Ruby's Christmas Party Pt3

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Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole sits by the stairs talking to Clock.

Black Hole: I'm sorry that happened to you. Know this, If I were there in that time I would never let you get forgotten.

Clock: Do you really mean that?

Black Hole: Yeah, I have an incredible memory. Anything I 'forget' would most likely be intentional.

Clock: What would you even want to forget with that kind of memory span?

Black Hole: My traumatic birth and murderous past.

Clock stands in complete silence for a moment before backing away slowly, Black Hole facepalms himself afterwards.

Black Hole: (dang it, I knew I shouldn't have brought that up)

Tree: I take that you goofed up in some way?

Black Hole: Oh Tree, yeah... I guess I still have some work to do on my uh social skills.

Tree: At least you trying, In all honesty I wouldn't be here at this party if you weren't.

Black Hole: Why you say that?

Tree realizes he might've said to much and attempts to chance the topic.

Tree: I.. don't know... H-hey how about we get some food? Come on.

Black Hole: (Tree... what are you trying to keep from me?)

Back in the kitchen the arm wrestling match between Snowball and Topaz is still going, no one has left. Lightning sits calmly eating some peppermint popcorn he nabbed from the snack table watching everything unfold. Since this both competitors have superhuman strength this match up comes down to stamina, and from the looks of it Snowball seems to be losing in that regard as Topaz slams Snowball's hand onto the kitchen island everyone cheered with her.

Topaz: YEAH!! RAAAGH! 

Topaz continuously flexes her muscles celebrating her victory, even gives her arm a short kiss.

Lightning: (wow, and to think she's an actual woman...)

Snowball: *groan* No fair! I demand a rematch!

Topaz: Hey buddy it's not my fault that as a gem I'm physically more durable than snow. Face it big guy, you may be big and strong but you're just... softer.


Lightning: Uh-oh!

Snowball attempts to punch the lights out of Topaz but Lightning swoops in and zaps Snowball, the flashing lights from this are seen from everyone outside the kitchen. When it stops Snowball falls to the floor stunned. Lightning immediately regrets that and attempts to get him back up while Topaz ensures everyone else that everything is okay.

Lightning: Oh my cloud, SB are you okay? I'm so sorry!

Snowball: *cough-cough* About time you zapped me. But why did you even do that?

Lightning: *slightly stammering* I was... I was just fulfilling my duty as a Death, with that much anger you were most likely to shatter her! I also acted on impulse a little...

Snowball: ...

Snowball: I see... I'm going to go eat some pretzels.

Lightning: Yeah ok. Hehe. 

Lightning quickly facepalms himself after Snowball left the room.

Lightning: (Gosh darn it Lightning! You forgot to tell him!)

Meanwhile Lightbulb and the children were sitting by the snack table each with a paper plate of food (apart from Firey Jr, who had to ask Ruby about using an actual plate so he doesn't burn it), Snowball walks over to snag a handful of pretzels and a root beer float and then sits with Eraser, Pencil and the still sleeping Pen.

Eraser: Sup SB.

Snowball: Hey. Pen is still out cold?

Eraser: Ha yeah, at least that eggnog was allergen friendly. Otherwise we'd probably have to call his old man.

Snow: *with a mouthful of pretzels* Yeah, I don't exactly want to deal with that guy's lectures either.

Pencil: Pen has an allergy? Huh, I like never knew.

Snowball: Of course he does, he's allergic to eggs.

Pen slowly starts to wake up but is still rather groggy.

Pen: Hurrgh... 

Eraser: Look who decided to wake up.

Pencil: Rise and shine babe.

Pen: What... happened..? My head is spinning...

Eraser: You got drunk off of the eggnog again.

Pen: Aw man! I didn't do anything stupid did I?

Pencil: Meh, you pretty much just passed out after crying to a hat rack about insecurites, I even have the video to prove it. XD

Pen: Aww what? :(

Pencil: I promise I won't post it publicly. ;)

Pencil secretly posts it to her Freesmart chat room while Pen attempts to get his balance back.

Meanwhile Leafy is standing on a makeshift stage singing karaoke with TV displaying the lyrics as she sings, a majority of The Losers, Beep and Have Cots watch as well as Amethyst and Pearl who has being held on Amethyst's shoulders.

Leafy: Oh, I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know. Make my wish come truuuueeee. Oh baby, All I want for Christmas iiiissss... yooooooouuuuuuuuu~!

After the song ended Leafy takes a solum bow to the crowd and hops back down to go to Firey and Bubble, Black Hole and Tree then walk over to watch.

Balloony: My turn! Just gotta pick the right song and... Ahem. On the 1st day of Christmas, my true love sent to me a partridge in a pear tree. On the 2nd day of Christmas, my true love sent to me two turtle dove and a partridge in a pear tree...~

Tree: Why don't try that?

Black Hole: Me? Um.. well Mic is teaching me about music we haven't gotten to singing yet so... H-How about you? How about you try singing up there?

Tree: Hmm.. maybe later.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: This would gone out earlier if it weren't for this headache I got that feels like my brain's been skewered by an arrow. XP)

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