How to outwit your Snowball Pt 1

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Black Hole's P.O.V:   

I'm on my way to the library to study when I notice someone was in trouble, a small ball based object wearing the school boys uniform (although they look more like a girl to me) and metal arms I think Remote said those are "prosthetics" is cornered by a bigger ball who dons what looks like clothing you'd wear if it's really cold. I was about to do something when someone who looked strangely similar to my language arts classmate Flower except more metalic stepped into the fray, I still stay to watch though just in case.

Larger ball: You take back what you said about me or I'm gonna get very angry!

Small ball: And this isn't angry?

Flower look alike: HEY! LET MY FRIEND GO NOW!

Larger ball: Hmmm, let me think... NO!

The larger guy just punched the metal flower into the wall next to me, I can see her making sparks and spazzing a bit anything she tried to say just came out as static or other strange noises, this has escalated far enough for me to actually step in.

BH(Vortex): Hey! I saw that, I may not have eyes but I'm not blind. Let her go!

Larger ball: And just who do you think you are?

BH(Vortex): Vortex, a member of Death P.A.C.T.

Snowball: Oh, you're the one that offered Pen a spot in your club huh? Well guess what, just because one of my pals is with you guys doesn't mean I'll do what you say. NOBODY tells Snowball what to do!

BH(Vortex): Right, and no one causes serious harm to anyone while I'm on watch, so I'm gonna say again, leave. her. alone.

Snowball: Big talk from someone about to make a dangerous enemy! I'm the toughest guy in the whole school! Scared?

BH(Vortex): I grew up in eternal darkness, I'm pretty sure you're not enough to frighten me. What fun is there in picking on the little people anyway?

Snowball: Why don't I show you!

Snowball tries to knock me to the wall like he did to that Flower look alike, thankfully managed to deflect him off with my gravity bending, badly though he lost balance and fell onto said Flower look alike and apparently got electrocuted, the smaller ball was laughing her heart out, I can tell I screwed up in some way...


Smaller ball: HAHAHAHA! That's what happens you pea-brain!

BH(Vortex): uh oh..

Snowball then got blasted into the other side of the hall, it's amazing he's still alive, but after getting up he approaches exceedingly angry

Snowball: After school... behind the gym... be there... OR ELSE!!

Ounce he left I check on the small ball student who was now doing something to the more damaged Flower look alike.

BH(Vortex): Hey are you ok?

Smaller ball: I'm fine, thank you for asking.

BH(Vortex): uhh, can I get a name? Or tell me what your doing?

Golf Ball: I'm Golf Ball and I'm fixing Robot Flower.

BH(Vortex): Oh. Need som-

Golf Ball: NO.

During Lunch

While all Death P.A.C.T is gathered at one table I explain my encounter with Snowball and a lot of them get concerned, Pen especially.

Pen: He got you into a school fight!? That's not good.

BH(Vortex): How so?

Pen: you can't back out of school fight, you just can't!

Bottle: Snowball's gonna cream him!

Tree: I'm more worried about Snowball than Vortex right now.

Liy: What do you mean by that Tree!?

Tree: Liy you weren't with us, but Remote Pen and I learned that Vortex's body is able to break reality to protect him, weather he wants it to or not.

BH(Vortex): Yeah, But I can also end up doing worse. I don't want to hurt anyone even if they mean.

Remote: I worry about you, what will you do?

BH(Vortex): I'm just not gonna fight him.

Remote: How??? You are sure to get him or yourself hurt just by doing that alone.

BH(Vortex): I'll figure something out Remote, don't worry.

After School 

I head behind the gym, and just about everyone I have and have not met was there chanting 


Pen's P.O.V:

this looks pretty bad...

Eraser: Yo Pen, who do you think will win? My money's on Snowball

Pen: Me? uuuh.... well... uuuuuuhhh...

Eraser: Y'know what, just tell me about Snowball's target Vortex.

Pen: oh well, he's a pacifist bu-

Eraser: Pacifist? HA! Then Snowball's definitely going to win!

Eraser munches on some popcorn, I just sit nervously Vortex says he'll think of something but what is he gonna do?

Golf Ball's P.O.V: 

Tennis Ball and I head over to see this fight, normally you would never see me come to these trivial things, however this Vortex fellow caught my interest in a way. No I'm not falling in love with him. Something about him just is not natural in this land, perhaps this fight will give me some clues.

Tennis Ball: I think this is the first time a member of Death P.A.C.T has been in a fight, this might be school history in the making!

I haven't told TB about my suspicions on Vortex yet, but I will soon. As Vortex's classmate he'll be very helpful in these regards.

~To be Continued~

(Author's note: I pretty much forgot about this part of story oh well.)

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