The Yoyle Zone: Like you

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Normal P.O.V:

~You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sound and sight but also of the mind. A dimension that each hundred years collides itself with our world and has an temporary effect on a small amount of residents, we call this phenomenon... "The Yoyle Zone."~

~Our tale of mystery begins at a skate park with two individuals completely different from one another, one a simple earth object, another a cosmic anomaly with great and dangerous power. Despite their differences these two remains friends but little did they know they friendship is about to become affiliated by... The Yoyle Zone...~

Pen: Whoo! At last winter is gone and Spring Break is here, you know what that means Black Hole?

Black Hole: It means some of the local fauna will come out of hibernation, return from their migration and for us school is out for the week?

Pen: Okay... that, AND I can finally try out this cool skateboard my Dad got me for christmas!

Black Hole: I don't know Pen, this skateboarding activity seems rather... dangerous.

Black Hole watches a couple of skaters take an insane jump and flinches upon seeing them land it.

Pen: Well DUH, not everything in life has to be slow and boring my extraterrestrial friendo. It's only truly dangerous if you lack the skill and experience, luckily I've skated before so I know just what I'm do-IIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGG!

While bragging to Black Hole, Pen steps on his skateboard and he slides straight down the bowl and back up of it multiple times with each cycle of this he flies higher and goes faster.

Skater #1: Woah, that dude's got rad skills!

Skater #2: Yeah he does.


Pen then falls from a crazy height until Black Hole flies up and catches him in mid air.

Black Hole: I knew this place was a death trap!

Black Hole uses his gravity pull to get Pen's board as he hovers back down to the ground.

Black Hole: C'mon, let's get out of here.

Pen: I wish I had your powers dude.

Black Hole: You- you want what I have??

Pen: Uh YEAH. I mean you fly, you're super strong, you got that gravity thing you're pretty much the most powerful thing ever! Being like you would be awesome. 

Black Hole: Pfft. Well Pen being me isn't all cool powers or perks of said powers, If anything it should be me who wishes I was more like you.

Pen looks to Black Hole perplexed.

Pen: Me? Why? I'm just a simple ballpoint pen, I haven't got anything cool to offer.

Black Hole: Well think about it like this.. if I had a physical body like you I wouldn't have to worry so much about my singularity causing problems and or hurting others, do things you guys can do that I can't and in the way you do it. I could be more like everyone else.

Pen: ...

Pen: You're still feeling alienated huh?

Black Hole: Kind of hard not to.

Pen: Hey, well my Dad's out of town on a work trip for the week. Why don't I chill with you at your place? We can hang out and play some cool games.

Black Hole: Hmm, I don't see why not.

One flight later Black Hole and Pen headed back to his place, Pen plops his bag onto the couch and looks around the place. On the tv a news documentary featuring a scientist was on.

News reporter: I'm here today with the renowned physician Dr. Kaleidoscope who claims to have discovered the phenomenon of other dimensions. Is this true Doctor?

Dr. Kaleidoscope: Yes, I call it "The Yoyle Zone" every hundred years or so, it merges with our reality and-

Black Hole switches the channel to one of his favorite cartoons and gets started on folding his laundry.

Pen: Is that Adventure Time?

Black Hole: Yep. 

Pen: Cool, you're also a person of culture. *yawn* Welp, I suppose it's time I hit the sack. 

Black Hole: ????

Pen: That means get some sleep.

Black Hole: Oh. Well just a wait a moment and I'll get the futon ready. 

Pen: Hey I'm curious, do black holes sleep?

Black Hole: We are capable of what you call sleeping but we don't exactly do it all that much, nor do we need it. Remember when I inanimated myself? That's how it works for me.

Pen: Huh, neat. Well, good night.

Black Hole: Night.

Once Black Hole finished with his laundry he converts the couch into a bed and Pen tucks himself in. Black Hole then suspends his animation while sitting crisscrossed on the floor. Little did any of them know that a merge between realities has started to occur and their usual lives as they know it is about to change.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Happy April Fools guys. Don't worry, I won't be committing any 'funny doings' but as you can see I AM doing something a little different for the start of this month. What's going to happen to Black Hole and Pen? Well, you'll just have to wait to find out.)

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