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Black Hole's P.O.V:

Me and Tree walk together around the mall for a bit a shopping. As I look around I come to notice all the pretty decorations that are literally everywhere, there's small lights on strings, large hanging orbs, decorated triangular trees and other stuff around the shops and elsewhere. This wouldn't really be the first time I've seen these things as they were put up long ago back when I was still in hiding and before I discovered DIA, I quickly think back to fall when Tree explained the holiday the season has, perhaps winter has it's own holiday too.

Tree: So I'm thinking we stop by the bookstore here, they have a nice selection and I'm sure you might find something you'll like.

Black Hole: Hey Tree, what are all these decorations for?

Tree: Oh, well it's December the month of Christmas.

Black Hole: Is that another holiday your planet celebrates?

Tree: Yes it is. It's very different from Halloween though, it's a magical holiday of giving and warmth and-

Tree's description of this Christmas gets interrupted when Pen and Remote are heard and seen running around the plaza with wheels on their shoes and shooting each other with foam dart guns, Looks like fun. Pen soon loses control over his wheels and spirals all over the place nearly knocking over some stuff and people, and eventually falls flat on his face right in front of me and Tree, Remote follows after him.

Pen: OOF. Oooh..

I notice that Tree's leafy head was filled with those foam darts and he was now looking down to Pen and Remote with a stern look.

Pen: Hm? Oh Hey there guys, woah-! Funny meeting you here.

Tree shakes off the darts and takes a deep calming breath, that's good for a moment there I thought he was going to freak-

Tree: CAN'T YOU TWO ACT YOUR AGE FOR ONE DAY??? Why are you even doing... whatever this is here in the mall of all places and not at home or the park?

Remote: The park is snow covered, there's also not enough space at my house.

Pen: Yeah, and Dad won't allow this game at my place after Eraser almost broke a vase...

Tree: Ugh, I knew getting one of you those roller skates last year would be a mistake... Now where was I?

Black Hole: You were er telling me about Christmas..?

Tree: Oh right.

Pen: You don't know about Christmas Black Hole?

Black Hole: I'm from space, what do you think?

Pen: Oh. Right... OH Tree have you told about the big man yet!?

Tree: I was going to get to that.

Black Hole: Who is he talking about?

Before Tree could explain Pen swiftly knocked him aside to talk to me.

Pen: Every year on the 24th of December aka Christmas Eve, while everyone is fast asleep a jolly man with a big white beard and set suit flies all around the world in that one night on his sleigh which is pulled by 8 or 9 flying reindeer.

Black Hole: Wait, reindeer can fly?

Remote: Not exactly, but Santa's reindeer are magical. Anyways, Santa Claus flies around the world on his sleigh carrying lots of presents for all the good objects on Earth!

Pen: He puts the presents for everyone under their Christmas trees at home, and as tradition we leave out a plate of cookies for him. 

Black Hole: Wow, that does sound magical.

Tree: Okay, you guys do realize Santa isn't exactly real right?

Pen & Remote: *offended GASP*

Remote: How dare you! >:(

Pen: Tree, I am appalled of what you just said!

Pen and Remote gang up on Tree and he only face palms over this whole thing while I'm just left here in a state of confusion. I attempt to break up the argument.

Black Hole: So uh wait here, is Santa real or is he... not???

Pen: Don't listen to that scrooge of a boyfriend Black Hole, as long as you believe and have the Christmas spirit he's totally real.

Tree: UH! I am not a scrooge! If you're going to compare me to a holiday character do it right and call me a Grinch, there's a clear difference.

Pen: Yeah yeah whatever grinch-pine, See you guys later.

Remote and Pen skate off to the food court and Tree continues to dust himself off.

Tree: *sigh* Remote is fine, but I can't with him...

Black Hole: You can't what?

Tree: I just can't. On to the bookstore shall we?

Tree and I continue our now decided holiday shopping, once we get home I plan to do some more research on the festivities of Christmas.

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now