Holiday shopping

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Tree's P.O.V:

With winter just around the corner Me and Cherry Jr go over to the Mega Mall to meet with Bottle and do some holiday shopping and for me and the kid to bond a little, Black Hole however couldn't join us for whatever reason, I'm not one to pry though I'm sure he just has some other place to be. Finally we find Bottle standing by the fountain along her side a smaller bottle filled with sparkling water wearing a purple bow on her head.

Bottle: Hey guys! I hope you don't mind that I brought my little sister.

Tree: Not at all, I'm sure we'll get along nicely.

Cherry Jr: Hi hi, I'm Cherry Jr! ^u^

Cherry Jr holds his hand out to shake it until he discovers that Bottle's little sister doesn't have any arms and put his hand behind his back slightly embarrassed. 

Cherry Jr: O-oh...

Water Bottle: *giggle* It's okay, I'm Water Bottle. Nice meeting you. 

We walk around the mall for some time, checking out stores, stopped for a bite to eat basically anything you'd go to a mall for but during the holiday season. Actually as we make our way to a shop I bump into someone who help a bunch of gift boxes obscuring their face, when we collided into each other the said boxes fall all around us.

Tree & ???: Oof!/D'oh-!

Tree: I am so sorry sir I-

Pen: No its my fault, I'm the one who had boxes block my vision. 

Tree: Oh Pen?

Pen: Yeah that's me. 

After we helped Pen pick up his stuff he joins us through some of the other stores.

Bottle: That's an awful lot of gift wrapped stuff Pen, what's it all for?

Pen: Oh I'm just getting some stuff to set up for christmas at home, it's especially important as this year my Dad promises to be home for the christmas this year, I wanted to get him something nice.

Tree: Really now?

Pen: Yeah, since he works at a TV critic he doesn't get to be home as often, even during the holidays. This is gonna sound pretty cliche but I just want to spend the night with my old man this year.

Tree: No no, I very much understand what you mean. For the longest time christmas had been a very lonely time of year for me, it was Black Hole who made it a lot better for me. Christmas is mainly about togetherness after all. 

Water Bottle: Yeah, presents and all the pretty stuff is just a bonus.

Pen: By the way, isn't he usually with you in these activities?

Cherry Jr: He needed to get some part time work due to some money troubles.

Pen: What the nightshift didn't pay enough? 

Bottle: Black Hole has a nighttime job?

Pen: Yeah, he's working at school by day and working a job by night. I get that he doesn't have a need of rest the same as we do but I'm rather concerned about him constantly on the clock.

Tree: I can see why he would be looking for more work, times are pretty hard these days. Wouldn't be surprised if the reason is his rent suddenly jacking up.

Bottle: I like how you worry about your buddy Pen, you two are definitely the best friend duo of Death P.A.C.T.

Pen: Eh? Pfft, I don't know about that. Yeah we hang out a lot but I wouldn't say we're best friends that goes to Eraser.

Tree: But aren't you dating him now from what I've heard?

Bottle: I thought he got back with Pencil, did you loose her again?

Pen: No. I'm dating both Eraser and Pencil.

Cherry Jr: So uh you have a boyfriend and girlfriend???

Pen stops for a moment and kneels down to Jr.

Pen: Yup, it's called a polyamory. I'll tell you two more about it when you're older.

We continue our arrands when we stop to see people lined up under the mall's giant chirstmas tree to meet 'Santa Claus' the little ones (and Bottle) quickly became ecstatic.

Water Bottle & Cherry Jr: SANTA! 

Water Bottle: Can we see him big sis, can we can we can we?

Bottle: Uh yeah!

The kids rush over in line while follow behind.

Tree: There something about this year's mall Santa that's vaguely familiar I just can't put my finger on it though.

Pen: Probably someone we know, I mean Snowball was the mall Santa last year maybe this guy will be a little better.

Normal P.O.V:

A bit of waiting later Cherry Jr was now next in line to meet Santa Claus, he hasn't had christmas in some time since getting stranded in the jungle so this was a really magical time for him. The man with the white beard and red cap obscuring over half of his face lifts him up to his lap. 

Santa: Oh, Ho ho ho, what are wishing for christmas little one?

Cherry Jr: I wish to have a happy christmas with my new Dad. He's been through a lot and I want for him to be happy.

Santa: My, my *chuckle* that's.. real selfless of you kiddo. I'll see what I can do.

The camera takes the picture of the two and Cherry Jr gets back to the others and waits for his new friend Water Bottle to have her moment with Santa once that was done they finally head for home.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Don't expect to much of a holiday special this year, I'm kinda burnt out. 
Also, who do you guys think that Mall Santa was?)

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