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Barf Bag's P.O.V: 

My team and I sit at our usual lane in The Bowling Ally, we only have to wait for Pin and the guest I invited that being Black Hole, I've already told the others and they we're cool with it. As the sounds of bowling balls hitting the floor and satisfying sound of pins being knocked over fills the room I continue looking out at the entrance and glancing back to the team.

Barf Bag: Hey uh has anyone got the time?

Saw: Let me check, uuh.

Saw rolls her sleeve to look to her watch.

Saw: It's twelve minutes past EIGHT!!

Donut: And yet Pin and Barf Bag's plus one haven't showed up yet. Hmm.

Coiny: Hmm indeed, Pin is usually quite punctual.

Just the Pin and Black Hole both rush in.

Pin: *pant pant* Sorry we were late, *pant* someone didn't know the difference between bowling pins & some other type of pin and got himself lost because of it.

Black Hole: .....

Barf Bag: Don't give Black Hole a hard time now, It's most likely my fault for not specifying what bowling pins are.

Donut: It's okay either way at you guys came and didn't ditch us without saying anything. Now let's get started, Black Hole have you bowled before?

Black Hole: Uh no, that's actually why I'm here.

Donut: Ok then. Well here's how the game works; first you take this ball and hold it with your fingers in these holes.

Donut then gives Black Hole one of the balls and he slips his three fingers inside.

Coiny: Phft! I just realized something, with hands like those you're practically made for them. Ha!

Donut: As I was saying... you then throw the ball across the glossy floor over here and attempt to knock over as many of the pins as possible, if you can manage to knock down all ten of them then it's a Strike. Oh, also there's a foul line you gotta stay behind, each player gets two balls to throw in each turn and there are ten frames in each game.

Black Hole: Wow, that's a lot to take in. 

Donut: Heh, I haven't even gotten to point system of the pins. But let's get started for now, Pin you're up.

Pin: Watch and learn.

Pin gets her ball and gets ready to throw, ounce she throws the ball it knocks over 7 pins, in her next try she missed by a bit which pretty much upset her a little.

Needle: Nice first throw Pin.

Pin: Don't patronize me.

Coiny: MY TURN!

Coiny's first throw was an unfortunate gutter ball, but his second throw got him 9 pins. Now came my turn, my first throw knocked out 6 pins and my second knocked the other 4 giving me a Spare. After that was Saw, she throws the ball and knocks over 8 of the pins leaving the behind the dastardly split.

Saw: Yes! Aw man, no way I can land this one!

Gaty: Try anyway Saw.

And try she did and missed miserably... no one judged though, hardly anyone in the bowling community enjoys the split. Either way next up was Black Hole's first turn and already I had to stop him from doing something wrong.

Normal P.O.V:

Barf Bag: No No No! Not like that! You throw the ball underhand, like this.

Black Hole: Oh okay.

Coiny: You go Black Hole, destroy those pins, give em your all!

Black Hole: Which one?

Coiny: Huh?

Black Hole: The last time I played a game and quote unquote "gave my all", I literally destroyed it. So what is it you want from me, To play the game or cause more property damage? Cause I'm already near broke as it is.

Barf Bag: Uhh just try to knock over the pins.

Black Hole concentrates on the pins in front of him and the throws the ball like how Donut and Barf Bag showed him, while it did bounce at the start it still rolled the rest of the way smoothly and as the ball knocked over the pins everyone cheered.

Monitor: STRIKE!

Team8s: YAY!!

Pin: Awesome throw Black Hole!

Saw: That was really GRATE!


Black Hole grabs the second ball and throws it again landing another strike which impressed even himself.

Gaty: Dang Black Hole, you're a natural at this.

Black Hole: I'm.. what?

Needle: She means that you have a real gift for this sort of thing Black Hole.

Black Hole: Oh, well thank you.

The rest of the game goes smoothly most of the strikes were from Black Hole, after the 5th frame Donut returns with trays of food from the snack bar.

Donut: I've got refreshments!

Black Hole, Saw and Coiny: Oh cool./ My favorite part of these outings/ Yes, I'm starved.

Team8s and Black Hole calmly gather with Donut as he hands everything out accordingly.

Donut: Let's see... the caesar salad is for Pin, the western burger is Coiny's, the chicken wings go to Saw, Gaty gets the cheeseburger with fries, Barf Bag got the deli sandwich, BLT for Needle, and... uh Black Hole I didn't really know what you wanted soo I just got you what I got myself which was loaded nachos.

Black Hole: Eh, That's fine I'm not picky.

Barf Bag: Oh hey Donut, I'm curious how do you eat when your literal mouth is your donut hole?

Donut: Oh um sorry Barf Bag, but there are some things you can't even tell your closest friends.

Black Hole: Maybe his body compresses what he puts in his mouth infinitely.

Team8s stare at Black Hole awkwardly and with confused expressions.

Black Hole: ... That's how I kinda eat, and I don't have a real mouth.

After lunch the gang continued their game for today, their final scores are as followed:

Pin = 136 points

Coiny = 117 points

Saw = 208

Black Hole = 279  (he could've gotten a perfect game but he got distracted by a phone call in the 7th frame)

Gaty = 194

Barf Bag = 200

Donut = 110

Needle = 252

The group said their farewells and parted ways to get home, Black Hole and Barf Bag both walk home together.

Barf Bag: So did you have fun?

Black Hole: Yeah I did, I see why your club is dedicated to it.

Barf Bag: You can always branch yourself out more, y'know try new things, hang out with other people you know. Trust me you'll get to experience what Earth has to offer that way.

Black Hole: I'll keep that in mind.

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on Earthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن