Righting the Wrong

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Black Hole's P.O.V:  

I'm back at the archives again, I look at the file of me in my hand with a new tape with 'Vortex' written on to cover my real name, I'm rather nervous to do this nor can I believe I'm doing it. I think back to what Pen said that night he discovered my true identity. Maybe Cabby is in class and I can return it without her knowing it was me, but if she IS here then...

No, no more thinking of this, I push the door open and head inside doesn't look like Cabby is around that's good. I look for the self in which I found the file and start to slide back in it's spot.

Cabby: What are you doing here?

Black Hole: AH-!

Oh comet she IS here, it's times like this I wish invisibility was one of my many powers.

Black Hole: Uh Hang on I thought you weren't here.

Cabby: I was at the back doing some cleaning, you dodged my question though, what are you doing here?

Black Hole: Well I um... I believe this is yours, I'm here to return it.

I reluctantly hand her the file, she looks at it and stares back to me.

Cabby: Is this to imply that you are the thief?

Black Hole: What? No I.. I *sigh* Yeah... I took it...

Cabby: Vortex I am very disappointed in you, you said you and Fanny would look only into the Freesmart files and yet you do not only the opposite you steal school property!

Black Hole: I know and I'm sorry for that truly I am, it was just... there are some crucial things about me that I don't want anyone to know and that file had literally everything about me written down in there, I guess I wasn't thinking of anything else than what'd happen if that got out.

Cabby: Well this doesn't justify you stealing but at least you knew what you did was wrong, I can understand what you were coming by with your explanation to, but rest assure I don't let anyone look into these kinds of files with out professional permission. I'll let this slide for now but next time ask or at least think rationally before taking drastic measures. 

I nod to her in agreement and we both begin to part ways outside the archives as we both have class at the next bell.

Cabby: Oh, and don't worry, I won't let anyone look into your file... Black Hole.

Black Hole: !?

I look back to Cabby who only winks with a genuine smile, so she also knows what I am. For how long has she known though?? I shake it off and head to class.

~time skip: History class:~

I remember when History was super difficult for me not because it's 'dumb' or 'boring' like other students claimed I was actually quite interested in learning about this planet's past and how it made the present as it is, it was only difficult for me at first because at the time I was still very new to Earth's ways and didn't understand what some things were or what they meant so my grades weren't so great, it didn't help that Ms. Puffball Speaker Box or PSB as most of the students call her was one of the more strict teachers nice but still strict. 

But in my time with other people I learned more and got to understand many things so now I've been only getting better with history.

Tree: Vortex, over here!

Oh yeah and there was also Tree, he sits right next to me I didn't exactly notice him till lunch at my first day, now that I do know him the assurance of a friend being next to me also helps.

PSB: Ok class, open your textbooks to chapter 11 and follow along with me.~

~To be continued~

(Author's Note: Pretty short chapter huh? That's cuz I wanted to get something out of the way, next one should be better I promise)

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