Investigation 4

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Normal P.O.V: (Science Class)

Professor 5 had to leave the room to see the Principal about something and gave the students a free period, perfect time for Golf Ball and Tennis Ball are discussing their next investigation on Vortex, Test Tube walks up to them.

Tennis Ball: So what should we do this time?

Golf Ball: Well I've been thinking-

Test Tube: Hey fellow smarties, So about your secret mission to discover Vortex's race and I want to join you on your quest for science! What do you say?

Golf Ball: Hmm... I don't know.

Tennis Ball pulls Golf Ball to him to whisper with her

Tennis Ball: Golf Ball, she's very smart like us and well you know the saying "three minds are better than one"? She could be a grate asset to our goal.

Golf Ball: You make a compelling argument Tennis Ball. Ok Test Tube, you're one of us, but on one contiction.

Test Tube: Ok what?

Golf Ball: You keep what we do between us and US ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Test Tube: Uuuh... ok.

Golf Ball: Perfect, now as I was saying, you know how most larger objects are often the more physically stronger ones correct?

Tennis Ball: Correct, even I seem to count as a stronger object but.. I haven't really worked on my physical muscle well...

Golf Ball: That's ok anyway, Vortex is by far one of if not THE largest person in the school standing at an unnatural 7 feet 2 inches. So my suggestion is that we put his strength to the test to see just how strong Vortex really is.

Test Tube & Tennis Ball: Ooh, that's a great idea! / Good plan.

Golf Ball: Glad we came to an agreement, now if you two are to meet me on the school roof after lunch, my plan has already been set up.

~Time skip Lunch~

Test Tube and Tennis Ball head up to the roof where Golf Ball is standing next to a tall pole with something big hanging over the edge from said pole.

Tennis Ball: Golf Ball, what is this?

Golf Ball: 9,042 kilograms of pure metal, as difficult as getting this thing up to the roof this will be our tool of science.

Golf Ball: Here's the plan: I have set out an anonymous note on Vortex's locker telling him to meet and wait at that exact spot, when he arrives TB you cut the rope and-

Test Tube: I-I'm sorry but WHAT!? Your plan is to drop an over 9,000 KG weight onto an unsuspecting person!? Not anyone is capable of lifting such a thing themselves, this.. this could KILL HIM!!

Golf Ball: I moved a Recovery Center nearby here, so if anything fatal were to happen, he'll be fine.

Test Tube: This is still inhumane!! I'm sorry, but I can't be apart of this!

Test Tube proceeds to storm down the stairs, Tennis Ball looking concerned in more ways than one, Golf Ball however is unphased as if she would've seen this coming.

Tennis Ball: Should I uh stop her? She could tell Vortex.

Golf Ball: There is a 27.63% percent chance that she break her sworn secrecy, And I rather not worry about it right this minute.


Black Hole is floating down the hall note in hand curious of who exactly would want to speak with him about what, just then before he heads out the door where the trap is set Test Tube is heard panting as she runs down the stairs and up to him.

Test Tube: VORTEX Vortex! *pant pant* oh I gotta run more *pant* You can't go out there!

Black Hole (Vortex): Huh? Why?

Test Tube: I uh.. I'm not allowed to say, but it's dangerous you could be killed. 

Black Hole: Your concern is accepted Test Tube, but in all honesty I've dealt with worse that I can't even say either, whatever is outside I think I might be able to handle it. 

Test Tube: That's very brave but... BUT-    I can't watch...

Black Hole heads outside just in place as Golf Ball wanted and looks around...

Golf Ball: Cut the rope!

Tennis Ball does as told and the weight falls 


Black Hole looks up to see something plummet over him and swiftly raises his hands up for impact. as the usually crushing weight lands over him Golf Ball and Tennis Ball peer over the roof, Test Tube uncovers one of her eyes and what is seen shocks the both of them beyond compare. Black Hole is still alive and carrying the weight over his head still "standing" firm but a little shaken but only from the surprise of something this large falling on him.

Test Tube: [stutters] O-o-o-h M-my Jeeeeb-bly weeezzzerr.. *faints*

Golf Ball and Tennis Ball were both jaw slacked at the insane results this experiment had brought them, but they regain their composer when they notice Black Hole flying up to the roof with the weight still in his hands.

Tennis Ball: Oh rackets, Oh rackets, he's coming this way what do we do!?


Golf Ball: Just hide!

The two balls jump into a hiding place just in time as Black Hole floats up with an upset look on his lack of face.

Black Hole: Alright who's the wise gu-!??

But much to his surprise no one was there to be seen, he looks around to notice the now straighten pole and cut rope and gently places the weight back on the roof and then flies back down.

Black Hole (Vortex): The others at Death P.A.C.T. have got to know this...

Golf Ball: That was waay to close... The purpose of this weight was to see just how long he could hold it off him before getting crushed, that's why I got the 9,042 KG, but I didn't expect him to be able to fully lift it off of him! 

Tennis Ball: Right? That's not your ordinary strength, that was super strength!

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: I would've added more to the chapter but maybe the next one. But jeez wasn't that mind blowing for the smarties? [at least Test Tube didn't shatter herself this time]  XD)

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