Clash of Eldritch Horrors (plot B)

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Black Hole's P.O.V:

A rare phenomenon called an eclipse has recently started tonight, so Tree, Cherry Jr and I went to the park to check it out.

Tree: Even in deep red the moon still shines as radiant as usual.

Black Hole: I didn't even think such a thing would be possible, this galaxy truly is fascinating. 

Screaming is suddenly heard and a bunch of people come running by in a serious panic. I haven't lashed out in a good while this time so seeing I have nothing to do with this was rather concerning. 

Tree: What is going on?

Black Hole: I don't know. 

Citizen: RUUUUN!!! MONSTER!!!!!!!!!

Tree: Monster? This warrants some sort of investigation.

Black Hole: Stay close to me Jr.

Cherry Jr: I'm scarred Dad.

I hold Cherry Jr close to when I realize something, did.. did he just call me "Dad"? I shake off my joy of this milestone for now and put my back on the matter at hand as the three of us lightly tread down the direction the people fled from.


We immediately stop and hide behind something when we discover a large beast-like creature who's color is similar to the eclipse tearing an area of the park apart. I hold Cherry Jr closer to me as Tree and I watch it attack anyone in sight, if something isn't done about this the lives of many are at risk. 

Black Hole: Tree, take Cherry Jr and get someplace safe.

Tree: Wha-? You can't possibly be thinking about stopping that thing.

Black Hole: If I don't many innocent lives will be lost, don't worry about me. That monster doesn't know what it'll be up against.

Tree: ... Good luck.

After I watch Tree take Cherry Jr and run for his car, I fly towards the creature ready to brawl.



One punch from me was enough to send the monster flying a few feet off, that should get it's attention, and it did. 


The monster immediately gets back up and lunges at me, and manages to knock me down.

Black Hole: UGH-!

The beast then pins it's hand of claws on top of me as it snarls barring it's mouthful of sword-like fangs.

Black Hole: Really? That's such a tacky thing a monster can do.


Black Hole: Fine then, just know... you aren't the only supernatural horror in this town!! 

The red beast stumbles backward witnessing my body grow and morph simultaneously, in a matter of seconds I stand tall looming over it in my Cosmic Serpent form and unleash an earth shaking roar showing it I don't intend to back down.


The plant-like beast swings and slashes at me avoiding my mouth as I attempt to snap my fangs at it. Soon enough I grab the monster with my tail and slam it into the dirt multiple times, the fight goes on for at least an hour with a crowd of officers watching the whole thing unfold. When the beast gets up it makes a run for them until I thrust my claws on top of it forcing it to stay down. 

Black Hole: (this thing is way to dangerous especially with all these people here, I'll need to take this battle somewhere more remote.)

I pick up the monster and fly outside of town to continue this brawl. Once we were far enough I throw the monster in the high in the air, fly after it grab it again with both my hands and dive down to the ground holding the beast in front of me. As the dust settles the beast lies unconscious, I wrap my tail around it so it won't move just in case it's faking and begin to charge my quantum laser. However something sharp hits the corner of my eye causing me to miss the shot entirely, while I recover my vision more sharp things hit me and a cold... stiff feeling... starts to envelope my body... why... can't... I... move.....

I can not move at all, at least i can still see what's going on around me. The monster somehow warps out of my tail grip, I KNEW that thing was playing dead! I keep my eye on the creature when I notice Golf Ball, Tennis Ball, Needle, Pin, Bubble, Coiny and Firey not far from me and the monster. What are they doing here!? C'mon... break...!

*cracking noises*



Golf Ball: THAT'S ENOUGH!!!

With the surprise of Golf Ball leaping in front of me I make a screeching halt, upon looking over her I notice that the beast has been knocked out and frozen. As much as I am relived about them managing to stop it, I was still upset about their interference, and I didn't hesitate to let them know it once I shifted back into my humanoid form and dust the frost off of my clothes.  

Black Hole: I had it just fine myself until YOU froze me!

Golf Ball: Had we not stopped you, there would have been fatal consequences of loosing a friend!

Black Hole: Alright then smarty-pants, tell me. What the HECK is going on!?

Pin: *nervous laughter* One moment please?

Before I can respond to Pin they all huddled up and started to whisper about something. Unfortunately because they were all whispering to each other I could not hear anything they were talking about, after a while they each turn around and Golf Ball reapproaches me.

Golf Ball: Alright Black Hole we'll explain everything, but on one condition. You help us take this creature back into the cage in my underground factrory.

Black Hole: You're factory... is this thing some crazed experiment you made?

Golf Ball: *offended gasp* I am offended! How DARE you make such a heinous assumption from me!? Just what sort of  twisted individual do you take me fo-!? *muffled yelling*

Tennis Ball: I think what GB was trying to say was we don't have anything to do with it's origins, we are however trying to keep it secure so it doesn't cause any madness like this until the Crimson Eclipse up there ends. If you can help us get it back to the cage we made for it in the factory we'll tell you everything we know on the way there. So... how about it?

Black Hole: *inhale & exhale* Alright, It's a deal.

I shake Tennis Ball's hand to confirm our negotiation and pick up the monster's frozen body, everyone sat on top of it as I take off. Through out the flight to Golf Ball's place the others told me how the Crimson Creature as it's apparently called was actually Leafy. I didn't think to actually believe that at first until Firey said he'll go back to the beginning, as in when they first met. Even after we arrived, while Golf Ball and Tennis Ball worked to install a set of heavy metal bars in front of the glass so the demon inside Leafy aptly called 'Evil Leafy' wouldn't phase through again once it.. she wakes up, I still could barely process all that I just heard. Her childhood was spent taken away from home and being tested on, and for some unsolved situation she became a host to some sort of Venom-like entity that she grew up with while being stranded in a barren environment. And I almost tried to destroy her....

I can't help but compare what she had endured with my old life, before I found Earth. This guilt seriously cut me like a knife. I agreed with Firey and the others to keep quiet about this and head home noticing I had some missed calls from Tree.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: As you can tell by the title, this chapter ties in with the arc of another story; The Flame and The Leaf epilogue. If you'd like to further understand the plotline this chapter alone had I suggest you check out that part of the other story. ^u^)

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