First Day at School #3

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Lunch Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole picks up his lunch and pays, he pretty much lied to Eraser about having lunch money thinking he'd get off his case and move on but apparently not. Regardless he looks around the cafeteria to the table that Death P.A.C.T. would be at, he notices Liy waving to him and floats over to them. There were some interesting people at this table presumably club members; one was a girl whose clothes were as clear as her body, she also had a rather vacant expression like her head is not just empty in a literal term, two more sat on the other side of the table with Pie, yet another girl with buttons on her face, her outfit consist of a dark grey sleeveless shirt with maroon shorts, aside of her was probably the first guy on this club that he had found, he seemed to be plant based as his head was loaded with leaves, he wore a light brown vest with a green neck tie as well as some trousers with a pair of green loafers, it looks like he's reading something more than eating his food. 

Black Hole sits down at one end of the table next to Liy who alerts the others "Everyone, this is Vortex." she says continuing on "He's our newest member of Death P.A.C.T." The clear one says in a bubbly voice "Hey you're not the only boy on this club anymore Tree" Tree rolls his eyes at her, looks to Vortex, waves and greets "Nice to have you here, as you can tell I'm Tree, you're already familiar with Liy and Pie it seems." The object with buttons greets him as well "My name is Remote, I am one of the four students here that have a mechanical mind." The clear girl excitedly speaks next "I'm Bottle and like to make school fun!" Liy explains "Pillow was supposed to be here too..." she sighs annoyingly "but I guess she decided not." Black Hole changes the topic by talking about his encounter with Eraser and asks What dose he mean by 'recovered'?" "Oh! Machines called Recovery Centers are laid out around the school." Liy explains, then Remote continues for her "if a student or staff member were to get caught in a incident that proves fatal to their life, the closest Recovery Center can bring them back." Liy finishes "But even then death is not something to take light on, especially if one of those things were to stop working." 

 "That's right! And that's one of the main things Death P.A.C.T. is for, preventing death." A faint feminine scream can be heard followed by a light shatter sound to which Bottle with no chance in expression responds "And Ice Cube is dead." Black Hole looks at Bottle weirdly but shrugs it off as her being a dimwit and proceeds with his story about Eraser, pretty soon the topic of conversation changed to the slim white object that backed him off Black Hole which he learned is named Pen.

 "Pen helped you?" Tree questioned "That seems a little unlikely." he concludes "How so?" Black Hole responds "Pen is friends with three of this schools worst bullies; Blocky, Eraser and Snowball." Pie explains while she points him to the table where all four of are sitting and laughing. Black Hole looks back at Death P.A.C.T. and says "Well I can agree his choice of friends doesn't seem that good, he really did tell Eraser off for trying to take my lunch money, I generally think that out of the three I have encountered thus far Pen actually shows some common sense." Everyone else remains silent and thinks for a moment until Liy breaks said silence "Well have you spoken with him?" Black Hole responds "Not yet, but next time I get the chance I will."

~To be Continued~

Author's note: We finally meet all of Death P.A.C.T.! (sort of), Pen doesn't seem to be well liked just for who he chooses to roll with, But Black Hole seems to see beyond that, maybe next time we'll see if his claims are as accurate as they sound.

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now