Vengeance pt 1

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

After a couple minutes I managed to regain some balance and float back off the ground, whatever Bow did inside my body seemed to have screwed up my gyroscopic sense of balance which is what usually prevents me from getting dizzy or a headache when flying in various positions, at least it wasn't permanent.

Black Hole: *sigh* Well that's one thing I can't absorb.. ghosts...

Bow: Yeah, I'm actually curious about that, How come I couldn't possess you or even phase through you?

I'm upstairs with just Bow while everyone else is downstairs, so I suppose it's safe to be honest with her.

Black Hole: Because of the one thing we likely have in common, we're both non-physical entities, you can't phase into me, I can't suck you in, otherwise you'd be forced back out. We pretty much cancel each other out.

Bow: You're non-physical? What like even are you?

Black Hole: Promise not to tell Marsh or your other friends?

Bow nods

Black Hole: I'm a humanoid black hole.

Bow: Omg that's coolness!

Black Hole: You don't think that a black hole right in front of you is even a little frighting?

Bow: Honey I'm dead okay? I've seen death, nothing like scares me anymore. Except, maybe vacuum cleaners...

Black Hole: Oh yeah, that makes sense. (Vacuum cleaner??? I'm not even gonna ask..) You can refer to me as my alias Vortex.

Bow: An alias? Oooh, are you like some kinda of spy?

Black Hole: Uuh... No. I'm just trying to fit in with the earth objects without them knowing what I actually am. (for now at least..)

Bow: Gotcha.. 'not' a spy. C;

Comets she's the type of person you can't reason with isn't she...?

Bow: Hey wait, you go to Dream Island Academy right?

Black Hole: Yeah actually, you used to go there? I recognize that logo.

I point out the DIA icon on the now torn cheerleader outfit she's wearing.

Bow: Uh YA, DIA was the most fun EVER! But then that stupid light-switch had to ruin it for me...

Black Hole: Light-switch?? Wait do you mean Liy?

Bow: Uh ya I mean Liy, ugh just saying her name makes me sick. She's the reason I'm here in the first place you know!

Black Hole: That.. seems very unlikely? Did she fail to save you life or something?

Bow: SAVE ME? Why would she save me!? She's cares about nobody but herself!

Bow scoffs and faces the other way pouting.

Black Hole: Ok this is confusing, I'm gonna head back downstairs and ask her about this claim.

Bow: Wait a minute, Liy is here?

Black Hole: yeah why?

Bow: UGH! Why would Marsh invite that switch!? She knows what happened! You know what, I'm sick of this, if she's here this means I have a chance to take me REVENGE!!

Black Hole: What!? WAIT BOW STOP!

Bow flies out of the room, I try to stop her but upon getting out the door I had already lost sight of her.

Black Hole: That.. can't be good...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: It was at this moment Black Hole knew, he screwed up)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now