Taking your friend to play golf

811 19 76

Black Hole's P.O.V:

Pen leads me into a massive house like building, a sigh above it reads "Yoyle-City Country Club". As we head inside I look around observing the decor Pen then takes my arm to make me follow him to the front desk.

Receptionist: Membership number?

Pen: 13-82, and this fella is my guest.

Black Hole: So what exactly is a country club?

Pen: It's a privately owned with a membership quota, usually the richer folks can get a membership.

Black Hole: And you got to become a member.

Pen: Well technically the membership number is my dad's but he hasn't come back to the club in years so he just let me use his number.

Black Hole: Ah.

Pen: So, what do want to do? Tennis? Golf? Equestrian horse riding? We've got just about everything here!

Black Hole: I'm up for golf, sounds interesting.

Pen: Not dressed like that you aren't.

Normal P.O.V:

After changing into appropriate golf attire Pen and Black Hole take a golf car to the first hole. 

Pen: Golf is somewhat simple, watch what I do.  *ahem* FORE!

Black Hole watches Pen place a ball on the tee, readies himself and swings. The ball rolls straight across the path of green but pasts the hole.

Pen: Man.

Black Hole: So what's the objective?

Pen: To get the ball into the hole in as little swings as possible. Now it's your turn, swing your club against the ball to go in the hole.

Black Hole grabs a club and swings it fast and hard that the ball goes flying and ricochets over the flag and many other obstacles around the course, Pen and Black Hole watch it bounce around until it hits Pen in the face causing him to fall over in a daze.


Pen: *quiet groans*

Black Hole: Sorry! Are you alright?

Pen: Did any of you pretty birds catch the license plate on that white sedan...?

After Pen regained conscious he and Black Hole get their golf balls in the hole, Pen scored 2 points while Black Hole scored a 3 and they move on to the next hole. This one went down a hill and had a lake beside it. Pen grabs a bit of grass and lets it blow in the wind before he makes his shot, once he hits it the ball rolls down the fairway and stops at the green. It was then Black Hole's turn.

Black Hole: Alright I think I know what I'm doing now..

Pen: Good, your shot. Oh wait wait!

Pen takes a few steps back before Black Hole readies his club.

Pen: Ok go.

Black Hole takes his shot and the ball rolls down the hill and stops right next to Pen's ball. Pen goes down to take his turn and knocks the ball in the hole, Black Hole does the same and they move on to the next hole. The game goes on in this pattern for a while now with Black Hole still struggling to understand the sport fully, eventually they reach the final hole.

Pen: Here we are, hole 18. 

Black Hole put his golf ball on the tee and readies his shot until Pen stops him.

Pen: You know you can use different clubs right? You've been playing with the putter the whole time, here try a wood.

Black Hole: ... How do you know golf so well?

Pen: I've played a lot of Wii Sports growing up.

Black Hole: FORE!

Black Hole now holding the wood club hits the ball hard enough to send it flying towards the hole, thankfully it doesn't deflect itself off of anything and actually lands into the hole.

Pen: WOAH! That was your first hole-in-one Black Hole, awesome!

Pen: Alright, my turn now.

Pen grabs his wood club and hits the golf ball into the hole, the two then compare their points.

Black Hole: The uh lowest amount of points wins right?

Pen: Yep.

Black Hole: Phsss... yeah I got 47 points. How about you?

Pen: 26, so I win. Hey now don't look down, you did good for your first game.

Black Hole: It's alright, I actually had fun.

Pen: Sweet! How would you like to try tennis next week?

Black Hole: Sure thing. See you then!

Pen: Later!

Later that night Black Hole returns home, he opens the door to see Cherry Jr playing with Mic and smiles at the sight.

Cherry Jr: Black Hole! You're home!

Black Hole: That I am. Thanks for looking after him for me Mic.

Mic: Aw it's nothing, the boy's an angel. Well back to my apartment, have a good night you two.

Cherry Jr: Good bye Mic! So what did you and Pen do together?

Black Hole: Nothing much, played a round of golf.

Cherry Jr: Tell me everything! Pleeeeease?

Black Hole: Alright alright, but first get ready for bed.

Cherry Jr: Okay!

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now