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Normal P.O.V:

Fan: Hey Test Tube the Wi-fi is out at the hotel so I fig-

Everyone, the three parts of Black Hole and Fan share a long awkward stare until he turns around to leave but is stopped by Test Tube.

Test Tube: Ooh no you don't! You're helping me deal with this possible chaos!

Fan: Aww do I have to?

Test Tube: Yes.

Fan: *sigh* Okay, so which parts of Black Hole have we got here?

Test Tube: Judging by my research, the yellow hooded one is Black Hole's innocence, the blue hooded one is most likely his inner pessimist and that scary looking one with the damage he just did to my newly fixed ceiling he's 99.8% likely a manifestation of Black Hole's repressed destructive instincts. 

As Test Tube stated her theory the red hoodied Black Hole thrusts her to the wall holding her up.

Red BH: You think you're SO smart don't you? You claim to know me that well!? Well here's what I think of YOU!

Test Tube: Woah AAH-!


Red Black Hole had thrown Test Tube to the floor causing her to shatter.

Tree, Pen & Fan: *GASP*

Tree: Black Hole! That was not preventing death, what were you thinking-!?

Red BH: Oh calm down I didn't intend to kill her. 

Fan: Accidental or not, I still do not condone you shattering my girlfriend like that! ACK-!

The red hooded Black Hole grabs Fan by the neck and holds him up.

Red BH: What are going to do, avenge her? Fight me!? D:<

Fan: *gulp* Nope not at all... (please don't hurt me)

Tree: Black Hole... put Fan down!

Red BH: Don't you dare tell me what to do!

Tree and the red Black Hole stare each other down and somehow the red Black Hole caves and drops Fan, meanwhile Test Tube angerly walks out of her own recovery center.

Red BH: ... fine...

Fan: oof!

Test Tube: That's it, I've had enough! We are going to fix this nonsense before things get worse!

Pen: But how?

Test Tube: I have an antidote to Experiment 262, if it was able to effect Black Hole the antidote should surely put these three back together.

Red BH: As if! I'm not going back together with these idiots! I'm outta here!


In an instant the red hooded Black Hole breaks through the ceiling and makes a get away, Test Tube rushes over to her super computer.

Pen: That can't be good....

Test Tube: He's running or flying rampant all across the city! This is bad... oh golly jeeb this is bad... We got to get him back ASAP!

Fan: Don't worry Test Tube! Tree, Pen and I will get right on it while you work on the antidote. 

Pen: Wait I never agr-!

Fan, Tree and Pen rush out and hop onto his moped bike and ride out in the direction the red Black Hole flew.

Yellow BH: I'll go help too!

Test Tube: OOH NO! YOU'RE staying here, one escapee is bad enough.

Meanwhile with the boys, they ride down the road entering the city.

Pen: Man Golf Ball's singularity locator would really come in handy right now...

Tree: This is a big city, how are going to find him-?

Fan's moped stops and the three witness the street before them laid out with all kinds of damage, bent lampposts, burst hydrants, cacks in the pavement and even flaming cars.

Fan: We just follow the trail of mass destruction...

Yoyle City News

Reporter: Greetings viewers. I'm reporter Top Hat and we interrupt this program with a breaking news bulletin, reports of a tall dark figure seen in a bright red hoodie is sighted causing mass chaos left and right. Right now on the scene with our mobile unit Soccer Ball on the pursuit to fully identity the perp.

Soccer Ball: Thank you Top Hat, as you can see the rampant flies so fast we have to resort to the mobile unit to try to catch up an identify the race/object species of them, traffic copters are also on the chase.

Copter Pilot: Attention red hooded figure, put your feet on the ground and stop your rampage!

Red BH: *growls* YOU STOP FOLLOWING ME!!!!

Red Black Hole grabs two of the traffic copters and throws them to the road, the pilots each jumped out with a parachute. The YCN mobile unit attempts to avoid the crashing copters.

Soccer Ball: Yikes! Well whatever this person is supposed to be they seem to possess some incredibly powerful abilities to be able to do what you just witnessed.  What the- AAAHHH-!

Red Black Hole stops in front of the still driving mobile unit, catches it and throws it at a building and the screen cuts to static.

Top Hat: Soccer Ball? Soccer? Well it seems we've been cut off. This is it for Yoyle City News, I am Top Hat and I'm going into the bunker until this blows over. Stay safe viewers!

As the news broadcast ends Liy lays there on her couch with a flopped pizza in her hand but uneaten as her face shows a mix of disbelief, shock and disgust. 

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Things are just getting more chaotic now. How is Liy going to respond to what she just saw?)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang