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Normal P.O.V:

After many flights of stairs Golf Ball and Death P.A.C.T. finally enter the underground factory, Tennis Ball was also here looking through a bunch of monitors and is then relived to see Black Hole here safe and sound.

Tennis Ball: Oh my place where tennis balls are created, You're safe!

Lightning: Are you sure about that? I mean, those mephone freaks can apparently track Black Hole down like a hunting dog.

Golf Ball: They must be fitted with similar technology to my singularity detector, thankfully my underground factory is fitted with incredibly thick materials capable of blocking various radio, radiated and electromagnetic waves. They won't be able to find you guys. 

Tennis Ball: Hey uhh, isn't Tree part of your group?

Black Hole: *sniffle* H-h-h-he's gone... *crying*

Remote: He got sawed by one of those evil phones trying to stall for me and Black Hole to escape.

Pillow: By a chainsaw no less. There was blood everywhere.

Pen: Tree has blood!??

Pie: No, he has bleeds sap. It just looks like blood.

Golf Ball wheels an ultraviolet lamp over the crying black hole for him to comfort eat as much as he needed, judging by how the sheet he was wrapped in just a moment ago was already (and probably without knowing) lost to his singularity.

Liy: Golf Ball do you happen to have a recovery center here we can use to bring Tree back.

Golf Ball: Yes, we have a hand powered recovery center, but it needs a sample of Tree to actually work.

Pillow: Would this vail of his sap count?

Liy: When did you fill a vial with Tree's sap, and why would you do that?

Pillow: .....

Liy: Forget I even asked...

Liy snatches the vial from Pillow and gives it to Golf Ball, where she then pours it into the HPRC and enters Tree's name. After some cranking Tree was dispensed from the HPRC brand new without a scratch on him.

Tree: AH-! *pant pant* What happened? My chest hurts...

Black Hole: BABE!!

Tree: gah-!

In an instant Black Hole glomps Tree with sheer force and by the looks of it utterly refuses to let go of him. 


Black Hole: *unintelligible babbling mixed with crying* I... I... *sniff* I thought I... lost y-you... f-for... 

Tree: Oh... my fallen star...

Knowing how distraught his boyfriend had been Tree hugs him back with the shared hug lasting for a long time as the other discuss the current situation.

Pen: What I don't get is, why are those Meeple guys after Black Hole? He hasn't done anything to them.

Golf Ball: Judging by their behavior I've seen from observing through my surveillance cameras their programming lacks own free will, they're only serving the motive of their creator.

Pie: You mean, Steve Cobs???

Golf Ball: No, I mean The Tooth Fairy- Of course I mean Cobs! 

Fanny: But Meeple Cloud was far off of New Yoyle City, how would he have known about Black Hole?

Golf Ball: Well there was a certain news bulletin that was viewed worldwide....

Golf Ball presses a button that brings down a large screen briefly replaying the new report of Black Hole's personified rage running rampant. 

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now