Operation: Storm the Empire; Break in

805 22 136

Normal P.O.V:

The sun had fallen, Meeple Corp has closed for the night... it is time. The crew got ready while Golf Ball, Tennis Ball and Test Tube set up a secret aircraft.

Golf Ball: I knew I'd need this aircraft one day, everyone get in! Operation: Storm the Empire is a go!

Everyone: YEAH!

Golf Ball's house slides to the side as the aircraft takes off and slides back into place, after a few hours of flying the team finally begin to approach Meeple Cloud. Where as Golf Ball said the outside was crawling with MePhone guards.

Test Tube: So how do we get to that vent without being spotted?

Golf Ball: This airship is fitted with cloaking technology, I can make all of us invisible with just a click of a button.

Golf Ball presses a single button and the aircraft does turn invisible hiding everyone inside.... except Pen.

Pen: Golf Ball what the heck?

Golf Ball: Ugh, I though I fixed that bug! *bang bang bang*

With the entire group cloaked Tennis Ball was able to take the aircraft over to the back of Meeple Cloud where the exposed ventilation is located however he doesn't land just yet for a Meeple guard paced around the area.

Tennis Ball: Fluff there's a guard there. We can't break in.

MePhone4S: Does that mean I can wreak havoc now?

Golf Ball: No, we need you for when we get inside! We need another diversion...

Lightning hovers over everyone with a serious look to his face.

Lightning: I've got this...

The Meeple guard looks around slapping his gun in his hand when he turns to find Lightning dressed in scarlet, he puckers his bright red lips and does a dramatic pose with a wig of long golden hair flowing in the breeze. 

Meeple guard: (silently mouths) What... the.. f-


Once Lightning zapped the guard out of commission he slides it off the cloud and gives two thumbs up to his friends.

Liy: Why did you need a dress and my makeup kit to do that?

Lighting: Uh DUH, so I can do this. *twirls* WEEEE WEEEE WEEEE~

Golf Ball: Okay the coast is clear, let's go.

Once the aircraft lands Test Tube unscrews and removes the vent hatch allowing herself to go in then Golf Ball to go in first and Tennis Ball to follow.

Tennis Ball: Uhhh... guys.. I think we miscalculated the vents diameter...

Golf Ball: Oh don't tell me you're stuck!

Tennis Ball: I knew I should've skipped dinner...

Lighting: Well that's just great...

Golf Ball: The rest of you push TB in while me & Test Tube pull.

Tree: Alright if you say so.

GB & TT: HEAVE...!


TB: Nrrrg! It's not working.

4S: I've had about enough of this!

MePhone4S starts to back up greatly making the others rather concerned on what he's about to do.

Bottle: I got an idea.

Liy: If it better than whatever the rejected Terminator character is planning, go do it now.

Everyone steps back allowing Bottle to execute her plan, she wiggles her fingers and starts squeezing around Tennis Ball's stomach.

Tennis Ball: *LONG BELCH*

GB & TT: Ew..

Bottle: There you go, now you're not as bloated. ^u^

Tennis Ball: That actually worked.

Bottle: You're welco-




The second MePhone4s charges into Tennis Ball and indirectly Bottle, Bottle gets shattered and Tennis Ball slides into Golf Ball and Test Tube making all three of them slide deeper into the vent until they crash into the first turn, Test Tube also gets shattered on impact. The impact was load enough that Steve Cobs heard it from the vent over his office.

Steve Cobs: What the-? Ugh, lousy cheap ventilation fans! *bangs on said vent* This should block out the noise.

Steve Cobs pulls out a small radio and press a button which makes it play a segment of waterfall sounds as he puts hit feet up letting himself relax.

Steve Cobs: Ahhh...

MePhone4S: I'll wait out here for my chance to distract the enemy, you chumps go on in.

MePhone4S then goes off to spy on the guards while Pen is the first of the others to climb in, he recoils in disgust while holding his nose.

Pen: UGH dude! What did you eat???

Tennis Ball: *sigh* tacos... with extra ghost pepper sauce...

Tree: Muy caliente...

Pie: I didn't know you spoke spanish Tree.

Lightning: Don't you dare look up my dress.

Remote: You could just take it off you know.

Marker: I like it.

After a moment of crawling through the vents the team finally stop over the surveillance room. 

Golf Ball: Stop here, we should be right on top of the camera room. *beep* 4S, we are in position. Do the thing...


Meeple guard: STOP RIGHT THERE.


The Meeple guards start trying to attack 4S but he manages to destroy them both which catches Cobs attention making him call on all the others in the building. 

Steve Cobs: Ugh not him again! *BEEP* Attention all Meeple guards, take down MePhone4S!

Meeple guards: New objective received. Following command.

Golf Ball: Okay Tennis Ball, now.

Tennis Ball jumps down from the vent shaft and begins to hack into the security cameras, and with a final click of a button he turns off every camera in Meeple Cloud. Everyone else then jumps down and Golf Ball uses her newly made Portable Recovery Center to bring back Bottle and Test Tube.

Test Tube: Oh golly...

Bottle: YAY!

Everyone: SHHH!

Bottle: *whispers* yay...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Operation: Storm the Empire so far is going smoothly with only one small hiccup. But will it still go smoothly? Tune in next time on ABHLOE to find out!)

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