Fall play auditions

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Normal P.O.V:

Death P.A.C.T. make their way to school auditorium to watch and support Tree in his pursuit for the lead role of Romeo. 

Tree: You're all here! 

Tree runs over to the others while the director sees some of the other students audition.

Liy: Of course, we wouldn't miss out an important moment for our friend.

Marker: I remember when I was in a play. 

Lightning: You were part of a play Marker?

Marker: Yeah, I was a Twiddle Dum in Alice in Wonderland. 

Tree: Sounds up your ally Marker, I however will not be wearing a propeller hat & acting silly.

He & Black Hole head up the stage knowing he's next, he spends his time rehearsing to himself. Black Hole watches the teacher Mr. Plecak watch Boom Mic's audition. 

Liam: Alright next up is... Tree Oakswood. 

Tree: That's my cue, wish me luck.

Black Hole: You've got this honey. 

Tree steps into the center of the stage and holds out his book.

Tree: I am Tree Oakswood and I am auditioning for the role of Romeo. *ahem*

He clears his throat and gets into character.

Tree: Alas, that love, whose view is muffled still, Should, without eyes, see pathways to his will! Where shall we dine? O me! What fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. Here's much to do with hate, but more with love. Why, then, O brawling love! O loving hate! O any thing, of nothing first create! 

With each and every word Tree says through his monologue he says with a perfect amount of the right emotion, the essence of heartbreak he emits. Liam holding a hard to read look to him raises his hand requesting Tree to stop.

Liam: Stop it right there, I've seen enough.

Liy: What-? Mr. Plecak, c'mon h-he's worked so hard on this. Give him a chance.

Liam: I gave him a chance, I didn't like it...

Liam: I LOVED it!

The moment Liam said those words Tree's expression immediately shifted to surprise and excitement that he jumped for joy cheering.

Tree: *gasp* Who-hoo! YES!

Liam: Ladies and Gentlemen, we have us our Romeo!

Tree: Thank you so much Mr. Plecak, I promise you I will not disappoint! 

He leaps off the stage right into Black Hole's arms, the two of them engaging in a spin hug & laughing showing their excitement. 

Tree: I got the lead role!!

Black Hole: I know, I heard! I'm so happy for you!!

Pen: I'd say this is something to celebrate. Party at your place BH?

Black Hole: Why mine?

Pen: You're apartment doesn't seem to mind noises, and well my Father has banned me from having parties at home.

Pie: (I wonder why?)

Liy: A nice idea regardless Pen, what about you Black Hole?

Black Hole: I mean I'm not against the idea, just let me prepare for guests and I'll see you all there this uh weekend.

Death P.A.C.T: Yeah!

The next day...

Cherry Jr runs around the living room playing with his toy plane while Black Hole works in the kitchen. 

Black Hole: Cherry Jr, just want to remind you that we're going to be having some friends over to celebrate Tree getting the lead role in a bit. So be sure to clean yourself up when you can alright?

Cherry Jr: Okay Dad. "Come in shipwreck this is yellow flounder, I am now returning to base for tuning up. Over."

Black Hole nods subtly wondering what exactly goes on in the little cherry's head, a hard knock can be heard at the door which he floats over to answer.

Black Hole: Hey guys, come on in. 

Tree: I never get tired of coming her- *SNIRK* *stutters*

Pen: Dude, what.. are you wearing?

Black Hole: My uh... apron..? 

Fanny: *snirk* "Space Daddy~"?

Black Hole looks down to the words on his apron confused.

Black Hole: Uhh yeah, I'm from space and I'm officially a dad as of late. I don't know how this is such a surprise to you guys.

Liy: W-well it's just um- it's a double meaning, it's- Oh forget about the apron! Seeing that you're wearing it thought means you must be working on something in the kitchen.

Marker: I do smell something from there. 

Black Hole: Yeah I am, come on.

~To be continued~

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