Zodiac Companions

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Normal P.O.V:

Black Hole and Remote stand by his locker chatting to one another.

Black Hole: So... run that  y me again, 'neurodivergent' what does that mean?

Remote: The term neurodivergent describes how people's brain works differently from the norm. It's always affiliated with medical disorders and learning disabilities, like autism, dyslexia, ADHD and epilepsy to name a few. 

Black Hole: Fascinating, can mechanical objects be neurodivergent too?

Remote: Yes. Neurodiversity for for mechanical minds are like mini-malfunctions in programming that while unintended are still natural and don't need to be fixed. I myself have Obsessive-compulsive disorder aka OCD and ADHD.

Remote: I hate how Golf Ball calls me faulty. >:0

Black Hole: Yeah I don't like that either, you're not faulty at all. You just... function differently, I love you for who you are.

Black Hole pats Remote on her head as he arranges his locker he also gives a head pat to his ram plush which Remote sees and gets a little excited.

Remote: Oh my gosh is that a Zodiac Companion you have there!? Where did you get it?

Black Hole: Huh, Oh this little guy? My therapist gave him to me, he's really helped me cheer up when I felt sad. Must be because he's such a cute little goat.

Remote: That's a ram, not a goat. That's also Aries like the zodiac sign.

Black Hole: What exactly are Zodiac Companions?

Remote: A rare collectable line of plushies based around the zodiac signs. They don't appear in stores and are mainly found in arcades or carnival-like events as prizes. I've been wishing to to collect all 12 of them for forever. So far I have Gemini, Taurus and Sagittarius. 

Black Hole: Wow cool. And to think Dr. Torch let me keep it if it's that rare...

Remote: We should go to the arcade after school and try to win more of our own!

Black Hole: I'm down for that, I bet Aries would like some friends to sit with.


Black Hole: Well that's the chemistry bell, better get going before we're late. 

Black Hole and Remote walk into class with the other students and notice that Someone else is at the white board instead of MePad.

Pen: Uh-oh, looks like we have a substitute today.

Black Hole: What's a substitute?

Rose: A substitute teacher is someone who takes the actual teacher's place when they unable to teach for a certain reason. In this case Mr. MePad is on vacation at Hawaii.

Pen: Yeah but there are certain types of substitutes that are let's just say... problematic. 

Thermometer: Hello students I am Thermometer but you may call me Mr. Fermat and I will be your substitute teacher for the next few days. Now, to start off why don't we go over the periotic table. 

Mr. Fermat pulls down a slide with the periotic table and begins to lecture the classroom about the elements, after class both Black Hole and Remote pack up and head over to the arcade. The last time Black Hole was here the city was flooded with lava. While the two siblings/friends look around the arcade manager finds Black Hole again and walks up to him. 

Gamepad: You again huh?

Black Hole: Hm? Oh uh.. yeah, just here to have fun.

Gamepad: Mm-hm the last time you were here, our whack-a-mole was broken.

Black Hole: My wallet remembers... don't worry I learned better from there and it won't happen again.

Gamepad: I hope so, you have a good day.

Black Hole: Phew...

Remote: Come on Black Hole, I want to check the claw games!

Black Hole hovers over to Remote who was standing by a line of crane games each one full of various items, mainly stuffed animals. Remote jumping a little excitedly points to a one plush specifically that resembles a lion with the same starry pattern on Black Hole's ram plush.

Remote: They have Leo! I have not gotten Leo yet!

Black Hole: I don't think I've played these before. How do they work?

Remote: You get at most 3-5 plays on these games, the goal is to get the prize in there with the crane. It is very difficult. Since neither of us have Leo and only one of him is inside let's both take turns, whoever manages to get him gets to keep him.

Black Hole: Sounds like a deal.

Remote and Black Hole shake hands and she goes first to play, after inserting two quarters she begins her first turn and attempts to move the crane over the Leo plush. 

Remote: Come on... come on...

Black Hole watches as she pushes the button and the crane lowers itself to grab the plush, it picks it up but the plush slips out before it could be brought into the collection chute. 

Remote: Oh man! 2 more more plays.

With 2 tries remaining Remote tries yet again to get Leo however both tries ended with the same result, failure.

Remote: Man...

Black Hole: Better luck next time, for now it's my turn.

Back Hole inserts his quarters and tries to get the Leo plush, much to his annoyance the claw on the first play misses Leo. On the second play the claw grabs Leo by the leg and holds on for a bit before dropping him at the very edge of the chute. Both of them tense up at the sight of this.

Remote: Oof.. so close. 

Black Hole: I still got one play... I can still get it, if I could just push it even a little...

Black Hole increases his focus and aims for the Leo plush, the claw grabs the starry yellow lion and...

Claw game: "YOU WIN!!"

Black Hole: YES!!

Remote: Good job, you won it fair and square.

Black Hole reaches in to grab his new prize and hugs it. 

Remote: There's more around here though, come on lets go!

She grabs Black Hole by the arm and leads him to the other claw games to look for more Zodiac Companions.

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Thought I'd add a bit of fun to these bleak times.)

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