BIG problem, dumb solution

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Normal P.O.V:

Something hides behind the tall thick tree outside Test Tube's lab to avoid Tennis Ball's line of sight.

Golf Ball: TB What's the hold up?

Tennis Ball: I thought I saw something, behind that tall thick tree. I think maybe we're being watched from there.

The figure continues to over hear them from the hiding place fearfully making sure not to be seen.

GB: It's probably just a hidden  security camera, you know how secretive she can be.

They two nerds buzz Test Tube's doorbell they then head inside, and we finally see who's been hiding.

Black Hole's P.O.V:

Black Hole: Phew that was close, if Tennis Ball had seen me like this I'd be a goner. 

 I fly up and quietly land on the parapet roof of Test Tube's home to lay very low.

Black Hole: I'll just wait for them to leave and then I'll do what I have to do. Such a bad time for me to keep my promises though...

I look at myself larger then "normal" and think back to that incident in that place called the bathroom, I pretty much tried doing what they call a shower only for for me to absorb enough of the faucet's water to make me grow at least 2 feet taller! Getting out of my home was an issue already as a I pretty much had to use my window.


Golf Ball and Tennis Ball leave (finally), I wait for them to be out of sight and then a float back down in front of Test Tube's door and ring the door bell. I also crouch a little in hopes to appear smaller, hopefully she doesn't notice.


Test Tube: (distant) Jeebers I'm having a lot of visitors today...

Test Tube: Oh hey Vortex.

Black Hole: Hey Test Tube.

Test Tube: hmm...

Black Hole: What?

Test Tube: You look... different... 

Test Tube: Have you grown a couple of feet??

Black Hole: I u-uh... No I d-don't think I have... heh. Maybe you're just imagining things!

Test Tube: Hmm, I was about to clean out a gas leak in the basement if not handled with it could cause hallucinations. (Thought I was certain I put on protective gear) Come on in then.

Wait that actually worked??? Well if my secret remains well a secret for another day I won't complain. I crouch further go inside as she says but hit my head upon attempting to stand back up (her ceiling seemed higher from outside).

Black Hole: ow-

Test Tube: You ok?

Black Hole: Y-yeah, just fine.

Test tube: Well what brings you here?

Black Hole: Well, I came to return the microscope you let me barrow.

I carefully get it out of my pocket and hand it to her, she seemed rather surprised and excited to have it back.

Test Tube: Oh really? Thank you. You know last time I let someone *cough* Lightbulb *cough* barrow something she brought it back as shards of glass. So I appreciate you returning this in good condition AND on time.

Black Hole: Yeah, I've been working on keeping my word to others.. What's that?

I point to a computer just about as "strange" as mine on the counter that's connected to a larger screen,

Test Tube: Oh, well normally I keep this to myself but I guess I can show you.

Test Tube: A year and a half ago, I launched my own satellite drone out to space with a camera function for the purpose of recording it's journey in the endlessness of space to find signs of life. This little thing is connected to the drown wirelessly and I can put up the video findings up on the big screen for further investigation.

She types something on her keyboard and on the bigger screen a repeating video shows up. The video shows with a space station, a dark obscure figure appears to be entering the station and later on it exits with an astronaut sleeping bag using it to probably carry something, the video ends there. 

Test Tube: This is something I've come across 15 weeks after launch, isn't it intriguing? Whatever that thing was seemed to have scavenged somethings from that abandoned space station.

All of that was too familiar to me.. that was.. that was ME. She had a camera in space and it saw me, that was the station I got my computer from. She looks to the footage and back to me repetitively.

Test Tube: Well what do you think? Being a space enthusiast I betcha you have some theories on this?

Black Hole: Wait, you're ask me for speculations?  

Test Tube: Uh-huh uh-huh.

Black Hole: Well uuh..

I can't have her suspicious of me two, I need to come up with a false hypothesis, maybe that'll throw her off my trail.

Black Hole: I don't really know either, this could imply that aliens are in fact among us in the universe.

Test Tube: Right! *sigh* If I had activated remote control to the drone I would have it fallow the figure to see if I can find it's home or planet but I was at school at the time this video was recorded so we have no idea where that thing could be now..

For someone so smart she has absolutely no idea that 'thing' is right next to her.

Test Tube: What ever it is has to be pretty smart though if it could use an old astronaut sleeping bag to carry stuff, I wonder what exactly it grabbed...

Black Hole: Well.. you're clearly really busy I won't keep you any longer, see you later.

Test Tube: Huh? Oh sure later Vortex! Now I should actually handle that gas leak before I see a tiny Spongey hahahaha..

Phew, that was a can of worms or however that saying goes... now I can't let anyone else see me while I'm still this big and no way am I going back to my apartment, I need to find a dark ally or some place to hide until this wears off tomorrow.

~To be Continued~

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