This chapter is about Brains

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Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole floats around the builder's section of Yellow Face's department store in search for a new window to replace the damaged one, Although he's at the right isle he still seems to be lost of where to look and it doesn't really help that the abundance of customers in this part of the store to rebuild their homes or other things due to this city's lasted and most unique natural disaster either. The crowd eventually got to be too much for our space anomaly to handle so he hovered over everything to try to leave the builder's section and try again another time.

Black Hole: Dang who knew earthlings can be so crazy about shopping... guess I'll have to try again another day yet again...

He decided this time he's not gonna go home empty handed this time and goes over to get more glow in the dark stars as he still needed to replace the one the lava melted, after checking out he runs into Barf Bag.

Barf Bag: Hey there Black Hole, nice weather today huh?

Black Hole: It's not to bad, could do without the sea of crazy buyers though.

Barf Bag: Yeah I had to bail out of there to, what're you trying to get fixed?

Black Hole: A window. You?

Barf Bag: Oof, Donut and I are both trying to replace an entire fence.

Black Hole: What about the rest of your homes?

Barf Bag: I don't know about Donut but my house is impressively safe thanks to, ugh... Lollipop's fork repellant...

Black Hole: Fork repellant? 

Barf Bag: Apparently that product of hers is multipurpose, which I can actually agree is impressive.

Black Hole: You don't actually seem to keen on Lollipop, what that about?

The two exit the department stare while still continuing their conversation.

Barf Bag: Lollipop among others believe that the barf molecules in my body pollutes my brain and assume I'm stupid because of it, I'm NOT stupid and it infuriating that after all my scientific evidence that pompous sour grape flavored candy still refuses to accept that I'm actually quite smart! UGH!

Black Hole: That sucks, and that's coming out of me. Well in my time at school with other objects it seems rather clear that your varied races are also varied in what set of organs and such you have like brains and from what I've learned some don't even have an actual brain and they don't seem all to stupid to me. And would know a thing or to about not having a brain as for uh.. obvious reasons I don't have one and I still get straight As in chemistry.

Barf Bag: So what you're saying is you don't think I'm stupid?

Black Hole: Nope, just biologically unique-


Black Hole flinches as Barf Bag shouts at the top of her lungs to the sky, people who're walking by them even turned away as she yelled. She soon calms down after a few deep breaths.

Barf Bag: Heh, sorry about that, got a bit exited there... Me aside I suppose it'd make sense for you to be intelligent despite lack of brain, I guess I didn't think about that as we've never really spoke to each other all to much. How smart would you say you are?

Black Hole: Well I usually have an infallible memory, I can even recall the very moment I was born.

Barf Bag: Really? Wow, that's has to be like even more than centuries ago!

 Black Hole: You're right about that, though I prefer NOT to look back at that time... Other than that anything I learn I usually never forget. Needless to say though I still struggle in the computer department though, and I am said to be highly oblivious...

Barf Bag: Oh like how you failed to notice that Tree confessed to you.

Black Hole quickly covered his face in embarrassment and Barf Bag pats him on the back.

Black Hole: My supernova does everyone know about that now or what?

Barf Bag: Hey hey It's ok, we all screw up every now and then, at least you made up for it from what I heard out of Braclety. By the way if you don't mind me asking how are things between you and Tree? I've heard you're letting him stay with you until he gets his house fixed, that's awfully nice of you.

Black Hole: Yeah it is, as for me and Tree eh can't complain not much has happened that worth talking about. Hey how about you, do you have a uh lover of sorts?

Barf Bag: M-me? Um.. oh gee, I uh- I don't really know.. hehe.... Hey! What do you like most about Earth so far?

Black Hole: ... 

Black Hole: Ooh.. I don't really know how to answer that, there's a lot that I really like around here.

Barf Bag: Okay that's fair I might've set the bar to low there. You play any good sports or games?

Black Hole: Sports? Umm, I don't think so... I played a bit at the Arcade but that about it.

Barf Bag: You've never played any kind of physical sport? Hmm.. hey, me and my fellow Team8s are going bowling tomorrow afternoon, how would you like to come by and play some round with us?

Black Hole: Sure, I got nothing better to do.

Barf Bag: Awesome! Meet up at the Bowling Ally 8 o' clock then, that's the orange building with the big black ball and two pins on each side of it. See ya there!

The two later parted ways soon to see each other again the next day.

~To be Continued~

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