Beach Day

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Normal P.O.V:

The team drive up at a parking lot close to a big beach and they all hop out as Tree and Liy both lock their cars.

Lightning: WOO! The beach!

Pen: I know, I've been waiting to show off this beach bod of mine all spring!

Fanny: I'm surprised you're not showing it right now. 

Fanny and Remote high five.

Remote: This is gonna be even more fun than the community pool.

Bubble: I'm glad to come with you guys. By the way, I've notice your leaves are growing back rather well Tree.

Tree: Thank you Bubble, and don't worry we'll be sure not to get in the way of your and Fanny's date.

Black Hole: I don't think I've been to one of those before, a beach I mean. What're they like?

Liy: Why not see for yourself?

Black Hole looks out to see the bright sandy shore full of people playing both on the sand and in the water.

Black Hole: Woah...

Tree: C'mon let's find a good spot to set up.

Tree finds a good spot and places down a folding beach chair that he struggles to set up.

Tree: Huurrrg! Come on...!

Black Hole then floats over and unfolds it effortlessly.

Tree: ...

Tree: Huh.

Liy: Okay everyone put on your sunscreen, the last thing anybody wants is a serious sunburn.

Black Hole: What's a sunburn?

Pie: Sunburns are what happen on your skin when exposed to excessively to the sun's rays. 

Pen: Yeah it's not a pretty result, your body hurts to the slightest touch and then comes the gross blistering and peeling... *disgusted noises* 

Cherry Jr: Eewww...

Black Hole: I see.

Tree: Well it's rather possible for some objects, trees like me however are protected by our bark.


Remote: We'll see about that!

Bottle, Remote and Marker rush across the beach to get to the waves but the moment they set foot on the sand their feet start burning causing them to hop around until they got to the said water.

Bottle: Ow ow ow ow ow..! 

Remote: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Marker: Hot hot hot hot hot hot...!

Liy: Phfff-! 

Once everyone had set up the fun can finally begin. Bottle and Cherry Jr play in the water, Tree and Lightning bask in the sun, Liy went off beachcombing, Pie and Remote teach Black Hole how to make a sand-castle.

Pie: And then you pull the bucket up nice & easy and now you've got a tower.

Black Hole: Oooh!

Remote: I'm gonna get some shells and other things to decorate it! 

???: LOOK OUT!

??? & Remote: OOF-!

Ruby out of nowhere runs into Remote causing the two to fall onto each other.

Ruby: Hi Remote, so sorry for crashing into you. Are you ok?

Remote: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....  

Black Hole: Remote, Remote...?

Pie: Huh, this never happened to her before.

Ruby: Well, tell her I'm sorry for runner into her like that when she's better k? I gotta get back to volleyball, bye! 

Black Hole: Bye. Remote, snap out of it.

Remote: Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....

Pie casually slaps Remote once getting her senses back together, as he puts her down Black Hole looks to Pie puzzled.

Pie: Well it did work. :T

Black Hole: You feeling alright Remote?

Remote: ....

Remote: I think I've been crushed.

Pie & Black Hole: ???

Back with Tree, he continues to sun bathe sunglasses and all when Liy walks past with a bucket full of simple but neat items one can find at the beach and suddenly trips causing Lightning to spill his pink lemonade.

Liy: *hums* AHH-!


Lightning: Ugh! Really!?

Liy: Sorry about that, I tripped on... something.

Marker: Oooowww, that hurt.

Lightning: Marker??

Lightning removes another bucket from the ground revealing Marker buried in the sand with just his head visible.

Marker: Junior got a little carried away. *chuckle*

Lightning, Tree & Liy: ...

Lightning: I'm getting another lemonade...

Bottle: We got ice cream!

Cherry Jr: Ooh what are those?

Liy: Oh some sea shells, shark teeth, beach glass... y'know, simple little treasures off the coastline. Ammonite fossils...

Tree: Wait, where's Pen? I haven't heard from him in a while.

Cherry Jr: Oh he's on the water playing with a cool looking board.

Liy: Oh so he's wake boarding.

Bottle: Nope, surfing! :)

The group look across the water to see Pen riding the waves on his cyan and white surfboard like like Bottle said, as well as pulling off some stunts as he does it. Remote, Black Hole and Pie also look his way as they hear him cheer.


Pie: What's that over there?

Remote: It's Pen, I didn't know he was that good at surfing.

Black Hole: That's surfing? Huh...


Pie: Boneyard to the what?

Black Hole: *shrugs* I don't know I got that off of a tv show.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: What more fun summer activity than going to the beach with friends? Expect at least one beach centered chapter from each of the other stories! [Except TFATL cuz that's a prologue story])

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