowball was too, geez I wonder how that was like for the both of them. I have heard that the club Iance has been getting rather toxic lately...

Fanny: Not anymore I quit, I'm fed up with Iance and I hate that name!

Vortex: What's Iance? Sounds like Science but with the first 2 letters silent.

Remote: Wait, you don't know of the other clubs??

Vortex nods with a shrug, that's rather fair we're pretty much the only people he regularly talks to for these 2 weeks. Everyone else returns (Even Pillow thank orchard) and Remote catches them up with what we're discussing.

Liy: Iance is a culture club consisting of Snowball, Ruby, Flower, Lightning, Bubble, as well as Pencil and Match and originally Fanny.

Vortex: ugh, I really don't like those two.

Fanny: Right!? So am I in or am I not?

Liy: hmmm.. I don't kno-

Tree: (whispers) It's probably best we take her in, our influence could set a healthier eviorment for her.

Liy: (also whispering) You make a compelling argument Tree. (not whispering) Well Fanny you're in, welcome to Death P.A.C.T.

Fanny: YES!

Didn't think our club could net more than 8 members but here we are.

~To be continued~

(Author's note: gonna have to slow down a bit on the writing, need sleep after all. I'll get back to this on the weekend or so tho.)

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