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Black Hole's P.O.V:

Me and Tree make out way to Dream Island Academy after the Summer vacation had now ended, we both studied our new class set ups and schedules so we would know where to go and when.

Tree: So got any new classes?

Black Hole: Well I took Pen's suggestion from last year and took up Gym class, I also have Music for second period. I'm not out of Four's math class though...

Tree: Oof, well it seems I have him as well, but judging by the period number it looks like we'll be able to bear trough it together. 

Black Hole: That's nice.

We make it to the school grounds and go our separate ways to our first class of the year, mine being Physics. I find the classroom and head inside, Pie waves to me and go to see her.

Pie: Hey Black Hole, you have this class as well huh?

Black Hole: Yeah. So, who's our teacher?

Pie: Them.

Pie points to a Shorter green speaker box much like the principal wheeling in and tries to grab everyone's attention. Upon doing so though spike balls suddenly fly out of them all over the classroom causing everyone to duck and cover (I was fine for obvious reasons but that did startle me).

Short green speaker: Uh attention, students attention- OH NO!



Pie: Woah! That was close, if that spike ball hit me I would surely explode.

A spike ball then hits Pie on the side of her head.

Pie: .....

Pie: Well sh- *KA-SPLATTER*

Black Hole: D  )

Short green speaker: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I have a tendency to throw spike balls with no control.

Why is this speaker box a teacher if they have such a dangerous condition???? 

Spike ball Speaker Box: I'm Spike ball Speaker Box or uh SBS for short, and I am your Physics teacher for this year. Now, for our very first day let's start with some simple rules of the classroom.

Well it's safe to say physics class will be... interesting to say the least, when that was over (and after cleaning up the spike balls) I make my way to music class. Upon going inside I can see the interior or at least the set up was different from the other classes, there're plenty of seats set up in a circle of sorts, there are also various bright and positive decorations & posters around, some relate to music others are for example a kitten saying "Hang in there". My time taking in the scenery didn't last long though as I was immediately attacked by my friend & neighbor Microphone.


Black Hole: Oof-! Hi Mic, yeah I remembered you talking about music class and decided to partake in these lessons. 

We both found our seats and talked for a bit while the other students came in, and right when I was starting to wonder where our teacher was a familiar face showed up in an instant.

Two: Howdy there students, did we have a good summer now?

It was Two, last time I saw them I became a cosmic serpent for the first time. As far as I know though Algabrailiens aren't particularly known to have music as one of their interests, I'm highly intrigued with how this plays out. 

Two: Looks like I have some new people to teach this year, wonderful! Now with that being said let us all take a moment to get to know one another. You can know a person by what they listen too so everyone feel free to find a song you know and like and we'll take turns showing them off.

Every student picked up their phone and started to search, I soon did the same and pondered I song I should introduce to everyone. Later one students have shown off a portion of their liked songs and it was now my turn, here goes nothing..

Two: Black Hole, it's your turn now. What have you got for us?

Black Hole: Uh, not much. Just this one.

"This is an anthem for the homesick, for the beaten, the lost, the broke, the defeated. A song for the heartsick, for the standbys living life in the shadow of a goodbye. Do you remember when we learned how to fly? We'd play make believe we were young and had time on our side, you're stuck on the ground. Got lost can't be found just remember that you're still alive. I'll carry you home, no you're not alone. Keep marching on this is worth fighting for you know we've all got battle scars. You've had enough but just don't give up. Stick to your guns you are worth fighting for you know we've all got battle scars. Keep marching on...~"

Two: Black Hole that is excellent choice, with some of the hardships people have such a song is certainly encouraging. And it fits well with the group you affiliate with. 

Black Hole: Yeah.. I guess it does.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Summer is done and school is back on. With some of the gang in new class settings let's see what fun or insanity can come from it.)

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