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Tree's P.O.V:

It's been at least an entire month since I was given clearance from my doctor, some of the precautions he gave me limit me from after school activities like my job or meeting with Death P.A.C.T. each of them occasionally visit every other day though to hang out with me. Today Black Hole came over after taking my place at the flower shop with his Nintendo switch and his Animal Crossing game. 

Black Hole: Hey Tree.

Tree: Oh hello Black Hole, what's that you got there?

Black Hole: It's my Nintendo Switch, I thought we could play Animal Crossing together.

Tree: Sounds like fun, but I don't have one of my own.

Black Hole: That's okay, I know how to set it up.

He hooks up his switch to my tv and as he starts up the game hands me one of the joycons and helps me join in. We've play for a few hours doing just about anything, from helping him clean up his Bunny Day decor to fishing to taking cute pictures with his villagers. He mostly rambled about how much he loves this game and his experience learning about the series but I didn't mind, seeing him happy and hearing his voice takes my mind off my current troubles. A knock on my door can be heard I then get up and go to answer.

Leafy: Hi Tree!

Tree: Oh, hello Leafy. What are you doing here?

Leafy: I feel bad about what you're going through so I made you this in Home Ec today!

Firey Jr: I have something for you too.

Leafy then hands out a small basket of snickerdoodles with a card, the small flame that's Leafy's kid (don't question it) also gives me a drawing of me and him holding hands with writing reading "You got this!" I couldn't help but smile.

Firey Jr: So.. are you missing your leaves because you have cancer?

Leafy: Firey Jr! That's a sensitive-

Tree: No no, it's fine. 

I kneel to Firey Jr to quench his natural curiosity. 

Tree: It's actually because of the medicine that kills the cancer, it also kills my leaves.

Firey Jr: And you took that medicine? 

Tree: I took a lot of it, and I still do.

Firey Jr: So you took your medicine and that means your cancer is dying.

Tree: Yep.

Firey Jr: That is awesome. :)

The kid hops into my arms sharing a short hug.

Tree: Aww. 

Leafy: See this is why I convinced Firey we should keep him. 

Tree: I'll admit, you raise him well. Thank you both.

Leafy: You're welcome, bye.

Leafy and her kid leave and put the basket of cookies on the coffee table before sitting back down with Black Hole.

Black Hole: Who was it?

Tree: Just Leafy with Firey Jr, they gave me this thing right here.

Black Hole: Oh well that's sweet of them. Wow, that kid can draw better than me.

Tree: I don't think that's anything to be ashamed about, everyone has their talents. Maybe you can't draw or cook but you have many other skills like your singing and your heavy knowledge of the things you enjoy. 

Black Hole: What talent do you have?

Tree: Me? Well, I believe I carry about as much musical skill as you and... oh! I'm also an excellent actor.

Black Hole: You can act?

Tree: Mother said I have always been a theater kid.

Black Hole: WOAH! I caught a big one!

Tree: A coelacanth, nice!

Black Hole: This'll go nicely in Bather's museum.

Me and Black Hole continue to play together for a time before he had to go. He turned off the game, unplugged the switch from my tv and we said our goodbyes but not before I kissed him on the side of his hood.

The next day Normal P.O.V:

Both Tree and Black Hole head down the hallway together chatting when Pen comes up to them with a certain someone Black Hole still isn't too pleased to see.

Tree: That seriously happened?

Black Hole: Yeah, and the boss gave me a raise for apprehending him too. 

Pen: Hey guys perfect timing.

Black Hole: Hey there Pen- Oh.. you....

Black Hole glares at him the same way as he did the last time they saw each other, Eraser pouts trying to avoid his soul piercing gaze he tried not to look intimidated but he's clearly terrified.

Pen: Now Eraser, isn't there something you need to say to both Tree and Black Hole...?

Eraser: ...

Eraser: *sigh* Fine. I'm sorry I picked on you like that, and I hope you get much better soon. There, can I go now.

Tree: I suppose I can accept your apology. Thank you for realizing what you did wrong.

Black Hole: .... 

Black Hole: I'll let you off this time, but IF this sort of thing happens again... you will regret it...

Eraser: Is this the part where I'm actually made nervous by you? 

Black Hole: Maybe not, but this sure is. *HIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS*

Almost in an instant Black Hole opens his 'mouth' emitting an eerie hissing noise comparable to a cobra's which makes Eraser stumble backward and crash himself into a nearby wall. Pen then looks with a mix of both shock and disappointment. 

Eraser: AHH! AAAH-!

*BANG* *thud*

Eraser: *seeing stars*

Pen, BH & Tree: .....

Pen: Surprisingly that went better than I thought it would.

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now