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Normal P.O.V:

At the Banquet Hall everything has been fully set up and the guests arrived, just about everyone from the academy is here.

Bottle: This party is going to be so much fun!

Yellow Face: YEAH!!! 

Cherry Jr: He's going to love it! When will he be here?

Liy: I'm contacting Tree to let him know we're ready right now.

Back with the happy couple. Tree and Black Hole have sat down by a pond at the park with some ice cream, Tree teaches Black Hole about skipping stones.

Tree: And now simply throw like this and there you go.

Black Hole readies himself with a flat stone and throws it only for it to sink instead of skip.

Black Hole: Oh grozit.

Tree: Heh-heh, don't worry you'll get the hand of it. *beep-beep* Oh, one moment I got a text.

Liy's text: "We're ready, bring him in but don't let him know!"

Black Hole: What is it?

Tree: Nothing important. Hey could you pull up your hood for me?

Black Hole: Uh okay..?

When Black Hole puts his hood up Tree quickly grabs the ropes of his hoodie and yanks them causing said hood to close over Black Hole's face who flinches backward in a slight panic.

Black Hole: AH! What happened!? What did you do!?!

Tree: Calm down, I just closed your hood with these.

Tree puts the ropes of Black Hole's hoodie in his hands and he held them for a brief moment.

Black Hole: Oh that's what they're for...

Tree: You can't see through that can you?

Black Hole: Nope.

Tree: (Ok good) No, don't fix it just yet!

Black Hole: Why?

Tree: Take my hand and follow me. 

Tree grabs Black Hole's hand and leads him in the direction to the surprise party while sending a response to Liy's text.

Back at said party Liy receives the message and lets everyone know.

Liy: Alright everyone Tree and Black Hole will be here in just a few moments, quickly get into positions!!

As requested everyone hides somewhere Liy turns off the lights but Lightning, Firey & Firey Jr still lit up. 

Lightning: AH!

Lighting zooms under a table cloth while the fires still scatter.

Liy: On my goodness.. in here you two c'mon! 

She leads them under the food table and joins them, just in time as the boyfriends arrive into the room.

Black Hole: Tree we're been at this for at least 20 minuets now, I'm sure Remote and Junior are back by now wondering where I went.

Tree: I wouldn't worry about that.

Black Hole: Where are you even taking me???

Tree: We're already here, you can fix your hood now.

Black Hole finally gets his hood unclosed an the moment he regains his vision the lights turn back on and he's met with-

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!!!

Black Hole: WOAH! What is this???

Liy: Your birthday party silly.

Black Hole: My.. my birthday..? Would do you even know it's today?

Pen: Because today's the day you first arrived on our planet, so that's how we know!

Black Hole: Oooohh cool! ^u^

Lightning: C'mon big guy your cake is waiting.

Death P.A.C.T. escort Black Hole to a larger table with everyone gathered, Pin places the pastel box on said table and pulls it up revealing a cake decorated with a galaxy like pattern all over it and about 5 or 6 candles on top. The candles are lit and a the traditional song is sung.

Everyone: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Black Hole, happy birthday to you~!

Black Hole: Oh you guys don't have to do all this..

Marker: Go oh now, blow them out.

Black Hole: Well I can't exactly do that since I have no lungs...

Pie: Aw shucks!

Black Hole: But I can do this.

Black Hole raises his hand and swipes it over the candles sucking each of them in. 

Everyone: Yeah!

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now