Detention's Tensions

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Tree's P.O.V:

The final bell has rung and everyone is heading home or to their afterschool job depending on the person, I take my bag and take the short drive to Inanimate Elementary after all I have a favor from my fallen star to do. After parking I step out and look around for Cherry Jr in the crowd of children running about to their parents or the school buses, soon enough I found him and called him over. 

Tree: Cherry Jr! Cherry Jr, hey over here!

Cherry Jr: Tree! *laugh*

The kid rushes over to me with glee.

Tree: I'm here to pick you up today.

Cherry Jr: What about Black Hole?

Tree: He.. got caught up with in something at school, he's gotta stay there for a while... But in the meantime you and I get to have some quality time together.

Cherry Jr: Okay.

Tree: Alright then hop in.

Black Hole's P.O.V:

I float over to the classroom my detention will occur and soon enough find it, upon opening the door I am met with the stares of other students in detention (this will certainly be fun...) avoiding eye contact and not making a word I sit down and face my desk ignoring the whispers of the other trouble makers.

Eraser: Well well well, look who's in the domain of delinquents. Not so much of a saint really are you? 

Black Hole: It's nothing like that Eraser, I'm only here because I misinterpreted instructions...

 Eraser: Uh-huh, sure ya did. 

Knife: Ignore him, what did you mess up so bad that you have detention?

Black Hole: I'll explain ONLY if you don't laugh.

Knife: I won't. (can't make promises though)

Black Hole: *sigh* I thought booting up the PC... meant kicking it.

Most of the other students hearing the conversation starting to laugh making me pull up my hood and pull the strings that make it close. It was then that Principal Announcer stops the ruckus.

Announcer: That's enough out of all of you!

Everyone goes silent as he looks over the classroom, I slowly pull my hood back down still embarrassed. 

Announcer: Now Black Hole, if you don't mind I would like to have a discussion with you about damage of school property.

Black Hole: Uhh ok..

Announcer: Excellent. Step outside with me for a moment.

I get off my seat and follow Principal Announcer out the classroom to his office.

Announcer: It is complementary that we have those who break our equipment pay for replacement, that being said I'll expect you to bring over a check  for the computer you destroyed.

Black Hole: Ok that seems fair, how much do I owe you?

Announcer: At least $700 will suffice.

Black Hole: Oooooh.... I'll see what my next paycheck gets me...

Announcer: Very well, I can wait. Just don't do this sort of thing again and we're good.

Tree's P.O.V:

Cherry Jr: You have an awful lot of books.

Tree: Yeah, one of my favorite things to do is read. Do you like reading Cherry Jr?

Cherry Jr: Maybe, not that much though.

Tree: I see. How would you like to help me with something, I'm about to audition for a play at the high school next week could you set up a pretend audience for me to practice my acting over?

Cherry Jr: Out of stuffed animals like on tv?

Tree: Mm-hm. I should have some stuffed animals from my childhood stored in the attic, I'll lower the ladder for you.

Cherry Jr: YAY! 

A few moments later the couch is taken over by plushies from when I was Junior's age, he sat in the very middle kicking his legs excitedly. I grab my book turn to a specific page and get into character.

Tree:  What lady is that, which doth enrich the hand Of yonder knight? O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope's ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows, As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows. The measure done, I'll watch her place of stand, And, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

After finishing my monologue I take a quick bow to my audience while Cherry Jr claps enthusiastically at my performance.

Cherry Jr: That was amazing! These guys really liked it too!

Tree: *chuckle* Thanks kiddo. 


Tree: Hm, wonder who that could be?

I go to answer my door and open it to see Black Hole standing in the fall rain.

Tree: Hello Black Hole.

Black Hole: Hey Tree, I came to pick up Cherry Jr. I knew you'd both be at your house since you texted me.

Tree: Yes of course come on in, probably best to stay while though. Until the pouring rain clears ups.

I step aside as he hovers inside with his clothes soaking wet, it's surprising how the weather drastically changed like this today. After closing the door I notice something a little off with him, he turns to see me starring curiously.

Black Hole: What?

Tree: Eh, something seems a little... different with you. Stand still for a bit.

I stand up close to him and take another close look.

Tree: Did you get taller?

Black Hole: Yeah... liquid matter pouring from the sky can do that, even with the hood up it barely did much good. But it's at least nothing too drastic, I can still fit in houses and I'm not hitting the ceiling. 

Cherry Jr: You're here!

Black Hole: Hey Cherry Jr, did you have fun with Tree?

Cherry Jr: Uh-huh, I helped him practice for the his play. He did great!

Black Hole: Oh really? Man, wish I was able to see it. 

Tree: Well then I'll gladly rehearse it for you my dear fallen star. Have a seat with our audience. 

~To be Continued~ 

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on Earthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن