There's harmless jokes and then spaghettification

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Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole, Tree, Pen, Bottle and Remote are at a table together during lunch talking about their day. 

Bottle: Another fun day of stopping bullies and preventing death.

In the background Firey slips on a banana peel Bomby tossed behind him and falls into a puddle of mop water that was by a wet floor sign, he screams in pain as he is extinguished.

Bottle: And Firey is dead.

Black Hole stares at Bottle for a sec and looks to Remote who was right next to him

Black Hole (Vortex): uh.. hun. Hey Remote how many deaths has this club prevented in total? So I'm y'know up to date.

Remote: 2,763

Black Hole(Vortex): Ok and how many has Bottle prevented..?

Remote: 111.

Black Hole(Vortex): Oh ok.

Pen looks around and notices a table whare Pin, Coiny and Needle are sitting, he then get a cheeky idea.

Pen: Hey Vortex, have you met Needle yet?

Black Hole(Vortex): Nope, who's that?

Pen: Oh y'know, tall girl, slim, metal, fastest runner in the school.

Pen points Vortex to Needle as he explains her to him.

Pen: I think you should go say hi.

Black Hole(Vortex): ok then.

Pen: oh and use her trademark nickname 'Needy' she loves it.

Black Hole nods and floats off to her table, Tree soon gives Pen the side eye while he was trying to hold his giggles.

Tree: *sigh* Must you always do this with new students?

Pen: Hey, you didn't stop me, and besides all she'll do is slap him. That's like the most harmless thing you can do to someone here.

(Author: oh sweet naive Pen... you don't even know)

Black Hole makes his way to Needle, Coiny and Pin's table.

Black Hole: Hi, Vortex, I'm new here.

Coiny: Hi new here, I'm Coiny. HA!

Pin: Coiny bae, humor is not your strong suit.

Coiny: aw.

Pin: I'm Pin, that's Coiny and this is-

Needle: Needle, nice meeting you Vortex.

Black Hole(Vortex): You too Needy.

Immediately Needle swings her right hand at his face but instead of slapping him as expected, her arm gets elongated and circles around his head freaking everyone out (even Black Hole).

Needle: AAAHH!

Pin & Coiny: WOAH!

Black Hole(Vortex): Oh my supernova! I am s-so sorry! Here let me just..

Black Hole gently grabs Needle's arm with both his hands, slowly removes it from his head and give Needle back her arm while it's still coiled.

Needle: My.. my arm...!

Pin: Is it in pain?

Needle: I can't even feel it, I think it's paralyzed.

Black Hole(Vortex): Again I'm very sorry for that.

Coiny: Dude how'd you even do that!?

Black Hole(Vortex): *sigh* My body has got this.. reality warping thing going on with it, I'm.. still trying to get full control over it.

Pin: this isn't... permanent is it?

Black Hole(Vortex): No that should wear off... sooner or later... anyway why did you try to hit me Needy-


Coiny: woah Needle, how come you didn't slap him again?

Needle: Obviously I don't want my other arm to look like my lunch!

Needle gestures to her cup of noodles, which indeed her dominant hand dose look like a limp spaghetti noodle, much to Black Hole's shame.

Black Hole(Vortex): So.. you DON'T like being called Needy??

Needle: NO! What made you think I like it?

Black Hole(Vortex): Because Pen.. told... me...

Black Hole looks back at his table, Pen is watching with a thumbs up clearly unaware of what just happened. Black Hole was totally unamused.

Black Hole(Vortex): I gotta go, I'm going to have a talk with my friend. Bye.

Needle: what are you doing?

Needle looks aside to see Coiny slapping her right hand with a cheeky grin.

Coiny: What!? It's not like you can feel it, you said it yourself!

Tree's P.O.V:

Bottle had left to play outside with Gelatin, Bell, Puffball and Yellow Face, so now it's just me Remote and Pen until Vortex floats back to us with a stern look on his face, Pen is still snickering at the idea of Vortex with a red hand mark on the side of his face in which I noticed there isn't. Looks like your little joke backfired on you Pen.

Pen: hehehe So how'd it go~?

Vortex: Badly.

Pen: she slapped you didn't she?

Vortex: Oh she tried to, and I accidentally warped her arm!

 I thrust my face out of my book in surprise. I'm sorry warped her arm!?? Not what I expected to hear out of this.

Tree: warped her arm, what do you mean by that?

Vortex: What I mean is my body has been prone to break physics which protects me from most forms of threats, when she unexpectedly tried to slap me it triggered that instinct and now she has to deal with a elongated and numb to the point of no control arm for I don't know how long, Thanks to this guy.

He points a thumb to Pen who looks rather regretful, can't say I told him so buuuut... well you know. That aside the fact that Vortex has the power to break the laws of physics at will is a fact on it own for me to process, I mean I deduced that he could fly by the fact that he hovers everywhere he goes but this?

Pen: I'm really sorry Vortex, I didn't know.

Vortex: That's kinda fair as I didn't want anyone to know my powers.

Remote: Hold up, you said "powers" plural, does this mean you multiple abilities?

Astute observation Remote I was just about to make that conclusion but she beat me to it fair and square, so I nod in agreement.

Vortex: *sigh* Yes, nothing can get past you can it Remote? Alright I wanted to keep this to hidden but you're my friends so I guess I'll explain some of them to you guys but you have to keep it between us got it?

Tree, Remote and Pen: Of course. Affirmative! You got it!

Vortex proceeds to list off some of his various powers, in which are rather fantastic I wonder why he doesn't like the idea of many people knowing, It doesn't seem like he'll show all his abilities unfortunately but I won't pry for information he doesn't want to. It's nice to get to know you're friends to which they feel... closer to you.

~To be Continued~

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