The Yoyle Zone: Understanding

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Normal P.O.V:

Pen had come back to Black Hole's apartment, he opens the door to find Black Hole laying on the sofa slightly unconscious with food bags/wrappers and all that piled up on the coffee table and scattered on the floor around it.

Mic: Oh good, you're here. He's your responsibility now.

BH(Pen): What the flip happened here??

Mic: After coming home the guy stuffed himself silly until he passed out. Most likely forgot that we earth objects have a limit on how much we can stomach.

Black Hole raises his hand to correct Mic.

Pen(BH): Not a mistake.. I intended for this...

Mic: Whatever makes you happy big guy, see you boys later.

Microphone leaves the apartment and Pen sits beside Black Hole as he himself sluggishly gets up.

BH(Pen): So, You look different.

Pen(BH): *light burp* Yoyleberry.

BH(Pen): Ah. Hey dude, where's your trash bin?

Pen(BH): I'm looking at him.

BH(Pen): What do you mean by that... oh. I see.

Black Hole turns on the tv and the two binge a few cartoons for a bit.

BH(Pen): So what brought all... this up?

Pen(BH): Let me give you a little astronomy lesson Pen. We black holes constantly slowly but surely evaporate eventually we do die and go off with a literal BANG! 

BH(Pen): Woah-

Pen(BH): But we pretty much cheat death by eating matter around us. To put it simple we're always burdened with constant hunger that can never be satisfied.

BH(Pen): Wow, that actually... explains a few things...

Pen(BH): Mm-hm, this is the first time I've felt full... ahhh...

BH(Pen): Heh, good for you. :)

BH(Pen): Hey uh there's something I gotta tell you.

Pen(BH): Hm?

BH(Pen): So I accidentally stained your hoodie here with a burrito...

Pen(BH): Huh, well it's a good thing I have extras now.

BH(Pen): Yeah. But uh- I attempted to clean it up a bit so I took it off for a bit, but only for a bit!

Black Hole fully sits up straight and his face turns to a serious one.

Pen(BH): What happened??

BH(Pen): *whimper* I accidentally sucked up Eraser... without knowing...

Pen(BH): *siiigh* See, this is why I'm this uptight about the likes of you having my powers. I'm dangerous if I'm not careful! *sigh* Was he at least recovered?

BH(Pen): Yeah of course. I'm not in trouble am I?

Pen(BH): No, there was bound to be a few fails every now and then... But maybe now you realize how problematic my life as a black hole can be.

BH(Pen): Yeah, you were right I underestimated your life-style. 

Pen(BH): I'll be honest too, I enjoyed being able to taste, feel full and actually kiss my boyfriend but, I'm never going to adjust to getting hurt or tired. So let's just say we both overestimated each other's beings to some degree.

BH(Pen): Deal!

Both Black Hole and Pen shake hands formally and watched some tv until they both fell asleep. The following morning Pen was the first to awake.

Pen: *YAAAWWN* W-woah-! *THUD*

Pen: Oww... how did I not...? 

Pen rubs his head and starts to notice something with his hands.

Pen: (1 2 3.. 4 5) Omg. BLACK HOLE! BLACK HOLE WAKE UP!

Black Hole: Mnrr, five more minutes...

Pen: Hmph. 

Pen gets over the couch and rummages through his duffle bag.

Pen: A-ha! Good thing I never leave home without my trusty air horn.

Pen then gets close to Black Hole to blow the air horn at him.


Pen: .... Wow, his hearing is worse than I thought.

Black Hole: Nrh, huh...?

Pen: Or it was just a delayed reaction.

Black Hole: What is it... Pen...?

Pen: Yeah it's obvious what just happened. The yoyle zone had passed last night, we're back to normal!! ^u^

Black Hole: Thank goodness, I wasn't too sure if I can continue being you.

Pen: Oh c'mon, I'm not that bad. 

Pen rushes into the other room to change clothes while Black Hole stays but does the same putting the stained one in a basket.

Pen: I've got to let the boys know about this!


Pen: Oooh.. Buuut first I gotta use the bathroom. 

Black Hole: *chuckle* Yeah, I need to see a certain someone too. Later.

~Now back to their original identities and lives the two different friends no longer feel different to one another, could this perhaps be the plan from the strange phenomenon? Or just mere coincidence? Only one thing in this universe knows the answer to such a question, and that being... The Yoyle Zone...~

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