Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 4

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Normal P.O.V:

OJ chats with Paper over a cup of hot cocoa when Gelatin attempts to sneak up to him and take a sip from his head, however Paper notices Gelatin.

Paper: Gelatin, what are you trying to do?

OJ turns to face Gelatin and stares him down.

Gelatin: I.. I.. I...

OJ: Are you trying to drink out of me?

Gelatin: Noooo... Yeah. But I'm thirsty, c'mon just one sip?

OJ: Absolutely not! Go drink someone else's innards or better yet, find a beverage from the cooler by the snack bar like a sensible person! 

Gelatin rushes off and walks over to Barf Bag.

Gelatin: Hey there Barf Bag-

Barf Bag: No Gelatin, you can't 'drink' my fluids. Not just because I need it inside me but drinking vomit is downright disgusting.

Gelatin: Okay you're right about that.

Barf Bag: Why not go to Bottle, for some reason she's filled to the near brim with sparkling cider.

Barf Bag points Gelatin over to Bottle who's playing with USB (and their pal Puppet), Gelatin then approaches her.

Bottle: I don't see why other people are nervous about Puppet, he's pretty cool.

USB: :)

Bottle: Hi there Gelatin.

Gelatin: Hey Bottle, I noticed that you're filled with sparkling cider can I have a sip of that?

Bottle: Sure thing!

Bottle kneels over letting Gelatin grab out a straw and takes a long sip from Bottle leaving her a third empty.

Bottle: Hehehe! That tickles!

Gelatin: Thanks Bottle.

Meanwhile Pencil sits on the couch on her phone when she notices that Snowball is still sitting there on the other side, slightly annoyed by this she decides to try talking to him.

Pencil: *sigh* You're like, still sitting here? I thought you would've like, went off with Pen and Eraser.

Snowball: I have a life outside of my friend group you know! Also I have something on my mind and I don't want them causing problems over it.

Pencil: You like, think? 


Lightning then hovers to Snowball.

Lightning: There you are Snowball. Oh... hi Pencil...

Pencil and Lightning share a long awkward stare for a moment before Pencil rolls her eyes with a sigh and leaves.

Pencil: I'll just like, find my alliance...

Elsewhere Black Hole sits with Remote and Mic in the kitchen.

Microphone: It's nice to meet you in person Remote.

Remote: Same here! 

Microphone: Can I just say your relationship is so adorable it's like you're siblings! You would consider Remote as your little sister right Black Hole?

Black Hole doesn't respond and is seemingly starring off into space with a perplexed expression, Mic then tries to get his attention back.

Mic: Ahem, Black Hole? WORLD TO BLACK HOLE!!

Black Hole: HUH? Wha-? I'm sorry you were saying something?

Mic: Black Hole are you okay? You seem a little bit puzzled.

Black Hole: I'm fine Mic, it's just Tree. He doesn't seem to be his usual self now, he even told me that he wouldn't come to this party if I didn't. Almost like christmas isn't the best of times for him.

Mic: Well I see a lot a students try to decorate him one year, I'd be pretty steamed if someone tried to do that to me to.

Black Hole: I'm pretty sure it's more than just that. Remote and Pen even had a brief argument with Tree about the existence of Santa the other day.

Remote: That's just the grinch in him I'm sure.

Black Hole: Ok but what even IS a grinch?? 

Mic: The Grinch is a fictional character who most known for a holiday story about how he disliked Christmas and one day tries to steal it from the village he isolates himself from, but soon realizes to true meaning of Christmas and returns what he stole.

Black Hole: What does that have to do with Tree?

Mic: What I'm saying is maybe Tree is often left alone on Christmas time. I mean, one of the reasons the Grinch hated Christmas was because he was always left to celebrate all by himself from his childhood and onward. Maybe that's what Tree has or is going through.

Black Hole looks back out into the party and watches Tree standing against the wall with just a cup of hot cocoa with a candy cane in it to his name, it could just be because he's live his life like that but Black Hole can't help but emphasize with the idea of being all alone on a time of togetherness and love. He didn't want his boyfriend to have to spend another Christmas lonely, his two fingers tapped the kitchen island surface as he thinks.

Mic: I have a vintage DVD you could barrow and watch once we get home if you'd like to do some research.

Black Hole: I would like that, thanks Mic.

In the meantime Puffball continued floating over everyone at the party still with the mistletoe in her mouth, she happily hovered over individuals or couple letting have a wholesome kiss. She looked to Tree but couldn't get Black Hole close enough for them both to fall under the mistletoe much to her disappointment she decides to move on to someone else.

Puffball: Hey Fries.~

Fries: Hey Puffball, are you finally done matchmaking?

Puffball: Almost, I have one more kiss to make happen. And I need your help for it.~

Fries: Alright then who's the sucker and more importantly... where's the mistletoe you had the whole time?

Puffball points her paw up and Fries looks to see that her mistletoe is handing on a string that's attached to a thin stick tied to Puffball's head, he then makes the quick realization and doesn't bather to argue.

Fries: Oh alright I get the idea. 

Fries gives Puffball a small kiss on the noes and her tail wags rapidly.

Fries: There, you happy now?

Puffball: YAY!~

Puffball zips around Fries and even snuggles against his side, Fries smiles and pats Puffball.

Fries: You're no better than the other girls out there, you know that right?

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Sorry for the lack of updates, I'm really sick at the moment and the congestion was holding me back from this site. Though I still have a running noes and my throat's now dryer than Egypt, I'll still try to post the next chapter tomorrow)

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