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Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole and Remote hang out with Tree at his place playing some rounds of Mario Party pretty much having a good time, little did they know somewhere in Murder Trout Ave two humanoid cell phones teleport on the street. 

MePhone5C: Remember our mission.

MePhone5S: Of course, locate and capture the anomaly found in this city.

A soccer ball bounces their way and MePhone5C picks it up, a small kid runs up but stops a bit frightened at the sight of the phones.

Kid: Uhh... c-can you uh send my ball back to me, please?

MePhone5C kicks the ball in the kid's direction but it actually gets sent flying up the sky unable to be seen anymore, the kid starts to cry and runs away leaving them back to their assignment. 5S starts scanning for sources of electromagnetic radiation and stops at a certain house when three figures through the wall are shown to her.

5C: Black hole detected, two more entities lay with it.

5S: Perfect, Let us commence. 

Black Hole: How are you so good at following that Shy Guy???

Remote: I can follow commands with ease. 

Tree: (no surprise you are a machine...)


Tree: Just a moment guys, I should probably get that.

They pause the game and Tree gets up to answer the door, he is roughly confused to see two cell phones at his door.

5S: Good day fellow citizen, we are here to investigate an otherworldly occurrence within the area and have detected a reading in your living vicinity. It is vital to your safety that we find it, may we enter and investigate? 

Tree: ....

Tree: May I have a paper that approves this by the authorities first? Because I can't have you trespassing. 

5C: I'm afraid not, but you must respect out authority as the superiors and let us in or face punishment.

Tree: Fair enough, just let me clean a few things up. Just so your investigation can be more efficient.

5C: Very well, you have 2 minutes. 

One of the MePhones start a timer and Tree closes the door on them to talk with remote and Black Hole.

Black Hole: Who was it?

Tree: I'm not too sure, but I have a unshakeable feeling that they don't mean any good will. They claim to be after 'otherworldly activity' that could mean you.

Black Hole: What!??

Tree: Shh!

5S: You have 1 minute left.

Tree: Remote, get Black Hole out of here through the back door.

Black Hole: W-What about you?

5S: 50 seconds...

Tree: I'll try to stall them and by you time, just try to stay hidden.

Black Hole: But what if they decide to hurt you?

Tree: I'll be fine, don't worry about me.

Remote: C'mon Black Hole we have to get going!

Remote grabs Black Hole by the arm and they both run out the back while 5S starts to count down from the ten.

5S: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2... We're coming in.


5C: Sweep the house.

Tree: Just know I have nothing to hide.

The two phones turn the house upside down to find Black Hole while Tree secretly sends a quick text to the rest of Death P.A.C.T. about what's going on.

5S: Readings in this building have ceased. 

5C: Where is the anomaly?

Tree: What anomaly? 

Meanwhile with Remote and Black Hole they rush down the street in search of a place to hide when some big things drop in from behind them.

Black Hole: I'm worried about Tree...

Remote: He said not to worry, he should be fine.


Remote: You have got to be kidding...

MePhoneX: Cosmic entity detected. Engage neutralizing protocol.

Black Hole picks up Remote and flies away from the large robot as fast as he can when MePhone6+ starts to charge an electromagnetic set of rings and fires them at Black Hole. He dodges them for a bit until he's eventually hit, the rings lock in on his wrists and ankles and he and Remote suddenly fall and slide into the pavement.



Remote: What happened!?

Black Hole: I-I don't know.. grrhh. But I can't fly anymore. 

MePhoneX & 6+ charge up more restraints and Remote helps Black Hole get back up.

Remote: Then we'll have to run!

Back at Tree's house he gets held to the wall while Rodrick starts squawking in panic.

5C: You know about the black hole, where is it...?

Tree: It's a 'he', and you won't even pry that information from my cold, dead, body!

5S: Let's find out then...

5S's open arm converts into a chainsaw and Tree's eyes widen with terror as the phone activates it and stabs it into Tree's chest. Crimson sap splatters everywhere and in no time at all Tree stops struggling and his body falls limp dropped by 5C.

5S: Threat nullified. 

Rodrick: *aggressive chirping*

Rodrick the Woodpecker then breaks from his cage and starts swooping down on the two phones pecking at them to avenge his caretaker's death, only for 5C to fire a beam that freezes Rodrick in time and his body also falls to the floor stiff as a statue. 

5C: Should we alert Cobs about our setback?

*beep beep beep*

5S: Not yet, X and 6+ have are now in pursuit of the anomaly. We'll soon have it in control.

~To be Continued~

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