Supernatural Encounter

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

Me, Pen, and Tree are sitting at the breakfast nook chatting when that same ball of light zoomed below me, as I follow it with my "eyes" I find it going upstairs. Could that thing one of the so called ghosts that's haunting this place...?

Tree: Vortex? Vortex.... VORTEX.

Black Hole: HUH? What?

Tree: That's the third time now you've zoned out since we arrived, are you feeling okay? (I'm kinda worried)

Black Hole: Tree I'm fine, I just saw that blur of light again it headed upstairs.

Pen: You claim to have seen something like that but no one else has noticed it. You sure you're not playing a joke on us?

Black Hole: We all know that's your thing Pen, and I don't lie anymore.

Pen: uh-

Black Hole: AND my secret identity doesn't count in this case. I'm pretty sure this thing I'm seeing zip around might actually be a ghost.

Tree:*gulp*  R-really?

Pen: Silly Vortex I told you, ghosts aren't real. They're only fictional movie monsters such as dragons or aliens.

Black Hole: I don't know about dragons but I know for a fact that what you call aliens actually do exist Pen, I've seen them.

Pen: Say what now?

Pen smiles weirdly but I can tell by his eyes he's shocked to hear my proof of aliens being real.

Tree: Ok, but if you are seeing a ghost fly around here, shouldn't you investigate it?

Black Hole: That's a good plan, let's go.

I start to head to the stairs but I notice that Pen and Tree aren't leaving their seats.

Black Hole: Aren't you guys coming?

Pen: Huh, oh sorry, I gotta process something...

Tree: I only sugguested that you should investigate this erm ghost, I didn't say I was going...

Black Hole: (sarcastically) Gee thanks... Just hold on to this for me will you?

I hand Tree my fake scythe and go up the stairs myself.

Pen: *cough* wuss!

Tree: Excuuse me?

Normal P.O.V: 

As Black Hole floats up the stairway to the second floor of the mansion he notices how empty that halls looked to be, makes sense as everyone else is downstairs enjoying the party technically he shouldn't be up here yet here he is looking for a possible ghost.

Black Hole: Uhh.. Hello? Is.. anyone up here?


Just then that orb of light passes him and phases through one of the doors in the hallway, Black Hole quickly floats to said door and opens it to find a fairly untouched bedroom as he looks around for the spirit a small music box starts to play a slow eerie tune with the crank slowly turning. Curiosity gets the best of Black Hole and he gets closer to it unsure what exactly that is.


Suddenly a smaller pink yet translucent ribbon instantly pops out from the box and wails in Black Hole's face only for him to be unphased.  

Black Hole: Nice..

Translucent ribbon: HUH? Aren't you like.. scared? Petrified? Uh, peeing your pants?

Black Hole: Nope I'm impervious to fear. Also, I don't pee.

Translucent ribbon: Omg, that is insane, no has ever been not scared of me before. I mean even Marsh fainted when I pulled that same trick when first meeting her.

Black Hole: You know Marshmallow?

Translucent ribbon: Why of course, I'm like her favorite supernatural roommate! Every year tho she always tells me an Dough to stay up here until her little party's over. Like girl, as if you can boss me around.

Black Hole: So that speeding light WAS you, you ARE a ghost!

Bow: Yup that's me! Bow's the name by the way. Wait, what are you doing up here? I know Marsh doesn't let her party guests up the stairs because we hide up here for the night!

Black Hole: Well I only came up here to investigate. 

Bow: Oh, are you a ghost hunter or something?

Black Hole: uh no?

Bow: Oh well, I'm still gonna possess you and wipe your memories of this anyway. :D

Bow then flies directly to Black Hole's face to do just what she said, but that's not what terrified Black Hole about her flying this way.

Black Hole: WAIT NO-!


Black Hole: wooaaaah.. ooh- oh...

Right when Bow flew into Black Hole he started to stumble and couldn't stay in place very well, the hood of his reaper costume fell off as he was frantically moving and his head literally spinning rapidly with his face looking like he would be tasered. 

Black Hole: Aaaaaaaa...


Bow is then suddenly flung out of Black Hole's singularity (plus his face) and though a wall.


With a dazed look to him Black Hole falls to the floor mentally exhausted.

Black Hole: *pant pant pant* Oh man... *pant* is this what being dizzy feels like...? oooooh...

While Black Hole groans and tries to regather himself enough to float again Bow zips back into the room from the same wall.


Black Hole: NO! NOT again! *groan* I can't take it..

Bow: Ugh, party pooper much?

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Have you ever wondered what would happen if a ghost were to get sucked into a black hole? Well, exactly what you just read.)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ