Chapter EIGHT!

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Black Hole (Vortex)'s P.O.V.   

I take out the appropriate text books for biology class from my locker and the second I turn around this green flat headed lady wearing a bright green sweater green skirt black leggings and white slip-ons rushes towards me with a smile big enough to probably obscure at least the bottom half of her face it also had a few sharp teeth which I though was weird for a plant but I shrug it off.

Girl with green sweater: HI THERE! Are you new here? You must be new here cuz I haven't seen you before and trust me I know everyone in this school. I'm Leafy by the way, what's your name? Do you wanna be friends?

Now this one was just down right bizarre, she said all that rather fast paced and as she spoke she also pretty much disappeared and reappeared in all sorts of directions around me, when she finally stopped her smile remained but I noticed what looked to be a tail of her's rapidly moving back and forth, at this point I couldn't tell if she had some issues to revolve or that her entire personality is just the definition of 'hyper'. One thing for sure, she's WAY to close to me for my comfort, at least her smile went to a closed one when I picked her up off me and placed back down on the floor.

(BH)Vortex: *ahem* well first of all, don't get be so close to me. Second, I'm Vortex third sure we can be friends. 

Leafy: Wha- Really!? YAAAY! I knew you'd be my friend cus you're AWESOME!!

Leafy wraps her arms around my waist tightly, I don't know what this action is but she's in dangerously close contact with me again.

(BH)Vortex: What did I just say about being so close to me..?

High pitched male voice: There you are Leafy! Don't run off like that without telling me where you're going.

Leafy: Sorry Firey, I saw that the new student was close by and just had to give my own little greeting. 

This other one is just as bizarre as Leafy but for different reasons, his clothing seems normal he sports a shiny black jacket and under it a dark red t-shirt with a blazing pattern, his jeans are ripped and on his feet are sneakers also with a blazing pattern. But when I look him directly what comes to mind is a star of some sorts specifically a sun, perhaps he's a sun with a humanoid form similar to me.. He takes my hand and slowly shakes it.

Firey: Really now? Nice meet you, You've met Leafy, the name's Firey. Pretty hot aren't I?

(BH)Vortex: I'm Vortex. Are you a sun by chance, like the star kind?

Slight awkward silence follows for a few seconds and Firey starts laughing, Leafy even snickered a bit. Did I say something funny???

Firey: A sun, ohh that's a knee slapper no I'm just regular sentient fire. That's a good joke tho. Hahahah!

(BH)Vortex: ah ha ha haa...

I was not joking...

Firey: well we gotta get to Gym class now, later. C'mon Leafy.


Biology class

Professor 8 is doing role call and makes a quick stop 

8: Ok everyone seems present and accounted for except...

A female metal student with a jagged side of her face rushes into the room

8: Saw, lost track of time again have we?

Saw: yeah, sorry I came in lATE Professor EIGHT!

8: I'll let this slide for now but you can't control that yelling problem of yours I'll have to send to the Principal's office. Got it?

Saw: yes, Professor...

I look towards her friend Gaty next to me

(BH)Vortex: What's wrong with her??

Gaty: Well, last year P.E. 8-Ball got injured & his cracks released some fumes. Saw pretty much inhaled those fumes and got intoxicated. When she came back from the Nurse's office she had been yelling the number 8 and similar sounding words ever since.

(BH)Vortex: oh ok.

Gaty: Hey, I have a question, I noticed that you don't seem to have eyes, are you by any chance blind?

(BH)Vortex: That depends.. what does blind mean?

Gaty: oh being blind means you can't see anything.

(BH)Vortex: Oh, well then no I'm not, I can actually see pretty far.

Gaty: Oh really? How far are we talking here?

(BH)Vortex: About like... 10 to 20 miles give or take.

Gaty: Woah! Dude you're not normal.

(BH)Vortext: I know I'm not.... 

Stapy then leans in from behind Gaty with curiosity

Stapy: What are you guys talking about?

Gaty: Medical conditions and eyesight.

Stapy: Cool.

8: If I may have all of your attention please, I would like for you to continue on with the lesson.


As I make my way down the hall I bump into another person who looked two-toned and our books fall. 

(BH)Vortex: oh, sorry about that.

Two-tone boy: No, don't worry it's ok. No it's not! Watch where you're going you big clutz! Yang, that's not a nice thing to say. You're not a nice thing to say! Ok now you're just not making any sense. I know you are but what am I?

I stare at the guy with only confusion, his outfit is very double sided, one half is a little cleaner lightly colored and professional, while the other half is just ripped pants and part dark shiny jacket with tiny spikes as well as one fingerless glove, he looks like he's... arguing with himself???? I don't what means in a person so I simply pick my my things leave him to his whatever he's doing for now.

~To be Continued~

(Author's note: Don't worry Yin-Yang fans, Black Hole will figure them out eventually. Also Firey & Yang's jackets Black Hole described as 'shiny' are leather, he didn't use the word cuz he didn't know leather can be used in clothing.)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora