Snowball Showdown

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Normal P.O.V: 

Tree and Teardrop come back with their hot cocoa and look at the snowman Black Hole, Remote and Bubble have made.

Tree: That's some impressive work you three.

Bubble: Thoinks! I'm Hoippy with the oiutcome too.

Black Hole turns to see what else can be done at this season only to be met with a black thin item hurdling toward his face and soon gone in an instant.

Black Hole: Woah, what was that??

Tree: What was what Black Hole?

Black Hole: Something flew right into my face.

Just then Pen walked up or was trying to with the ice skates he was wearing.

Pen: (Stupid Blocky making me find the puck HE lost..) Hey there guys, have you seen a hocky puck zip by here?

Black Hole: Was this puck small, black and circle shaped?

Pen: Yep.

Black Hole: ... Yeah I've seen it but... you're not likely to get it back anytime soon....

Pen: Oh fantastic...

Black Hole: What are you even wearing?

Pen: These are the necessities for a hockey uniform. 

Black Hole: Hocky? Is that another sport?

Pen: Yep, a winter sport played on ice which is why I'm wearing these skates.

Eraser and Blocky come up to Pen wearing similar hockey gear.

Eraser: Yo Pen, what's keeping you?

Blocky: Yeah, you find that puck yet?

Pen: Yes and no... Uh it got sucked into Black Hole.

Blocky & Eraser: UGH!

Black Hole: Sorry. 

Blocky: I guess we'll just have to find something else to do. You coming Pen?

Pen: Be right with you! -OW!

The group turn to Nickel with his prosthetic arms (which is rare for him) laughing with Knife and Bomb with him.

Nickel: Hahahahaha! Should've kept your eyes out for flying snowballs! Hahaha!

Black Hole: Hey, what was that for!?

Knife: Chill out space man, we're just having a fun snowball fight. 

Bomb: Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yeah! 

Black Hole: So throwing spheres molded out out frost at people is fun for you guys?

Pen: Oh I am SO getting you back, you 5 cent midget!



Pen, Remote and Teardrop eagerly run up and begin attempting to throw snowballs at Nickel, Knife and Bomb leaving Tree, Black Hole and Bubble (hiding behind Mr. McChilly) to watch the madness ensue. Soon enough other people get caught in the crossfire like Paintbrush, Puffball and even Snowball himself even join in.

Snowball: You want a piece of me wimp!?

 Soon a mass of the park is now wrapped up in this snowball fight.

Pin: Here's your peppermint cocoa with chocolate drizzle.

As Pin hands the cocoa to a customer a few snowball hit the stand nearly making her drop it, once the customer takes it and runs Pin takes everything on the stand off it and putting it all away then pulling down some sort of curtain and finally places a sigh saying "Closed due to crazy snowball fight". Tree sips on his hot cocoa while watching.

Tree: Good thing I decided to get mine before all this.

Black Hole: This looks so disorganized...  

Tree: Yeah, but I'll admit this sort of thing is fun.

A few snowballs thrown by Pen, Remote and Bottle then hit Black Hole in the chest or arm and Tree in the face.

Pen: C'mon you guys join in!

Bottle: yeah, it's so much fun!

Tree: Can't, I have a drink to make a money's worth of.

Black Hole: I think I'm good thank you.

Another snowball gets thrown by Flower but it flies into Black Hole's face. She continuously tosses another in her hand ready to throw again.

Flower: Oh c'mon Black Hole don't be such a pansy.

Naily and Taggy: Yeah!

Rocky: *squeak*


A large flurry of snowballs thrown by everyone participating then hits Black Hole while Tree steps behind him for protection. He calmy dusts himself off yet a stern look can be seen on his face.

Black Hole: So it's going to be like that huh? Okay... have it your way.

He puts up his hood and starts to scoop up a large amount of snow.

Pen: Uh oh I think we ticked him off.


Everyone starts to run laughing as Black Hole chases anyone he can with a huge snowball held over his head with one hand.

Tree: This is going to get out of hand real quick...

Snowballs fly everywhere as small groups of objects hide behind barriers and continue to throw at one another. Black Hole throws his large snowball towards Knife who was quick enough to have dodge it.

8-Ball: Okay Better Namers, on the count of three we sled down. 1... 2... 3-


Unluckily for ABNTT however Black Hole's snowball hits them and their sled slides down the hill with no control and crashes into a tree (thankfully they abandoned ship).

Basketball: Woah, what  just happened?


Black Hole (distantly): Sorry about that Better Namers! 

Tennis Ball: Wow, the snowball fight this year looks much more intense.

Golf Ball: It seems so, and I am NOT going down easy this time! Tennis Ball ready the trebuchet!

Tennis Ball: Okay.

Snowball frantically throws snowballs at Nickel and keeps missing.

Snowball: Why won't you go down already!?!?

Nickel: Gee I don't know, I guess I'm just lucky.  |;)

Snowball: Grrr!

Nickel: Uh-oh.

Snowball rushes over to Nickel when at the last second a large pile of snow falls on top of him leaving Nickel safe for now.

Golf Ball: HAHAHA! Who's the one buried under snow now!?  >:D

Nickel: Phew...

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Well this is an exciting snow day so far. Also we're seeing more II characters, YES!!)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now