Post trauma tensions

696 22 57

Normal P.O.V:

A portion of the gang have lunch together talking when they notice some people calling someone's name. 

Needle: Barf Bag! Where are you?

Tennis Ball: C'mon out already.

Bell: Hey guys, have you seen Barf Bag anywhere?

Pen: Not since what happened at Ruby's party no. 

Liy: Yeah sorry guys. 

Black Hole: She must be hiding out feeling bad about the outbreak she caused-

Tennis Ball: You were the one that suggested we use lava in the first place!

Black Hole: Do you think I WANTED that to happen? I was staying by my code of the-

Everyone- Death PACT: WE KNOW!!

Tree: Hey! Leave Black Hole alone!

Liy: Yeah, he didn't intend for the outbreak to happen either! We'll all form a search party for Barf Bag after school but until then however let's try not to play the blame game onto anybody else okay? 

Everyone who was up into Black Hole's face all walk away muttering with discontent. Black Hole slumped over the table with a defeated look to him that the others recognized.

Black Hole: *long sigh* Everyone else has been at my back about what had happened last year... 

Pen: That's just the nature of people Black Hole, when bad things happen the first instinct is to find someone to blame and latch to them like a blood sucking parasite, at least that's what my Dad tells me. 

Black Hole: They're right though, I caused all this to happen... I just wanted to prevent Barf Bag's death but instead so much more death happened. If I just let them kill her there wouldn't have been an outbreak at all. 

Lightning: *whispers* He's getting worse... 

Liy: Black Hole let me remind you of something, what does Death P.A.C.T. about?

Black Hole: Preventing death-

Liy: No, that's just the first half of the pact. This club formed to make sure Dream Island Academy remains a safer and more positive environment for everyone to learn and trust one another. 

Liy: Our mission is to do the best by people. I know you've been obsessing over the death part of it but we can't always stop death, It's just... a part of life. 

Black Hole remains silent and glances toward his friends before nodding agreement. 

Black Hole: I... I understand. 

P.A. System: Attention students of Dream Island Academy. An urgent assembly will be held at the Gym after school regarding a disastrous event that has happened in the past, everyone is to attend. When you are finished with your food and/or school work please come to the Gym. Again, please come to the Gym for an urgent assembly thank you. 

Liy: C'mon let's go. 

Everyone at the school cleaned up and made way for the gym, not silently though as students consistently had arguments and fights with each other that kept going even when the assembly began. 

Announcer: Ahem. Everyone settle down. 

Everyone: *still arguing* 

Two: EVERYONE! Cut this OUT, This is NOT the kind of thing we allow in this school! What's gotten into you all anyway?!

Eraser: Well uh, we did have an outbreak that almost ended the world-


Announcer: It has come to my attention that December of last year there was a disaster withing school grounds that affected many of you and even one of our staff. 

Pillow: Black Hole's fault! :)

Black Hole: PILLOW! D

Remote: WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON!? ):<



The whole Gym echoes with voices as everyone starts fighting again until the Principal silences them all with an airhorn. 


Announcer: I DON'T care HOW this outbreak happened or WHO'S fault it is! All I care about is the fighting that it has resulted in, not only does it affect the schools reputation but also your education. Professor Two here has constructed an after school activity that I'm drafting you all into to settle this. 

Two: Thank you Announcer. Like he said you guys shouldn't be fighting, you're all friends! That being said it's time for bonds to be reformed! And what better way than to help your friends FACE THEIR FEARS?!

Everyone: *surprised chattering*

Two: Here's how this exercise is going to work; everyone here is going to be set up into groups with each group I will be putting one member to sleep, and giving them a NIGHTMARE! As a team, your objective is to save your friend from their nightmare and find a way to escape from their head. Any questions before I start?

Paintbrush: Uh actually I have a question about-

Two: Okay GO! *snap*

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: I think you all know where this is going from here)

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz